mardi 8 mai 2018

Bottled bacteria why it may not be a good Idea

I started this thread to put out the reasons why it is not necessarily a good idea to use bottled bacteria to start a tank.
The manufacturers of these products on the most part sell them to "instantly" cycle a tank. They even passively push to cycle with fish if not out right saying, shake, pour add fish.
Below is a quote from a leading manufactures website.
"Remember fishless cycling takes a little longer than the traditional method of adding a few fish after you have added a bottle of One & Only to your tank. Either way is fine."
For some one with experience using these products will not pose much of a problem, however there are risks to people who simply want an instant salt water aquarium.
One product, highly regarded, has specific shelf life and extremes of temperature that it must be kept within. For people who order from their website they even have a cost extra option to ship the product in a climate control box (insulated).
The real danger in using them is that once they leave the manufacturer all bets are off as to how they are handled and stored.
I will give an example, the store does not exist, If one does by this name it is in no way related.

Plane Jane's Pets Inc. has hundreds of stores around the country. To get the product at the lowest price for them and make a good profit, they order 200 cases of the product from the manufacturer to be shipped to their warehouse.
The manufacturer fills the order and puts 200 cases in the back of a tractor trailer bound for Plane Jane's warehouse, some where in the Midwest to be make shipping to all of their stores cheaper. It is summer and a trailer is not the coolest of places with temperatures that can easily pass the maximum temperature of the product.
The trailer arrives at Plane Jane's where it can not be unloaded immediately. The product's temp remains elevated.
The product is removed and placed in the warehouse. While the temperature is not extremely high it still above normal room temperature.
Now the product sits a few months until it is ordered by one of Plane Jane's retail outlets.
Back in a truck back on the road and back to high temperatures.
Once at the store it sits in the store room and on the shelf 2 to 3 months before it is sold.
Someone buys the bottle which may be within it's 5 month shelf life but is ruined due to excess heat. The follow the instructions, shake, pour and add fish. What if a few fish anyway 3, 5. The dead bacteria can not remove the ammonia as it builds up and all the fish die.

Yes, this may be a worst case scenario but very possible and most like happening every day.
If you use a product like this don't expect it to make the tank "instantly" fish safe. Check for manufacture dates and expiration dates.

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