dimanche 6 mai 2018

Ammonia spike when adding live stock

So last night I went and picked up a 6 line wrasse and a mandarin (hindsight says this was a poor choice) for my 125 gallon tank. I currently have a damsel and lawnmower blenny and a foxface lo. The tank has been cycled for 3 weeks I've been checking ammonia weekly because I'm paranoid and it's such a young tank frankly, I don't want to lose any fish. I added the wrasse and mandarin after drip acclimating them for about an hour. I fed the tank mysis shrimp to try and help comfort them. They seemed fine however, the damsel did chase the 6 line and mandarin off so I'm planning on getting him into another tank. Anyway, this morning I found the mandarin dead. I checked the water I had .25ppm ammonia, 0 nitrites, and 10ppm nitrates. I'm assuming that the added fish and feeding was just too much for my tank to handle? I forgot to mention I also added a handful of Cheto to my refugium. I'm also under the assumption that the .25ppm ammonia is what killed the mandarin. Although, he did seem a little too willing to get caught at the LFS. Part of me is thinking he was sick but then I could just be trying to blame the fish store for my poor judgement and adding too much too quickly. I've read in other threads that this can happen. I added a cap full of prime to protect the other fish.

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