mardi 31 octobre 2017

Seahorse tank 3 - Hippocampus Reidi

Size - 29g

Age - less than 1 year

Filtration / equipment - 20 lbs pre-cycled rock, HOB skimmer, HOB filter rated 40g and containing marinepure balls-floss-sponge, macro algae, miracle mud topped with sand, internal filter used as powerhead

Fish - 2 hippocampus reidi

Inverts - Snails that don't eat macros only (no need for pepps when I quarantine EVERYTHING to avoid aptasia and other hitchhikers).

This tank was set up to test the efficiency of macro algaes as a main filtration method. So far, so good :). I test all of my tanks weekly, or if I see signs of any issues. I also plan to breed the beautiful seahorses :)

Seahorse tank 2 - Barbouri

Size - 36g barbouri tank

Light - Basic overhead

Age - less than 1 year

Filtration/equipment - 50 lbs rock from billy hay, pre-cycled by me. HOB filter with floss, and canister filter with marinepure balls, sponge, and floss. HOB skimmer, small powerhead aimed at the floor, to keep debri from settling, fake plants.

Inverts - snails only

Fish - 2 hippocampus barbouri from Seahorse Source.

Barbouri are my favorite seahorses to date. This tank was set up as an experiment, so that I could help people who keep seahorses, but cannot add a sump to their tank. I wanted to experience the difficulties, so that I could teach people how to overcome them. I now hate canisters, lol. But, I'm continuing the tank to breed the seahorses :).

Seahorse Tank 1 - Erectus display

Size - 65g macro algae display

Light - SBreef plant light

Age - 3 years

Filtration - I had rock made for this tank, shaped into branches and beauty. I added some dry rock from Billy Hay and cycled prior to adding fish. Macro algae in the display and an algae scrubber in the sump on reverse light cycle (seahorses are dirty!!!!). The sump also has an ASM mini-g skimmer.

Equipment - 2 RW4s, dcs 5000 pump, UV sterilizer, SBreef plant light, personalized algae scrubber made by Ronald Chinners, and ASM mini-g skimmer

Fish - 2 hybrid and 6 erectus seahorses measuring from 6-12". (this is not advised to anyone starting out. These seahorses are moved to separate tanks while breeding, and I use a lot of macro power to keep ammonia at bay).

Inverts - Snails that do not eat macros, and peppermint shrimp.

My erectus display is my "Seahorse Paradise". I adore this tank.:nuts:

55g reef tank

Type - 55g mixed reef tank
Light - SBreeflight
Age - 5 years
Filtration - 70 lbs rock I cycled myself, refugium with multiple macros, Eshopps sump skimmer.
Equipment - Eshopps 75g skimmer, DCS5000 pump, 2 rw8s, auto top off
Daily Dosing - Seachem Fusion 1&2, Vodka
Weekly (or as needed based on testing) Dosing - Brightwell potassium, iron and acropower
Refugium - miracle mud topped with sand and macro algae
Fish - 2 clowns, Fiji devil, 6-line wrasse, coris wrasse,
Inverts - cleaner shrimp, snails of every kind, emerald crab, peppermint shrimp

My 55g tank is a mixed reef with everything from mushrooms to sps. I battled dinoflagellates in the beginning and won, and now have a pretty maintenance free system. The autotop off takes care of keeping my salinity in check, and I haven't done a water change in over a year. An SBreeflight keeps my pretties happy, and I feed Rod's food twice a day.

Seahorse Whisperer

Hi all! I'm new to the forum, but not the scene :). I've been reefing for 5 years, keeping seahorses for 4, and breeding for 3. In addition to keeping 9 systems currently, I also make youtube videos under the handle "Seahorse Whisperer" to help new seahorse owners with any problems. I also cover macro algae care and a little reefing too!

My blog is on WordPress as Seahorse Whisperer, and I admin a facebook group called "seahorse keeping made fun". my mission is to help everyone understand that seahorses are not as difficult as people think! I also love to learn from fellow reefers, so I'm thrilled to have found a new forum. I'm excited to get to know all of you!

Looking for Tropic Eden Substrate

I am setting up my new SC Aquarium that was custom built. I had the factory custom drill my tank so I can installed a 20'' Synergy external overflow box for my prt of my filtration.

I AM IN THE MARKET FOR - Tropic Eden Tonga Messoflakes or Tonga MiniReefflakes but can't locate anyone that sells it on the market. Let me know, looking for 30lb bags.

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So confused about LED Lights


I have done lots of reading about lighting for my 10 gal nano tank and I'm just as confused as when I started. All I want is the proper lighting for healthy corals and growth, as well as to enhance the beauty of the corals.

My questions are as follows:
1-How much lighting do I need and how is it measured (watts or lumens)?
2-What should the color temp be (Kelvin right). I know that I will need different LED's to achieve this, but how much of what should I get? I read about guys adding royal blue, reds, lime green etc. and I don't get it. Shouldn't a full spectrum 10K source be enough? Or how about 20K?


Spooktacular Specials Ending @ Midnight!

Spooktacular Specials Ending @ Midnight!

Happy Halloween from the Marine Depot Team!

Last tank

So just kinda getting some thoughts together, and seeing what I want. I plan to get a 125 as my big but last tank. However, I don't want just any tank. I love long and semi-shallow tanks! Yet, I do not want to go over 125. My goal is to get a custom made tank that is 18" x 18" x 8'. About 125 gallons, and I prefer the smaller width and height, and gain in length. Ooorrrr. I could go with a 12"x 12" x 12' which is still 125 gallons, but is incredibly long which I love! But, the 12 inch depth and width makes aquascaping quite tight. What are your thoughts?

NEW VID & Chance to WIN: Tropic Eden Refractometer

In this video we are going to take a look at salinity and how to measure salinity in your fish only, fish only with live rock, or full reef aquarium. We will also do a quick unboxing and calibration of the Tropic Eden True Seawater Refractometer. We also talk about best practices concerning refractometers. We are giving one of these away so SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, and COMMENT to enter!

Tropic Eden Refractometer:
Refractometer Calibration Fluid:
Visit Premium Aquatics:

Happy birthday to bud217 on 10/31!

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing......


TRTI Tuesday

Morning everyone.

Coffee is on, but I am going to try to go back to sleep.

Vermont really got pounded by that storm the other day. Lots of trees are down.

Still trying to wrap up the project here. Hopefully it will be this week.

Enjoy your Tuesday:beer:

lundi 30 octobre 2017

Brittle Stars Eating Live Rock

Hi all! I am very new to this website but I am very excited to start posting and getting other peoples opinions! Not to long after Hurricane Irma I saved some brittle stars off a sponge that washed up on shore. After keeping them in my small tank for a bit I added them into my larger tank which has live rock. Apparently, I found some burrowers because I haven't seen them come out at all and they are eating the crap out of my live rock! If anyone has any advice on how to get them to stop and or how to remove them from the tank I would greatly appreciate it!

MD Interviews Bryan of Santa Monica Filtration

MD Interviews Bryan of Santa Monica Filtration

For the past decade, Bryan from Santa Monica Filtration has been perfecting his algae turf scrubbers so hobbyists can achieve natural macroalgal filtration like you’ll find in the world’s oceans, rivers, and lakes.

Spooktacular Savings - 15% OFF Storewide

Aptasia versus Joes Juice versus Wand versus Peppermint Shrimp, ugh

Some time ago I bought a very nice Finger Leather and love it...but it came with Aiptasia. I have been trying to kill them off ever since and they just keep coming back.

I have been using AiptasiaX and have considered peppermint shrimp but heard there is no guarantee that they will eat them. Also hear some butterfly like them but again no guarantee...

Can anybody tell me of your use of other items like Joes Juice or a wand or other? Your input appreciated.

I have been killing at least 5 to 7 weekly, sometimes daily, as I can find them :help:

Happy birthday to Junkzoo on 10/30!

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing.......


A drying out Monday

Good *orning to all our TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY *ONDAY! Rains will be clearing out this *orning leaving us a day with the WINDS drying us out. Had heavy rains at ti*es yesterday, but not the 'biblical' stuff THEY were forecasting. Gave us an opportunity for a day filled with board ga*es and *ovies and laps for the dogs to snuggle on. Cream of wheat to go with our coffee this *orning to light the ole fires. Will be a pumpkin carving night when I get ho*e fro* work......spent so*e ti*e exploring options for our creations, but still being tossed around. FANTASTIC job you and Chris did George by the way. Hope all the best for all, and be SAFE,

Hey all, Reef Newb here :-)

Hey guys n girls of cause, I'm from Australia and a reef tank Newb.

Im at the veery beginning of the process of converting my fresh water tank into a reef aquarium. i'm trying to do this very slowly and without too many hiccups (fingers crossed) :)

my current tank is 4 foot x 1.5 foot x 1.5 foot and roughly 66 gallons.

I'm pretty much hoping to learn lots and pick all your brains a bit so thanks for having me :beer:

dimanche 29 octobre 2017

Orbit marine led on 20 gallon high-fading zoas

I recently purchased a current Usa marine led light fixture for my nano tank. It looks great with lots of neat features. The timer is somewhat confusing though. The no am or pm is really screwy if you ask me. Anyhow since I've got it my zoas have been fading and shrinking Now there spitting out brown drops of something. I'm worried that my light isn't good enough. Anyone have any experience with this product and corals ?

Length of time your skimmer is on

Hi all I just upgraded from 180ltr to 1000ltr.Im wondering how long each day i should run my skimmer.Its an Aqua medic Turboflotor 5000 compact.I was thinking 3 hours through the night each day?

Caulerpa Control suggestions needed

I have a 32g Biocube that has been established for 14 months. All my test readings are perfect, but I apparently took in some Caulerpa on a frogspawn piece from my lfs. I thought it pretty at first, but now there's enough to make a good size salad out of. I've been pulling it out for about a month now, but it grows back extremely fast. I'm new at reef systems and could use some advice.

Current USA Orbit IC Led vs Zetlight Ufo ( or zetlight in general )

Hi , I´m looking to buy an Led Light for my Aquarium , and i researched some info and i ended up whit two light brands . One is Current USA and the other is Zetlight , the Current Usa is the Orbit IC Led and the Zetlight is the Ufo or most of the brand lights in general .
I Saw that Zetlight Flashes or Lightning iskinda like a " flashbang " flash and it´s just does the flash(storm) mode in the same place. Like the Current , not , Current USA Orbit IC Led , this one´s flash looks like a real lightning bolt for me ( Zetlight aswell but it´s so much brighter that way looks like a flashbang) ; And this one , the " flashes " show up in random places , that way simulating more the natural environment . And Current got more Monnlight Duration ( the blue light simulating moonlight) then the zetlight , aswell it has more effects .
This is My Opinion . What About Yours , about these two different lights ? Which Light Should be Best for an Cubic Aquarium since both lights got sizes that fit in my aquarium.

Here are Two Vida if you Guys Wanna Compare .

Zetlight :

Current USA :

Waiting for your Opinions.:blob:

From Cyano outbreak to hair algae.

Like the post states I've concurred the cyano outbreak between switching bulb and treating. Now that the cyano is gone I've had hair algae beginning to taking over. About to run some test to check my levels. I use a 5 stage rodi system so my water should be relatively clean of inpureties.

RedFisher tank specs

So my tank specs here what I have tank being 1 year old in 14 months old. Standard 55 gallon tank with 20 gallon long sump. 4 bulb HOT5 lighting. I use dual rectanglur filter socks and have a Reef octopus 160XS protein skimmer. I have a mix of about 50lbs of live rock in the tank and 80lbs of white Caribbean sand. Live stock is 1 percula clown, 1 black clown, 1 yellow clown goby, 1 sapphire damsel,1 yellow tang, 1 hippo tang, 5 small red legged hermits crabs and 4 Nassarius snails. Corals are pulsing Xenia, Kenya tree, green birds nest, a colony of green start polyps. Pest are bristle worms and Manjo anemones.

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Hi all ive kept marine aquariums for two years and still learning.Ive just upgraded to a 1000ltr aquarium and looking forward to adding unusual fish and corals.

A stay inside Sunday

Top of the morning to all our TRT Friends, and....HAPPY SUNDAY! Definitely a day to be on the inside of the windows looking out rather than out looking in. As Cath would say, 'A real frog strangler'. Calling for 3-5" of rain delivered with high winds heading our way come 9'ish this morning, lasting into tomorrow morning. A great day to roll over and give the ole alarm clock a toss against the wall and claim self defense, and go back to sawing logs. ME? Blasted built in alarm clock...... There be a big ole country feast for breakfast, LATTER this morning......Fried Cackle Fruit, thick sliced Hickory bacon, home fries w/onions of course, AND Buttermilk pancakes to go with our coffee. COFFEE IS READY! Today is easy.......whatever fun we're looking to have today is HERE inside these four walls somewhere. Hope all are safe and sound and have an incredible day at hand, and all the best,

36 gallon stocking (remodel)

So I have done a remodel of my reef tank (36g bowfront) and that also includes redoing the stocking.

I'm thinking of keeping my pair of clowns, then going with a few more fish. So far i'm thinking:

2 ocellaris clowns
2 blue/green chromis (or two bangai cardinals)
1 midas blenny (or yellowhead jawfish)
1 royal gramma

Let me know what you guys think.

samedi 28 octobre 2017

Condy anemone

Anyone interested in a condy anemone? I picked it up but it with stay still in my tank. It has burned one to many frags and was moved to the sump. It is not a white like normal. It is green with the purple tips.

Yellow tang getting brown spot

My new small yellow team has been in quarantine for about two weeks I am treating the tank with Cupermine as my blue tang has ich. today I noticed brown spots all around the eye and elsewhere on my yellow tang I don?t think there?s other meds I can mix with Cupermine to help treat this Fish although I did Add melafix I don?t know if that was good or not to do

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Saturday before the storm

Good morning to all our TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY SATURDAY! Looks like a beautiful fall day. sunny and near 70.....BUT, tomorrow is suppose to be biblical! 3-5" of rain and high winds. Looks like it will be a soggy stroll through the corn maze. May have to pass on that. Well of course with a house full of sleeping, sorta, children strewn about and it being Saturday and all.....there must be DUNKIN DONUTS to go with our coffee this morning! Turned slow perhaps today again at the boatyard......busted our butts yesterday for that to be possible. So if'n no phone calls, with any luck will be looking at a 1/2 day today. CORN MAZE! And of course we'll be heading out in search of the perfect pumpkins to carve. Got our tank maintenance done the other day, so that frees me up for FUN! Hope all have some supper cool stuff ahead for their days, and all the best,

vendredi 27 octobre 2017

Old heater

My friend bought this for me from good will

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Confusion at the LFS/ Anenomone Id

So wher I live in MO we have a petsway and a petco. So I buy a yellow clown goby at one and an watchman goby at the other. They look similar with slight color variations. But I figure that there boath young and yellow and hey surely these guys know what there talking about. However these fish are out and about today and I'm pretty sure they're boath watchman gobys. They boath have blue polka dots on them and look identical.So will they change sexes like a clownfish or do I need to get rid of one. Also I was sold a retteri anemone that supposedly don't move much and will host my clownfish. However it's been wandering around my tank all night. So if anyone has a positive id that would be great. It's translucent neon green. Thanks!

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LIVE! at Reef-A-Palooza California 2017

Reef-A-Palooza California 2017 Interviews

See new gear from Neptune Systems, Maxspect, and Klir Filter plus meet the man behind Melev's Reef!

Jebao Wavemakers

Hi all, I am looking to buy an ecnomical wavemaker and I am looking at the Jebao series. Does anyone know which one is the most recent one released? I see majority that are out there right now is the RW and SW series. Can anyone tell me which one is newer and what the differences are?


Fly home Friday

Morning all. Headed to Burlington MA last night and got treated like royalty at a former local haunt. Slept at a swanky hotel instead of on the concrete this time.

Had an idiot manager onsite that made two different clients almost cry. Had a lot of cleanup to do. It will be therapeutic to go home and blow leaves.

Avoiding Newark at all costs, well until Monday when I fly into Burlington, Vermont.

Coffee is on.

jeudi 26 octobre 2017

NEW Rossmont Riser Pump + $24.99 Eheim Feeder

Problems with BHA...

Hey guys and its been forever since I posted on here...quick story. Sorry for the long post...if you think its too long please keep ur negative comments to urself, thank you. Trying to provide details to actually save from un needed questions.
I have a 90 gallon reef tank...its about 2 years old...I'd say overall I'v had good success with it. My fish have all flourished minus one or two compatibility issues in the past. Anyways...all my inverts have done mostly well...I have kept a blue linka for about a year and a shrimp...coco worm, although on just died recently that I had for a pretty good while. over a year. So here is my problem.
When I first got the tank I ran GFO...and a UV sterilizer...well I was trying to beat up on the nitrates so I abounded the GFO for a bio pellet reactor. While I used the GFO I had like zero algae problems...but it seemed my nitrates would rise about 5PPM a week or so. So I got the a proper size and properly dosed bio pellet reactor and it going. Its a reef octopus one I bought from BRS...I use BRS pellets...and I run it on just enough pressure to slights tumble from what I can see ALL the media. So its not IMO too much power or not enough, based on the videos I'v watched from ppl who own them. I also have the output bio pellet line right in front of the input of the protein skimmer pump...
I have had the reactor going about 9 months now or so...maybe longer...and the media has really not been used up at ALL! Its came down a tad but clearly its not being used like it should. I even used a bacterial booster at first and added drops in every so often with a water change! Nothing...the nitrates don't really seem to drop at all...they just don't rise as fast...maybe more pellets load?
So I have this...I assume brown algae now for about the past oooo I'd say year or slightly less. It started about 3 or 4 weeks after the GFO was removed. I assume my rocks are leaching phosphates...I use salferit phosphate test kit...and red sea for other stuff...and salferit nitrate kit. I'v tried diff kits with the same results. My phosphate is at zero. My nitrates seem to stay between 4 and I'd say 8 on the high end consistently. If I do a 30 gallon change every 2 weeks it pulls them down about give you an idea. I feel like I have to do a rather large water change to make a dint as well.
I run 2 sicce voyager 1400 GPH pumps so I feel like my flow is good...I blow of my rocks when I can...not every day...but at least once every 2 weeks when I do a water change. I will say that I can blow off a rock 1 day...come back to that rocks and there is sediment flying all over the next day as if I never really blew it off much. With the power tank is kinda like a cube...AND 24" I have the 2 power heads on the back sides of the glass and pointing slightly I don't know if that maybe hurts me and pushes the sentiment down when I blow it off the rocks...
I also run a 18watt emperor aquatics UV sterilizer about 9 hours a day...I have a ICE CAP coral vue sump, and skin mate is a nice thick dark brown I feel that's a plus. I feed frozen foods, once a day...I don't feel I really over fed...I have 7 fish...all small the biggest one being a tomini tang.
I feel that my rock is leaching was bought from a buddy of mine when I first got the tank...I used about half of it to do my tank and the rest I bought from a LFS. I guess my question is...will the rock ever stop leaching phosphates...and if so can this take a couple of years? And should I start to run GFO again...and WHY is the bio pellets not being effective after all this time as well? My corals seem to have good color and polyp extension...but they don't grow very fast. I have a group of purple mushrooms that grows pretty decent...a hammer that barely grows, good color...a Duncan that does very well and grows nicely...some glove polyps that do well...and modern coral that does awesome! A alien eye chalice that does well and grows slowly...
All my corals have good colors, I have SPS LPS and softies...they just grow so slowly...I feed aqua vitro fuel...and reef chili sometimes which they love...but it seems to not make a big difference.
As far as lighting...I run 2 kessil 360 tuna blues...I cant remember exactly, there on a 10 hour day cycle...I think...first 2 hours is like 10%, then 35 maybe...and I know the two middle cycles for peak are 55% and 70% I believe and it backs down...on a controller from Kessil...I don't think its the lighting...I do grow coralline algae...on the back glass and other places...but bc of my canopy my lights I think sit lower than they should so the coralline only travels like mid way up my glass and wont grow beyond that, my lights sit to low I believe.

Algae on my back glass and rocks

Have had this for a few weeks now. Clean it off and it returns. Any idea what it us and how to fix the issue? 65 gallon red sea max c250

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Coral growing on coral?

So I have been having placement issues with my new Leather coral, party because I have aiptasia in my tank right now and I haven?t gotten my hands on peppermint shrimp yet. Anyway, I was looking at the leather today and say some star like coral popping out from underneath it...? What kind of coral is this (if it is a coral) and if it is a coral, what can I do to keep it? I don?t have any of whatever it is in my tank so maybe I got lucky and got an extra coral?

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Fish are Smarter than we are

Why do I say that fish are smarter than us? Well think about it, we as 2 legged beings can go forward, backward and from side to side. Fish can do that too, but they can also go up and down, and they can do that just by thinking about it and barely moving a fin. If we get up in the middle of the night because we hear a noise or whatever the reason, we would run into walls, doors, windows and the lucky few of us may run into a beautiful cat burgler. But a fish would not run (or swim) into anything. Why? Because they have a lateral line that lets them know what is around them even in pitch darkness. Ever wonder why you could never catch a fish by chasing it with a net? If someone ran after you with a net, I bet they would catch you.
Everybody here who has a lateral line raise your hand, Higher. Thats what I thought.

Have you ever gone fishing, and you sit there all day putting worms on a hook and you don't get one bite? Then you get disquested and throw the rest of your worms in the water thinking that all the fish must have gone to a Myley Cyrus concert only to see 47 fish come up to devour all the worms you just dumped in. It happens all the time. They know there is a hook in there. But how?

Fish can do something else that "most" of us can't do. They can change sex. Then, if they get bored, they can change back. If we do that, it is very painful, (I would imagine) only works one time, is very expensive and leaves scars, (I think anyway, not that I know anything about that or am judging anyone)
I have some fireclown fish, well I had one for a long time and I decided to get another one.
That first one was either male or female, I have no idea, But then again I rode the Long Island Railroad for 40 years and many times I wasn't sure if I was next to a man, woman or duck billed platypus because I don't really pay attention, but I digress. This fireclown sat there in a broken bottle for years and just looked out the glass at me. He (or she)kept guard over a nest and he would keep it neat, blow away detritus along with arrow crab poop. And there wasn't even another fireclown for, Oh I don't know 15 miles (I am guessing) Then one day I added another fireclown and they both fought. I don't know if they both thought of themselves as boys, girls or politicians, but then after a few years they started becoming friends, then they were more then friends if you know what I mean. So one of them became a female. (I could tell by her eyelashes and she started to smell better) Now I don't know what posessed that one to change into a female but I do remember walking in front of the tank in my underwear, I don't know if that would have caused the transformation, my wife just tells me to get away from the front of the TV.

So fish are not as stupid as we think. If you had no thumbs to hold a pencil, how well do you think you would do on standardized tests?
Remember we spend thousands of dollars on fish, then spend more thousands on rocks, then spend hundreds on medications, test kits, books etc. Then we spend $12.00 for tiny cubes of clam or mysis to feed them. What did a fish ever do for you? Nothing right! Except die, jump out or get ich, Pop Eye or swim bladder disease.

Fish can do many things that we can't do. If we put some food in the tank, they will find it right away, I can't even find anything my wife puts in the refrigerator.
If a fish loses an eye, he barely notices and goes about his life as if he just had Lazac surgery. They get along fine just by relying on their lateral line. Fish don't even have to sleep, if we go like 3 days with out sleep we start hallucinating about Paris Hilton's dog or worse, but if you leave the lights on, a fish will just stay awake and, Oh I don't know, think about changing sex.
Another wierd thing about fish is that tropical fish for the most part are beautifully colored, why is that? Is it to attract a mate? to scare predators? to look good in magazines? No. Why? because where fish live the only color you can see is blue. If you decend down in the ocean about 40' everything becomes blue because blue is the only color of the spectrum that gets through that much water. (It is either 30' 40' or something like that, I am a diver but I never take a rueller with me and I forgot the depth that colors disappear, work with me here)
So all fish appear blue in the sea. A copperband butterfly would be blue with darker blue bands, and red appears black. (I got a moray eel story with blood and all so if you didn't hear it, remind me) So their color is a mystery. The fish probably know why they have those colors but no one else does. Yes, I realize some people think they know, but trust me, They don't, and some people think they know everything.
Also while we are seriously thinking about this, why do fish from temperate (or cold water) have drab colors?
Ever see a bright red or blue flounder with yellow stripes? I didn't think so, but why not? I don't know, but I bet you never thought about it. I did. Think about it, people from tropical countries are not bright purple, yellow and blue, but tropical fish are. People from New York, Alaska and Greenland are the same colors as people from every where else. Why are fish so special?
Why are there no copperband butterflies in Florida? You would think with all the bilge water from ships some of them would get here as invasive species. But no, what do we get for invasive species? Snakeheads that eat everything imaginable, carp, that invaded every river, stream, brook, lake, sink, bathtub and coffee pot everywhere in the world. Those things could live on a damp sponge. Zebra mussles that clog pipes and taste like snot, Japanese shore crabs that snuck into every square inch of coastline on the eastern US, and lionfish that are eating all the small native fish. So why can't we get invasive copperband butterflies, square anthias, sailfin tangs, bangai cardinals, mandarins, ruby red dragonettes or if they will bring back Star Trek?
This is just one more thing I don't know. There is a whole plethora of things I don't know. An unimaginal vast expanse of knowledge I don't possess. I mean we could go on about what is at the end of the universe and we would all have different opinions, sort of like ich threads. I think at the end of the universe is a brick wall with tar paper on top of it, and beyond that are strawberry fields forever. Prove me wrong.

I guess we should save some room for your thoughts and then we could start on why invertabrates are smarter than we are. Well, smarter than "some" of us anyway.

Happy birthday to Syndicate24 on 10/26!

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing.......


Yep, Thursday!

Top of the morning to all our TRT Friends, and...HAPPY THURSDAY! Nice hot scrambled egg sandwiches to go with our coffee for an eye opener. 58 for a high today around here....turning seasonable finally. Had a 'project' boat we/I worked on since early summer.......replaced an engine and 2 transmissions, all from the factory. Our end went quickly, but spent a long time waiting for stuff. Finally got it in the water last week and tied up. Factory rep's showed up yesterday and did start ups and a sea trial........determination? One of the engines has a wrong ratio transmission attached. Got to pull it back out of the boat and WAIT AGAIN! This time of the year both slips and land space are at a premium......can't afford to have either tied up. Boss is hopping! Oh, and then again he's leaving again probably Sunday for Maine for all of November! :rolleyes: Life is good! Hope all are doing well above well, and all the best,

Help with Crab ID

Hi guys,

First post here and very new to reef tanks and marine in general.

I've had my tank set up for about a month now, have about 100lb of live rock, 2 Turbo Snails, 12 Nas Snails, 1 Cleaner Shrimp, 1 Peppermint Shrimp, 1 Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp and some Hermit Crabs in there. Last night I was having a look around the tank and I saw a crab on a piece of my rock. Before I could get a picture, it had scuttled off somewhere.

I decided to go check my tank late last night after the lights had been off for a few hours and sure enough, there it was. Tried to pluck it out with some long tweezers but it got away. I saw what rock it got on to, and decided to take it out of the tank. Luckily it was still on the rock so I got it out.

I've noticed over the past week or so that some of my hermits seem to have gone missing, so I'm wondering if this crab might be responsible?

I've tried IDing looking at several pictures but I can't find a crab that looks like it. Hopefully someone here can help!

Thanks for the help guys!

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mercredi 25 octobre 2017

NEW @ MD: Algae Scrubbers from Santa Monica Filtration

NEW @ MD: Algae Scrubbers from Santa Monica Filtration

Grow and harvest algae to remove nutrients or cultivate for feeding!

Need help choosing an algae scrubber? Just ask! We've got one to fit just about every tank.

new to reefing and have a couple questions

I am going to be doing a 60 gal cube and i want to use a Euro deer head

mount, skull and antlers only, as the center piece and have coral grow on the

skull, with maybe a couple scorpion fish or frogfish so they can perch on the

antlers. i haven't been able to find too much info on this subject and was

looking for advice on some types of coral that would latch on the skull and

antlers well and or if this idea is possible.

any suggest would be great


Fish keep dying.

Newbie help please! I have a 60 gallon reef tank and have had great success with the corals but can't seem to keep fish. Its been up for 4 months and the water is testing perfectly at home and at my LFS. The first round of fish seemed to do fine (2 clowns and a tang) and all at once they all died. Did a series of water changes and started stocking the tank over a couple weeks again (tang, 2 clowns again). They were fine again for 3 weeks and 2 died, followed by the last one 2 weeks later. The corals are looking good, and the snails, crabs and shrimp are fine (all from the original setup). The tang did look like he may have had ick (he developed white spots right before he died, had labored breathing), so I'm treating the water daily for that now.

I do bi-weekly water changes of 10 gallons (red sea water from LFS), topping off with grocery store bought distilled water. Hang on the back filter, heater, LED lights on a timer. Water temp is at 79.

Any help/ideas would be much appreciated!!!


Plan on moving but what do I do about my 40 gal tank!!

Return pump for my 75 gallon reef tank

My 75 gallon return pump (Danner Mag 7) is making noise and I just ordered a Eheim 1262 (900gph) on Amazon. I initially wanted to purchase Eheim 1260(700gph) but the price on the 2 day shipping was $157 and they had the 1262 2 day shipping for $128 Now I am having second thoughts since I am thinking that it could be too much flow. I have a 20 gal sump filled half way so it has 10 gallons in it making total water column 85 gallons. Should I be worried?

Going to do a blackout

So. I have a 40B with 20L sump with a skimmer. Currently stocking a clown pair and a CB.

Dinoflagellates have gown from a little spot, to a small rock, to all rockwork. I took out what little coral I had (toadstool, zoas, acan, and GSP) and moved them to my frag tank. But not before dipping the rock (frag rock, less then a few inches only) they where on in freshwater to kill off any dino - dont think it had any but just in case. So tank only has a few hermits, and 3 fish.

I want to nip this in the but, and take the most direct route possible. It may take some time I understand, but it will be worth it.

From what I have gathered, a total blackout of 2 weeks will completely remove any dino - any likely any algae for that matter.

So here is my questions.

Is 2 weeks enough, or to much?

Will this for sure eliminate the issue? I know any method is never 100%, but something close would be nice lol

Will the fish be ok without light for 2 weeks?

I know they will be ok for a few days, maybe even a week. But 2? Never done that.

Thoughts? Am I crazy?

I know it may be "extreme", but I've read far to many stories of ppl pulling their hair out. So while I can, I'd like too eliminate the issue fairly quickly.


Good morning to all our TRT Friends, and....HAPPY WEDNESDAY! Was a soggy windy day at the shore yesterday, and got to spend most of the day at work. Today is drier and cooler, only mid 60's. Got the first offering of Cream of Wheat of the season to go with our coffee this morning for starters. Hope all have a great day ahead, and all the best,

mardi 24 octobre 2017

50+ products on Clearance

DON’T forget to check these deals out!

Refugium lighting help!

Hey Y'all!

40B with 20L sump. Sump consists of a skimmer, and 2/3 full of LR. Had a Cyano outbreak a while ago, likely from using contaminated LR. Used Chemiclean, worked great! No more Cyano! But now I have a decent dinoflagellates outbreak. Likely because i did not have a skimmer at the time of the cyano outbreak, and was not able to remove all of the leftover gunk from that; and or the fact that I had to take all the rock out to catch a mean damsel and some die off fueled the dino. Lesson learned. Now I have a skimmer, and am trying the chemiclean again.

Here's the lighting issue though. My black box provides a few spots of very high lighting on the rock, which is where the dino is growing. My light in the sump/refugium is not nearly as powerful as the black box, so there is no competing. I figure if the sump light is ridiculously bright, then I can get any algae (hopefully macro soon) to grow in there, rather then the DT. Anything growing will go toward the best light source.

So. Is my thinking correct? Anyone know of a black box similar, or just overly powerful light for a refugium?

Thanks in advance!

I?m at a loss

I just got into this hobby of reef aquariums. My family has done it for years. All my fish just suddenly died this morning and I?m confused, and a little blacked out. I need some help.

I have a Coralife LED Biocube 32 with no modifications. I started this tank with boxed saltwater, bacteria coated live rock, and Fritz Turbo Start. I cycled the tank with a Green Chromis and some hermit crabs and snails. After the nitrogen cycle had completed I got a pair of clowns and a few corals and an anemone. They were fine for a couple days but then this morning the fish all dropped dead. I could only find two bodies.

I am a chemist by trade. I have been testing the water meticulously for pH, ammonia, hardness, nitrites and nitrates. Specific gravity is at 1.026. Ammonia has been at 0ppm since the addition of the fish. pH has been a battle constantly. It?s always hovered around 7.8, but I was using Seachem OH Balance to bring it back up one dose every 12 hours.

Last night I spoke with a guy from the LFS who advised me to stop chasing pH and worry about hardness. So I stopped chasing the pH yesterday evening and this morning all this happened. pH was at 7.4 but I was led to believe this would not be a problem and I would just drive myself crazy chasing it. What am I doing wrong? If I need to provide more information, please let me know and I will do my best.

Well I can't take it anymore....

So after a good bit of time being dormant and licking my wounds from taking down my 300 I can't take it anymore...I have to have a tank so I've been collecting parts and pieces and again spent an enormous amount of money to get back into the hobby. May still be a month or so till I actually get it setup but I had to share...

Equipment list...

40b display 20l sump
gl*******s overflow kit
ATI 6 bulb t5 lighting
Vertex skimmer
40-50 lbs dry rock
2 bags of tropic eden reeflakes
Homemade stand in the works

This will be a sps dominant few small fish maybe one "large" fish tank as that's what I always wanted out of my 300 I just didn't have time for such a large system.

I'll be posting progress pics along the way as soon as I remember how to post pics hahaha

So hello again everyone!! glad to be back!!


A washout Tuesday

Good morning TRT Friends, and....HAPPY TUESDAY! Suppose to be a washout around here with T/S and wind, but at the moment only a light rain. So on the fence about investing an hour drive just to make a U-turn. So have another hour or so before I usually leave to see if'n it increases, and then I'll just call. :idea: Got some more buttermilk waffles to go with our coffee this morning so help yourselves. If' it winds up being an pff day today, it opens up possibilities for some Family fun. Hope all are well, and all the best,

lundi 23 octobre 2017

Howdy from STL

I was a member a long time ago but have no idea what info I used to sign up with so I started over. I have a 120gal tank that hasn't been in use since I accidentally dumped sweet tea and killed all of my Cichlids (thought the mug had water in it like usual). It is going to be a reef tank.

PETCO Yellow Tang rescue. Need advice!!

Here is the story. I'll try to keep it short.

I've seen a beat up yellow tang at Petco. It has been there for a few months. Of course it has been in a small overpopulated tank and is missing a lot of its' fins. Other than being beat up and not really bright yellow right now, it appears to swim fine and was eating off the rocks.

Will the fins grow back if I get him healthy? The person at the store said NO.

I am considering rescuing it. He would be going into a qt tank by himself. This will be the first qt tank I've ever set up. I have done some research, but any input would be appreciated.

40 Breeder with light, heater, small wave maker
Marineland 400 HOB filter (bio-wheels have been in my reef tank sump for months)
Sponge filter and air pump
Ammonia alert badge
Cupramine, Copper Test kit, and PraziPro

The qt is empty right now. I can take 10-20 gallons from my reef tank. The rest will be fresh mixed with Red Sea Pro salt.

May be a crazy idea, but I kind of want to try and save this guy. What do you guys think?? Is it worth a try??

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Best aquarium power cord

I?ve been online for hours trying to find the best 12 outlet power strip for salt tanks. I?m really not finding a particular long power strip that people are recommending or for sale that isn?t just for ordinary household use . I will post a pic of one that I was thinking of buying . Right now I have 3 6 plug extensions in the wall and it?s a mess . How does everybody else do their set ups .?

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Fluvan Flex

Hey Everyone, question.
I have been looking at a small salt tank and have heard that the FLEX works as a salt tank, but really Fluval Evo is built for it. Suggestions on the FLEX for simple anemone and clown fish, cleaner shrimp, hermit crab - as only inhabitants. 15 gallon tank (not the 9G) - will the lights be sufficient etc. ? For an anemone and maybe a soft coral? or should I be doing an Evo.
Obv I have to get things like a protein skimmer etc. But the Flex I dont want to have to upgrade the lights, I am assuming that is a pain, as I am new to this whole change the tank set up thing. lol, any advice would be awesome! Or if anyone has a FLEX as a salt tank please share :)

Rack up BONUS rewards on Deltec

Rack up BONUS rewards on Deltec

Earn 7% back on any Deltec purchase for a limited time!

New to full marine

Hello all, I am new to full marine. I have a current brakish tank with some tempermental Green Spotted Puffers - currently because I was told by my LFS that I could add live rock, they have become stressed so I am just waiting it out to see what happens. I have some tank specific questions and will hop over to the right thread, same with what can go into a tank as well depending on what it is I want to do. And parms to watch for. Looking forward to getting some help and maybe being able to answer some questions myself as we move fwd. :beer:

Nem is acting weird

I bought a new anemones two weeks ago, he settled into the tank just fine (also have a bubble tip - 5 months now).
As of two days ago the new anemones has moved and it looks like it is face-planting in my LR - I have tried to move it back once, but it went right back, now it is has been face-planted on the rock for over a day, do I just leave it and let it be or shall I move it.

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Cyano help low nutrient system

So for the last couple weeks I have started to see some cyano pop up in the tank. Trying to find the cause but not sure where to start.

180 gallon tank
Flow is 2 250 gyre alternating 90 percent for 1.5 seconds
MP40 in the back of the tank in the middle, up 40 percent

P04 is at .027
N03 is at 2

Lighting is a led, T5 combo. T5 lights are on 4 hours a day, lights 5 months old.

Skimmer is running wet 24/7 and have a fuge with chaeto growing, lights on 14 hours a day.

I am only getting cyan on the sand. I only have small amount of GFO running. I clean the sand about once a month.

What am I missing? is my ratio of P04 and N03 off?

femlae spray bar connector

not sure where to post this but here goes...i have 2 sunsun 200 gallon canisters running on my 125 gallon aquarium that has rock only and has been cycling nicely so question is that i want to take the 2 spray bars and make one bar by connecting them but i am i need of "female" single bar to attach the rest of the bars together is there one out there or is there a way to make one please help if you can

Coral Beauty sick?

Hey Y'all

Bought a Coral Beauty last Thursday. Was at LFS for about a week without issue. Has been doing well at home, and eating well. No signs of sickness, stress, or anything else. Except, I noticed this morning, that his right eye is both cloudy and inflamed. I have read that this could be a bacterial infection, but the treatment methods vary from nothing to heavy chemicals. Being in the DT, I don't want to do any heavy chems; but what do you guys think? Is there anything to be done, what should be done, and is this survivable?

Just another Monday

Good *orning TRT Friends, and...HAPPY *ONDAY! Looking like a cloudy low 70's kind of day for us here at the shore. There's *ore butter*ilk waffles going on the table today to go with our coffee. Ready to face a week of unknown ahead, whether it be busy or slow I know not which. Hope all are safe and well, and all the best to all,

dimanche 22 octobre 2017

NEW VIDEO: Aquatic Life T5 LED Hybrid Lighting Fixture

In this video we are going to take a look at the Aquatic Life T5 LED Hybrid Fixture which is a easy way to have the best or both T5 lighting as well as LED Lighting for your reef tank. We will also do a quick unboxing and setup of the Aquatic Life T5 LED Hybrid Lighting Fixture with Kessil 360WE and Reef Brite t5 bulbs.

Aquatic Life T5 Hybrid Fixture:
Kessil Wide Angle Tuna Blue LED 360WE:
Reefbrite Actinic:
Reefbrite 50/50:
Premium Aquatics:

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Correcting low Ca, high alkalinity, low Mg

Tank parameters
Gallons: ~80 gal, 60(less live rock and sand bed)
calcium: 360ppm,
magnesium: 960ppm,
KH/Alk: 12.5/4.45,
pH: 8.4

I had originally set my tank up with regular Instant Ocean brand salt and had dosed with baking soda to bring the pH up. I added Instant Ocean Reef Accelerator to get the calcium and Magnesium numbers where they are. I've got the reef variety of Instant Ocean now for water changes.

I think my situation falls under recipe #2 of Randy's article on An Improved Two-Part Calcium and Alkalinity Supplement System ( I know with my magnesium being as low as it is I should probably raise it slowly (100ppm a day). And have read that magnesium levels can effect the water's ability to not precipitate calcium. But is it better to raise magnesium via Randy's magnesium chloride - magnesium sulfate mix first? Or should I start with calcium chloride to correct the calcium level?

Also for magnesium chloride I found Vaporizer brand deicer at Kmart. It lists magnesium chloride as the sole ingredient as opposed to a magnesium chloride hexahydrate. Has anyone used this in place of MagFlake by Dead Sea Works? And for calcium chloride I found a Pickle Crisp Granule by Ball company that I was uncertain how it would substitute.

Can I

Can I put a eco stone in my hospital think that I am trading with Cupermine? I asked because I had bought one and I want to put it in because my nitrite have been the highest they can be sonce this whole process started I?ve done water changes every two days and they still have not dropped ?

Up too early Sunday

Good morning TRT Friends, and....HAPPY SUNDAY! Built in alarm clock still goes off at 7....grrrrrrrrrr. Had a great night in the yard with just us. Steaks on the grill beside a roaring fire. Was cool enough that the fire was the place to be. Have some fresh Buttermilk waffles and maple sausages to go with our coffee this morning, but take your time.....It's Sunday! Hope all are safe and well, and all the best,

Fresh water clam adult size

Hi, guys, I have taken a video of Fresh water clam adult size, have a look

samedi 21 octobre 2017

20% OFF Vertex Puratek & 25% OFF Hydor Koralia

Acan coral placement

Hello all,

I bought two plugs of Acans last night, each with 5 heads. They are very pretty.

Today one seems to have receded a little. It was in the middle of the tank on a rock. The other has receded a tiny bit. It was on a rock on the sand.

I have a 94 gallon corner bow front. I think it’s about 24-30” deep. My lighting is a 36” LED strip with 72 white and 72 actinic.

Is there a recommendation on placement for these? The LFS said they were thriving and even eating pellet food.

Water parameters good. Nitrate always hovers around 10 though.


Refugium question

I was wondering if I could use my HOB skimmer in the first chamber of a Refugium that I would make?

Sleepless Saturday

Still working on getting home. Left Manchester at 5 pm yesterday. Newark screwed up a flight so went to Boston. Cops rousted me at 2 am and literally kicked me to the curb so slept on concrete by baggage claim.

Called United this morning and headed to Dulles to get a couple of Bloodies then finally home.

Got nothing but bruises to offer up this morning.

vendredi 20 octobre 2017

Where to get Hermit crab shells!?

Okay so does anyone know where to get shells for hermit crabs. I need really small ones but I don't know where the heck to get them. I have gotten them before from Petco in the saltwater section you know the dead snail shells lol. anyways I went back to get bigger ones cuz my hermit crab (fettuccine) has molted and I like to give him more options when he does and this time when I went the guy was a real something and wouldn't sell me the snail shells.

bottom line is does anyone know where to get some at?

Skimmer in Refugium

I was wondering if you could have a hob skimmer in the Refugium so it wouldn?t be visible on the main tank?

Bought Lobophyllia coral

Just bought this coral today and on the side in the middle it looks like it?s tunicate with what would look like a aptasia coming in and out of it and keep opening and closing anybody know what this is I took pictures but they?re horrible the video is good but I don?t think I can download it . Does aptasia open and close constantly ?

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15% off Chaetomax — Special Introductory Offer!

15% off Chaetomax — Special Introductory Offer!

Why does red light grow chaeto better?

Friday....we made it!

Good morning to all our TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY FRIDAY! Buttermilk waffles to go with our coffee to get us moving this morning. Got a larg'ish boat to haul for storage this morning, but then it appears to be slowing down again for a tad. Had a surprising burst of early out boats this year picking up the pace a bit from the usual duldrums this time of the year. Hack has a house full of Friends coming over for the night for a sleepless over, and Jen's in baking mode.......hmmmmmm what will the Daddy do? :D Hope all are groovy, and all the best,

jeudi 19 octobre 2017

Pico tank

My mom bought a 2.3 gallon aquarium. She is to shy to ask questions so I'm here doing it for her. She wanted to make this her adventure into saltwater and I warned her the various things that she had to deal with in such a small tank... the foot print is 17x6 and it's about 7 inches tall... she wanted to put sexy shrimp in it along with maybe a coral or 3 (maybe just a zoa garden) she hasn't made up her mind.... she also thought about adding a small goby with a max size of 1"... she wanted more opinions then just mine. So I told her I'd ask. Thanks

25% OFF Frozen Piscine, 40% OFF ELOS, Got Bryopsis?