lundi 21 mai 2018

HELP!!! my mandarin dragonet has blisters!!!

Hi, i’m really looking for some help with this beautiful fish. i put him in and the first 24hrs he was fine. But i saw him a day ago and he started forming clear bubble/Blisters on his skin and today he is breathing rapidly. I have no ammonia or history of any disease in the tank.

tank specs: 20 gallon truvu with 2 black ocellarus clowns, pearly jawfish, purple firefish and a tiger pistol shrimp.

ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrates: 15
phosphates: 0.05
ph: 8.2
alk: 9
mag: 1500
salt: 1.025
temp: 78

I am running a small protein skimmer and the light is a kessel A360W.

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