jeudi 31 mai 2018

Missing fish

This could be a dumb question but I have a bi color angel fish. Yesterday he was fine swimming around he ate fine no sign of stress or anything. I haven't seen him today at all. He has a little slot in the back off my live rock that he would always swim in (like a cave) normally when I didn't see him it was because he was in there but he always made an appearance through out the day. Is it possible he got himself stuck in there. My parameters are 8.2 ph, .5 ammonia, .5 nitrite, and 10 ppm nitrate. It's a 30 gallon fish only tank. I don't think my parameters killed him because they are actually lower than when I normally test the water my ph is always 8.2 but my ammonia is normally around 2 or more ppm my nitrite is normally around 2ppm and my nitrate is normally 40ppm. I just got a ro/di system and did about a 20% water change using that about a week ago and started feeding them a little less because I think I was over feeding. I just don't know what happened or where he could be and to check the rock would be a lot of moving other rock. Any ideas?

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