lundi 14 mai 2018

Is my Clownfish a serial killer?

I still have my original Ocellaris Clowfish (Volcano) from when I set up my 55g reef tank 10 years ago. I got him/her as a pair, but the partner departed this world a few years later. Volcano is the only fish I currently have in my tank.

On many occasions over the past 10 years, I have tried adding more community, reef-safe fish to my tank, costing several hundreds of dollars over the years. Unfortunately, every single time I've added fish, they have all "disappeared" within a couple weeks of being introduced. When I say disappeared, I quite literally mean they have vanished without a trace. Not all the fish all at once, but over the course of a couple weeks, all the fish start disappearing. I have never found remains (e.g. fish parts, bones, etc.) of the fish anywhere in my tank. They don't end up in my overflow, sump, or on the floor behind my tank.

When I added new fish to my tank in the past, my water parameters were always in line. So, I doubt that is was bad water that killed them off. Even if it was, I would have expected to find fishies floating around in my tank somewhere, but I have never seen remnants anywhere. Like I said, they all just "disappear".

The *ONLY* common theme with all these disappearances is that my Volcano is always the sole survivor. I never witnessed him/her attacking other fish when I added them, but yet, he's the only one left standing while all others have *poofed*!

So, do I have a serial killer for a Clownfish?! I have vowed to never waste any more money adding fish to my tank again until after Volcano has run up the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This saddens me, because I would like to have several fish swimming around in my tank adding motion and additional interest. But, alas, Volcano persists! For 10+ freaking years! How does this little guy keep plugging along for so long?!

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