Hi! Was wondering if anyone has a whole saltwater aquarium set up for sale? Anything over 19 gallons and anything cheaper than $350? Thanks!
vendredi 30 juin 2017
Does blue light kill corals?
I read more people who said the actinic light spectrum kills corals if not supplemented with white bulbs or a different spectrum. Is this accurate? I'm wondering because every time my white LED's turn off, the mushroom shrivels up. He doesn't like my blue leds at all. But then again, I also read and heard that corals solely use the blue spectrum to grow. What is the correct answer???
What to stock for 20 gallon
Never have had a saltwater aquarium but have been successful with freshwater. Was wondering what should I put in a 20 gallon? All I know is I would like two ocellaris clownfish? I would like some other fish what should I get???
Never have had a saltwater aquarium but have been successful with freshwater. Was wondering what should I put in a 20 gallon? All I know is I would like two ocellaris clownfish? I would like some other fish what should I get???
Help please identify this!
Am wondering what this is and how to get rid off it!
My vagina is on fire after I dipped it in the tank
I don't know if some sort of algae touched my pussy hole but my red sash is on fire and I don't know what to do! It looks like my vagina is throwing up some sort of hair algae and my pubes have turned into a green moss and one of the fish are missing I don't know if my snatch engulfed it! Please kelp
I need help
I need help to reseal my 65G Aquarium because I have a leak.
I live at Irving 5 min from the Irving Plaza.
any suggestions?
I can not do it myself
zerocoolo at Hotmail . com
thank you
I live at Irving 5 min from the Irving Plaza.
any suggestions?
I can not do it myself
zerocoolo at Hotmail . com
thank you
Help?! not sure what this is?!
I have this green tenticled anemone looking invert in my tank. It started as one but them split in two a month ago. Please see picture. I cannot get a straight answer from anyone! Thanks all!
Lighting for NUVO 10g? AquaMaxx NemoLight?
Snagged a 10g NUVO for my office at work and am looking for a nice sleek light for it. Want to keep zoas/softies/lps. No need to keep SPS in the tank at all. My sps tank is at home.
Tank is 13" deep.
Looking at the AquaMaxx NemoLight
Another option I have is that I have a Par30 bulb at home that I could screw into a lamp to light the tank. What do you think is the best option?
Tank is 13" deep.
Looking at the AquaMaxx NemoLight
Another option I have is that I have a Par30 bulb at home that I could screw into a lamp to light the tank. What do you think is the best option?
The madness begins FRIDAY!
Good morning TRT Friends, and....HAPPY FRIDAY.....The start of the big 4th of July weekend! Crowds are here and they did a great job bringing all their stereotypical rudeness and 'dress code' with them. Busy, but not too at work, and even dare I say 'caught up'? Fingers still crossed for a long weekend, but just ain't sure of how long. How about some Thomas's English muffins to go with our coffee and pink milk, quick and simple. Low 80's around here today again, but climbing steady through the low 90's through the long weekend. Hope all are safe and well, and fun things are getting lined up for Y'All, and all the best,
jeudi 29 juin 2017
New Life
They are afraid of everything in my tank, the fishes, snails, crabs, water movement and light. But their growth and propagation at this alarming rate is bothering me....
Enough Flow
Just startimg a red sea max c250 want to get everything ill need. Does anyone has experience with this tank? How do i know i have enough flow and movement? It has 2 pumps on either end of the back of the tank. Should i add another pump or maybe a wavemaker? I plan in lots of soft coraps with lots of movement and a few fish not sure of type but im possitive my son will want a clown.
Please do your research!!!
Hey y'all
Just a PSA here. Someone in my area just posted to a Facebook group for aquariums that their 135 gallon reef is up and running with 10 fish and a ton of corals. I thought that was great, they got their tank filled with some fish and a lot of corals for their desire and wanted to give an update. Well, reading more of the post, the tank has only been running for 2 weeks. Yes, 2 weeks. No cycle yet, and they added 10 fish in the course of those 2 weeks. Granted, they have about 100lbs of LR, but that doesn't eliminate a cycle. Especially when adding at least 5 fish a week.
Please people, I beg you! Do the research before buying a SW tank and learn as much as you can!! You don't have to and will not know everything, but there are some basics that are a necessity for having a SW tank. Unfortunately, I know the store that sold them their fish and such, and their ideologies. So to the LFS employees everywhere, please don't just fill a plastic bag with fish and send the customer on their way! Ask about their tank, and share your knowledge about starting a tank. You will not get repeat customers by sabotaging a tank to make a buck.
Just a PSA here. Someone in my area just posted to a Facebook group for aquariums that their 135 gallon reef is up and running with 10 fish and a ton of corals. I thought that was great, they got their tank filled with some fish and a lot of corals for their desire and wanted to give an update. Well, reading more of the post, the tank has only been running for 2 weeks. Yes, 2 weeks. No cycle yet, and they added 10 fish in the course of those 2 weeks. Granted, they have about 100lbs of LR, but that doesn't eliminate a cycle. Especially when adding at least 5 fish a week.
Please people, I beg you! Do the research before buying a SW tank and learn as much as you can!! You don't have to and will not know everything, but there are some basics that are a necessity for having a SW tank. Unfortunately, I know the store that sold them their fish and such, and their ideologies. So to the LFS employees everywhere, please don't just fill a plastic bag with fish and send the customer on their way! Ask about their tank, and share your knowledge about starting a tank. You will not get repeat customers by sabotaging a tank to make a buck.
Ghost Eel
I've been trying to find more information on them. I keep running into the same rehashed information about feeding and escapees. I'm looking to find more about adequate habitat builds and the like. Can anyone direct me to the kind of information I'm looking for?
Loud sump noise. Reef tank.
Hi I've a aqua one mini reef 120 sumped. It's been up and running for over a year but the sump noise is getting far to loud. The pipe drain is under the water its more the noise going down the pipe to the sump. It's a durso pipe.
I am new to the site but I have had aquariums since the 1970's. Though my salt experience is limited and a long time ago. I have a 54 gallon bow with dry rock I allowed to cycle. I am hoping to start a good reef tank. I have 5 different corals and several damsels so far. Any suggestions would be welcome.
I am new to the site but I have had aquariums since the 1970's. Though my salt experience is limited and a long time ago. I have a 54 gallon bow with dry rock I allowed to cycle. I am hoping to start a good reef tank. I have 5 different corals and several damsels so far. Any suggestions would be welcome.
Do anemones increase bioload?
Was thinking of adding a handful of anemones in my tank as they are easier to take care of than corals and offer something colorful and nice to look at. Just wondering if they would increase my bioload. I'm currently using a 16g biocube that has one clown fish in it.
Biocube32 evaporation
So I haven't had a saltwater tank in about 12 years so I consider myself a noob. One thing I do remember from my old tanks is very basic add fresh rodi water to top of tank when your water evaporates .. on my old tanks( one was a 55 gallon with a canopy on top and a 15 gallon open sump on the bottom and one was a 30 gallon open top tank) water seemed to evaporate fairly quickly as in I added fresh top off water weekly. The strange thing about my new biocube 32 is I've had it up for about 4 weeks and haven't had to add any freshwater. I have been doing about 20 percent saltwater changes which I didn't do on my old tanks.. I use two different hydrometers and the sg is 1.023.. this is starting to concern me it seems like I should have had to add freshwater by now.. I do leave my thermostat in my home now at 70 degrees compared to 85 in the old days. Don't know if that's why I have less evaporation or maybe it's the lid on the biocube?? Any thoughts??
Happy birthday to PhaneSoul on 6/29!
And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing.......

thoroughly frustrating Thursday
Morning everyone.
Business talks put the chill into my new project plans. My tooth is busted, and the other tooth has the permanent crown arriving from Colorado where it sat for six months.
Take care of business kind of day here. Someone else can jump in with the usual pleasantries. I appreciate the back up.
Business talks put the chill into my new project plans. My tooth is busted, and the other tooth has the permanent crown arriving from Colorado where it sat for six months.
Take care of business kind of day here. Someone else can jump in with the usual pleasantries. I appreciate the back up.
mercredi 28 juin 2017
New Red sea max c-250
Hello All
2nd time in the hobby first didnt go so well so im here to soak up info.
Want to slowly build a tank with some nice soft corals and a few fish.
My local store is giving me there system water for free NICE START. Any recommendations on a type of live rock or dry rock mixed with live?
Should I use DR TIMS one and only for a quicker cycle?
I appreciate any and all help.
2nd time in the hobby first didnt go so well so im here to soak up info.
Want to slowly build a tank with some nice soft corals and a few fish.
My local store is giving me there system water for free NICE START. Any recommendations on a type of live rock or dry rock mixed with live?
Should I use DR TIMS one and only for a quicker cycle?
I appreciate any and all help.
Straighten RO/DI line
Hey guys...so I want to straighten ro/di line to use as a drip acclimation with a high speed union ball valve to control the drip...can I use boiling water or hot water for this...I need the line to be as straight as possible, tank is about 5 feet high from the top where the line would come down from into the bucket...if I cant get the line pretty generally straight I don't want to waste my time or money....
Coral food
What is your favorite coral foods for whole tank dispersion and or spot feeding?
Buying a geometric hawkfish from saltwaterfish.com
Hey there, so I recently placed an order for a geometric hawkfish from saltwaterfish.com that will arrive at my door step on the 6 of July. The fish says he comes from Bali. I had not realized it but I have only ordered from saltwater fish.com once and it was this same fish about a year ago! Well like a good fish owner I kept him in quarantine for I believe 2 or 3 weeks...I was just about to put the fish into the DT and out of no where he just stopped eating and died. It really to this day was the weirdest thing ever...so it was sort of ironic that after my recent purchase was made I went thru my orders from saltwater fish.com and realized the only order ever made was for that particular fish. My question is this, is it necessary bad to get fish from the Philippines or close to that area, my local fish store says they do not get fish from there bc of the use of cyanide? I spoke with Bluezoo Aquatics one day and they said that the use of cyanide is pretty much obsolete and rarely used? My next question is, has anyone used saltwaterfish.com...I read online some horrible reviews and negativity. In my defense the fish was on sale for HALF the price of any other online website...minus LA but it was still cheaper than LA.
Epaulette shark growth rate
Hello, I am interested in setting up an aquarium with an epaulette shark. Would it be suitable to keep it in a 55 gallon for 6 or so months, and then after that, switch to a 180 ? Also any advice on keeping these fish is welcome.
What is this in my tank?
I have these white things in my tank, I took a pic here is the link https://1drv.ms/i/s!Aipv8f3nGTh4gZJ4zklTNHkJYPhtig
Back in Stock: AquaMaxx Low-Iron Glass Aquariums
Back in Stock: AquaMaxx Low-Iron Glass Aquariums
Blank canvases for your creativity!
Consider pairing your tank with this cool 2-in-1 filter/skimmer from AquaMaxx—the HF-M!

Blank canvases for your creativity!
Consider pairing your tank with this cool 2-in-1 filter/skimmer from AquaMaxx—the HF-M!
Geoff Sandbed
A while back Geoff had posted a how to on his Sandbed. I am doing a FOWLR. I want a solid Sandbed so I can blow detritus off and I tot he water column quickly to allow for fast removal. Can someone give me the name of that thread of remember what it was made from?
("Real imaginative huh....")
Good morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY WEDNESDAY! Weekend's looming closer, and so far no surprises, and fingers remain crossed. Low 80's and sunshine.....NO COMPLAINTS! Thomas's English muffins and assorted jellies to go with our coffee and pink milk to get us out the door this morning. Great news Doug on the Family camping outing heading your way! Jeff, I actually don't even know if'n the local kids head to the Blueberry fields any more......been so long. I do see a lot more 'You pick' signs popping up around here. Never worked in the corn fields myself.....but growing up I did work on my share of the local farms, but egg plants, cabbages, and peppers were the crops I brought in to the store house. I hope all have nothing but incredible things ahead for their day, and tons of opportunities to enjoy it,
Good morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY WEDNESDAY! Weekend's looming closer, and so far no surprises, and fingers remain crossed. Low 80's and sunshine.....NO COMPLAINTS! Thomas's English muffins and assorted jellies to go with our coffee and pink milk to get us out the door this morning. Great news Doug on the Family camping outing heading your way! Jeff, I actually don't even know if'n the local kids head to the Blueberry fields any more......been so long. I do see a lot more 'You pick' signs popping up around here. Never worked in the corn fields myself.....but growing up I did work on my share of the local farms, but egg plants, cabbages, and peppers were the crops I brought in to the store house. I hope all have nothing but incredible things ahead for their day, and tons of opportunities to enjoy it,
ID worm (no bristle worm)
Dipped my corals today because something seemed to have nibbled on my glove polyp. This worm is what came out of the glove polyp:

mardi 27 juin 2017
cycle question
please excuse my newbie question. I haven't done this in ten yrs lol
should I be adjusting my ph during cycle? or are the levels alright
current parameters
ammo 0.25
nitrite 0.25
nitrate 20
ph 8.0
sg 1.026
phosphate 0.5
temp 77.7
should I be adjusting my ph during cycle? or are the levels alright
current parameters
ammo 0.25
nitrite 0.25
nitrate 20
ph 8.0
sg 1.026
phosphate 0.5
temp 77.7
Coral ID
New to this forum hope I'm posting in the right area :)
So I just started a new tank. Been cycling for about 4 weeks now. I had 2 of these random mushroom looking corals show up. Are these actual mushroom corals ? I'm just hoping they aren't something bad or toxic . Haha also you can see some of these red spots on my live rock. When i picked out the rock and I thought the red stuff looked cool, after reading some stuff now I'm wondering if it's actually cyno algae and I screwed myself...
Any help in identifying these would be awesome. Thanks!!!
So I just started a new tank. Been cycling for about 4 weeks now. I had 2 of these random mushroom looking corals show up. Are these actual mushroom corals ? I'm just hoping they aren't something bad or toxic . Haha also you can see some of these red spots on my live rock. When i picked out the rock and I thought the red stuff looked cool, after reading some stuff now I'm wondering if it's actually cyno algae and I screwed myself...
Any help in identifying these would be awesome. Thanks!!!
Bayer for dipping Xenia?
Does anyone know if the Bayer dip is ok for pulsing Xenia coral? I have Revive, ME coral dip, and Seachems Reef dip. Which one would be best. Thanks!
New To This - Help?
I've seen the term cycling a tank around - what does that mean? I'm brand new to this, and we are floating between getting a Mantis Shrimp or some other type of sea creature.
Any tips on how to accomplish this aquascape
Im going for almost a garden kind of theme for my saltwater tank. It's not something you see often. I was looking up different macro algaes and I saw this video on YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AJRsxcz6Zv0. I was wondering if anyone had an idea how to accomplish that? I wasn't sure if wood like that was safe for a saltwater tank, how do you make it safe for it. And how would I attach the dragons breathe to it. Also tips on the care of dragons breathe would be great. Thank you
Poindextrous's 75 gallon Craigslist buy
I have been meaning to try out a bigger tank and/or corals, then last week, I saw a craigslist deal. So, here I am!
The tank is a 75-gallon with a corner overflow and a 30-gallon (I think?) sump. Return flow is from an 1100 gph pump from 3 nozzles (one split) and there is also a 950 gph power head. No wavemaker, and I'm wondering if I should add one and another power head.
Lighting consists of two current orbit 48-inch LED bars. The skimmer is a Reef Octopus NWB-110.
I bought it second-hand from someone who didn't know what corals there are (only a few live ones), so I will probably be posting pictures soon for IDs.
Fish-wise, there is a pajama cardinalfish, a pair of ocellaris clowns, and a third fish that I originally thought might be a royal gramma, since I only saw a flash of purple (and I thought, yellow), but now I can see it's entirely purple. Maybe a purple dottyback? Otherwise, there are a bunch of snails I am not sure about, a blue-legged hermit crab, an some smaller hermits.
I'm still cleaning/rescaping since I just moved it on Saturday, but I will post pictures as soon as I have time to get clear ones. My eventual goal is a soft coral tank, but I'm learning, so I'm sure it'll be slow going.
The tank is a 75-gallon with a corner overflow and a 30-gallon (I think?) sump. Return flow is from an 1100 gph pump from 3 nozzles (one split) and there is also a 950 gph power head. No wavemaker, and I'm wondering if I should add one and another power head.
Lighting consists of two current orbit 48-inch LED bars. The skimmer is a Reef Octopus NWB-110.
I bought it second-hand from someone who didn't know what corals there are (only a few live ones), so I will probably be posting pictures soon for IDs.
Fish-wise, there is a pajama cardinalfish, a pair of ocellaris clowns, and a third fish that I originally thought might be a royal gramma, since I only saw a flash of purple (and I thought, yellow), but now I can see it's entirely purple. Maybe a purple dottyback? Otherwise, there are a bunch of snails I am not sure about, a blue-legged hermit crab, an some smaller hermits.
I'm still cleaning/rescaping since I just moved it on Saturday, but I will post pictures as soon as I have time to get clear ones. My eventual goal is a soft coral tank, but I'm learning, so I'm sure it'll be slow going.
Led lighting for reef tank?
Hi all, I'm considering upgrading my T5 lighting to LED. The one available for my tank only says about freshwater and doesn't mention marine at all. Is there something I have to look out for or have in an LED lighting system?
Beginner - Mantis Shrimp
Good Morning!!
Me and my husband were wanting to get a Mantis Shrimp. I've personally wanted one for about 4 years now, and my husband has given the okay so I'm excited.
I do have some questions, and any additional input that I didn't ask about is greatly appreciated!
Me and my husband were wanting to get a Mantis Shrimp. I've personally wanted one for about 4 years now, and my husband has given the okay so I'm excited.
I do have some questions, and any additional input that I didn't ask about is greatly appreciated!
- Is there any suggested reading I should do?
- Tanks? Do I have to get an acrylic/plexiglass tank or will glass do? What size? Do I need any special lights? I've read where people said that usually when a mantis shrimp busts a tank it's when it is trying to burrow in the bottom, and to put rubber strips and fine sand on the bottoms with another layer of glass/plexiglass. Should I also make sure the thank is deep enough that it can make a burrow/nest?
- Are they salt water? I've never had a salt water tank before - so how would I go about that? How would I keep a salt water tank clean?
- Are there any specific rocks/coral/plants/other sea life that I should add to the tank?
- What kinds of things do I feed a mantis shrimp? Is there any no-nos on feeding?
Get your Tuesday here!
Good morning TRT Friends, and....HAPPY TUESDAY! Ohhhh this is sooooo much better than slipping on ice, or looking for where I left my jacket. Somewhere in the summery 80's and sunshine, though the shoebee bugs are out pretty thick. Had a sleepless over last night, and was left with an assortment of Tasty Kake miniature doughnuts to feed the troops to go with our coffee and pink milk. :thumbup: Surprisingly caught up'ish heading into this long weekend, and the boss has even hinted about a 3 day weekend for us......AND even a slip of his tongue sounded as though a possibility of an off shore fishing trip on his boat may be in the offing. Not a big fishing person, though I used to, and perhaps will again be an avid freshwater fisherman. But I am also the only sober person on these off shore excursions so I usually get to drive. :rolleyes: But it's a long week ahead yet with plenty of time for things to go south, so no bets being placed. Hope all are well, and have enough time to enjoy all the good things out there, and all the best,
lundi 26 juin 2017
need help uploading pics
I'm trying to upload pics and it keeps saying
Failed to write file. Check disc quotas and permissions for the path: /usr/sites/http://ift.tt/2u9YJKb
I'm using adobe photoshop and light room, shot with a Nikon d5100 dslr. ive resized the image to the parameters but still get error
Failed to write file. Check disc quotas and permissions for the path: /usr/sites/http://ift.tt/2u9YJKb
I'm using adobe photoshop and light room, shot with a Nikon d5100 dslr. ive resized the image to the parameters but still get error
Cloudiness remains in tank weeks after adding sand
I added sand to a 5 gallon and ever since, it's been super cloudy the entire time. No matter how many water changes I do. The cloudiness will not go away.
Should I buy something to help or just get rid of the sand or be patient? It's been about 3 weeks since the sand was added.
Should I buy something to help or just get rid of the sand or be patient? It's been about 3 weeks since the sand was added.
White carpet anenome
Just trying to figure out how much flow a carpet anenome needs? Thanks
New to salt, probably in over my head
Hi all,
I have been keeping freshwater fish and planted tanks for years but am new to the saltwater hobby. In an attempt to take it slow, I bought a second-hand 28 gallon cube several months ago and added a clownfish and a goby, then realized I would need a lighting upgrade to try corals (the lighting is just too hot; I may end up moving the tank), so it is a FOWLR setup right now. Then, last week... I saw a Craigslist deal and nabbed a complete 75-gallon setup with a few fish (two clowns, a pajama cardinalfish, and maybe a royal gramma?), as well as some corals I am not sure about, as the guy who sold it to me didn't seem to know what they were, either (definitely saw a couple of zoa polyps and maybe a small mushroom?). Since I'm clearly in over my head now, I'll be lurking to get a handle on what I need to do to preserve what I can and decide on next steps.
My end-goal is soft coral setup in the 75, so I will be reading and asking questions to that end.
I have been keeping freshwater fish and planted tanks for years but am new to the saltwater hobby. In an attempt to take it slow, I bought a second-hand 28 gallon cube several months ago and added a clownfish and a goby, then realized I would need a lighting upgrade to try corals (the lighting is just too hot; I may end up moving the tank), so it is a FOWLR setup right now. Then, last week... I saw a Craigslist deal and nabbed a complete 75-gallon setup with a few fish (two clowns, a pajama cardinalfish, and maybe a royal gramma?), as well as some corals I am not sure about, as the guy who sold it to me didn't seem to know what they were, either (definitely saw a couple of zoa polyps and maybe a small mushroom?). Since I'm clearly in over my head now, I'll be lurking to get a handle on what I need to do to preserve what I can and decide on next steps.
My end-goal is soft coral setup in the 75, so I will be reading and asking questions to that end.
*obile *onday
*orning everyone. Waiting to board my ride to work in Boston.
Hope you all have a great day. Got two flights and a New England rush hour then a long day ahead.
Dunkin' Donut coffee is here for anyone needing it.
Hope you all have a great day. Got two flights and a New England rush hour then a long day ahead.
Dunkin' Donut coffee is here for anyone needing it.
dimanche 25 juin 2017
Torch is looking TERRIBLE
Okay, I'm new to this account and I'm desperate for help. I went up north with my family for 3 days. I set up some automatic lights because I didn't have anyone to help me with my tank. When I came home both of my frog spawns are literally sucked in all the way, and my torch was half way opened AND TWO HEADS are fully white, I think those two heads are bleached. My water was 90 degrees and I started freaking out. I have no clue how all this happened, I'm worried maybe the automatic timer never really did turn off when it was supposed to and over heated the water. I turned the lights off and took the heater out. Please help I need suggestions. Do I just leave my torch how it is? Or do I remove it from my tank? Also need help with my sucked in frogspawns!
32 gallon biocube
Hello guys i am receiving a brand new 32 gallon biocube and i will be transfering my 10 gallon tank over the new one, i will need to add more water and more live rock, can i mix my sand and my rocks with the new one with no problems or i should start from the beginning, my 10 gallon tank is 1.4 years old
New to the group but an old salt
Hello all I'm denis and am new to this group. I had a few reef tanks around ten yrs ago. A 125g and a 90. I've since moved to Florida and have just started a 65 gallon tall RR with an eshoppes sump.80 lbs of live sand and around the same in rock. Currently cycling. Looking forward to relearning and learning some new stuff as I'm sure it's changed a bit since my last tank
32 gallon biocube
Hello guys, i am exited because this week i will receive my new 32 gallon biocube, got a lot of questions but i would like to know if i put all the rock, sand and water from my 10 gallon tank to my new tank i can just add more water and put my fishes inside the same day ?
Illness identification
I have a clown fish that has a growth on its lower lip. I got two clown fish at the same time and one of them developed brown spots on it that turned into brown/ whitish spots. I spoke to the LFS and they recommended a fresh water dip although they could not identify the illness. The spots made their way toward the gills on one of the clowns and sadlu he succumbed to the illness. The second one began developing the same symptoms on its bottom lip that have gradually gotten worse. Starting as brown spots and now resembling a scab that has been submerged in water for a while (brownish with clowdy white film.) The surviving fish, although it has the spots, is not losing color, is not listless and has not lost appetite.
Unfortunately I do not have a AT and medicating my tank isn't a realistic option due to my inverts. I did get a cleaner shrimp with hopes the clown would let it clean him up but to no avail. I'm still very happy with the shrimp. I do have another clown fish in the tank that hasn't shown any symptoms this far. I have done a bit of research but it is hard to diagnose on my own. I have a couple of pictures but with the movement of the fish I'm not confident in their quality but I provided a couple anyhow. It is my hope that you guys can at least help in identifying and I can take appropriate action from there. Thanks!
In the images the clown fish with the brown spots near its eye and gills has since passed. The other one can be seen in the photo with the one that died and you can kind of make out the beginning of its lip issue and then I have provided an image of what it has professed to.
Water parameters:
PH: 8.3
Ammonia: 0
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 0
SG: 1.024
Temp: 80°F
Unfortunately I do not have a AT and medicating my tank isn't a realistic option due to my inverts. I did get a cleaner shrimp with hopes the clown would let it clean him up but to no avail. I'm still very happy with the shrimp. I do have another clown fish in the tank that hasn't shown any symptoms this far. I have done a bit of research but it is hard to diagnose on my own. I have a couple of pictures but with the movement of the fish I'm not confident in their quality but I provided a couple anyhow. It is my hope that you guys can at least help in identifying and I can take appropriate action from there. Thanks!
In the images the clown fish with the brown spots near its eye and gills has since passed. The other one can be seen in the photo with the one that died and you can kind of make out the beginning of its lip issue and then I have provided an image of what it has professed to.
Water parameters:
PH: 8.3
Ammonia: 0
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 0
SG: 1.024
Temp: 80°F
General QT tanks
Hey y'all!
There has been a few threads on here about QT tanks or at least related to them, and it got me thinking. What is the (is there a) recommended size for a regular QT tank? I see and hear about some people using 5,10,20 gallon tanks for QT, but there actual tank size is 5 or 10 times that size. Also, shouldn't the QT tank be the limited size needed for the fish? I get that we don't want to put a possibly dangerous fish in a mature tank, but won't putting a Tang in a tiny tank (at least for them) be more stressful then putting them right into the large DT? I have just been curious about this issue, and want to see what you guys and gals have to say.
There has been a few threads on here about QT tanks or at least related to them, and it got me thinking. What is the (is there a) recommended size for a regular QT tank? I see and hear about some people using 5,10,20 gallon tanks for QT, but there actual tank size is 5 or 10 times that size. Also, shouldn't the QT tank be the limited size needed for the fish? I get that we don't want to put a possibly dangerous fish in a mature tank, but won't putting a Tang in a tiny tank (at least for them) be more stressful then putting them right into the large DT? I have just been curious about this issue, and want to see what you guys and gals have to say.
Is quarantine the best idea?
Hi all,
so obviously quarantine is generally a good idea for new fish but heres my question:
My LFS got in some fish on my list finally (no impulse buying here!) and they have been in his store and treated with copper and its been almost a month. (Im not in a rush to stock the tank, I visit the store often and they havent sold and are not showing any signs of disease, eating well etc.) SO... since my plan would be to take them home, acclimate them to my QT tank, and put them in there for a month and treat with copper anyway.... can I just acclimate them to my main tank? Wouldnt it be better just to move healthy fish Ive been watching for a month directly to the main tank in this case? (Im not talking about buying a fish that just came in or anything). Or is QT still a requirement? Thoughts?
Thank you!
so obviously quarantine is generally a good idea for new fish but heres my question:
My LFS got in some fish on my list finally (no impulse buying here!) and they have been in his store and treated with copper and its been almost a month. (Im not in a rush to stock the tank, I visit the store often and they havent sold and are not showing any signs of disease, eating well etc.) SO... since my plan would be to take them home, acclimate them to my QT tank, and put them in there for a month and treat with copper anyway.... can I just acclimate them to my main tank? Wouldnt it be better just to move healthy fish Ive been watching for a month directly to the main tank in this case? (Im not talking about buying a fish that just came in or anything). Or is QT still a requirement? Thoughts?
Thank you!
Sump for dwarf seahorse tank
I have a 5.5 gallon dwarf seahorse tank. It is currently being over ridden with coralline and other forms of algae. It is also extremely hard to clean because they have babies almost every week, and the babies are so hard to see that when you take something out there's typically a baby on it. Being exposed to the air often ends in the death of the babies. So I was thinking I could set up a 2.5 gallon sump so that I way I could have a normal filter going there as opposed just the sponge filter on the tank. The whole process of building a sump and getting it connected to the main tank all greatly confuses me. So I was wondering if someone would be able to walk me through a step by step process to do this?
Sunny Sunday!
Good morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY SUNDAY! See some of our regulars out there, but I'll live dangerous. ;) Buttermilk waffles to go with our coffee and pink milk this morning to get us to church. Will be another afternoon spent in yard work with uncountable dips in the pool in between. Confidence in extremely high there'll be some grilling this evening with some Family and Friend, so if'n you're in the area stop on by. All the best to all,
samedi 24 juin 2017
Open Brain Pineapple Coral
My pineapple coral is looking a little strange. The "mouth" area looks swollen or something. I've spot fed it a couple of time and it's been doing fine, usually catches some food that blows around. Posting pics below for any ideas.
Fishless cycle, qt after ich issue
New member, although I've been trolling for a while now. I have a 54 gallon corner that recently had an ich outbreak with one damsel surviving. I've since set up a hospital to treat the damsel, and a second tank for QT. I'm on day 8 of a fishless cycle adding majestic extra strength ammonia to start.
My display tank has been running since march, and fallow since early may. It initially cycled fast with the damsels after 2-3 weeks. My question is can I add one of the bio stars from the recently infected display tank to the bare bottomed empty QT to kick start the cycle without adding any ich to it. And if I do transfer the parasite, how long can it live without substrate or fish?
I would like to add fish within the next 3 weeks, just don't want to shoot myself in the foot by adding bacteria from a recently infected tank. 72 days from fallow will be July 19th, as I used some equipment that may have transferred some ich back to the display tank and pushed back my safe date.
Should I add some food instead and wait, or can I get away with a bio wheel to add bacteria now?
I've been adding stability, but no change in my ~3 ppm ammonia.
Thanks in advance.
My display tank has been running since march, and fallow since early may. It initially cycled fast with the damsels after 2-3 weeks. My question is can I add one of the bio stars from the recently infected display tank to the bare bottomed empty QT to kick start the cycle without adding any ich to it. And if I do transfer the parasite, how long can it live without substrate or fish?
I would like to add fish within the next 3 weeks, just don't want to shoot myself in the foot by adding bacteria from a recently infected tank. 72 days from fallow will be July 19th, as I used some equipment that may have transferred some ich back to the display tank and pushed back my safe date.
Should I add some food instead and wait, or can I get away with a bio wheel to add bacteria now?
I've been adding stability, but no change in my ~3 ppm ammonia.
Thanks in advance.
Tank clean
I have a River Reef 94l which is in need of a really good clean. I intend to transfer the water, live rock, medium and fish to a few buckets and do a really deep clean, before transferring them all back into the tank. Any suggestions or recommendations to assist would be most appreciated
Combining Tanks...
Hey all, I'm pretty new to the reefing hobby, got the first tank in December. Needless to say after we set up the first one and began with LSP Corals and softies the urge set in for a second SPS tank. So I now have a 60 gal mixed reef downstairs and a 36 gal SPS tank upstairs in the bedroom. In all honesty I absolutely love both tanks, but I work two jobs, have two kids and a husband who works at least 60 hours per week and there just isn't time to take care of both the way they deserve!
I have been considering combining both into the 60 gal but I have several concerns. Let's start with a breakdown of what is in each tank...
60 gal: six line wrass, fire fish, lawnmower blenny, yellow tail damsel, yellow blotch rabbit fish and (very unfortunately) a bi-color dottyback. Not sure if it's relevant but there's also a peppermint shrimp and a skunk shrimp, as well as a conch and CUC.
30 gal: 2 clowns a conch and a peppermint shrimp, as well as a CUC.
First off, I know that eventually I will need a bigger tank because I am MADLY in love with my yellow blotch rabbit and apparently she will get huge. That is in the works but I'm looking at one of the largest Red Sea Reefers on the market, which doesn't come cheap. (On a side note if anyone has any input on that tank choice I'd love to hear it)
My biggest concern in any change is the health of the yellow blotch. She seems very fragile, and has been easily stressed since I first added her. I don't want the new fish to stress her, and frankly I love the clowns and don't want to lose them either. Furthermore there was really never enough rock in the 60 gal and there's no good way to add the rock to it from the 36 gal without totally re-aquascaping. I don't want to do that, again, in the interest of the yellow blotch. I don't want to stress the tank that much. Anyone have any thought on whether this will not actually be as hard on everything as I think or if I should just leave it be and rotate tank cleanings? Right now the 36 gal has gone way longer without a cleaning than I'm comfortable with and I really just want to do what's best for the fish!
Sorry for the lengthy first post, and thanks in advance for any advice or help!!
I have been considering combining both into the 60 gal but I have several concerns. Let's start with a breakdown of what is in each tank...
60 gal: six line wrass, fire fish, lawnmower blenny, yellow tail damsel, yellow blotch rabbit fish and (very unfortunately) a bi-color dottyback. Not sure if it's relevant but there's also a peppermint shrimp and a skunk shrimp, as well as a conch and CUC.
30 gal: 2 clowns a conch and a peppermint shrimp, as well as a CUC.
First off, I know that eventually I will need a bigger tank because I am MADLY in love with my yellow blotch rabbit and apparently she will get huge. That is in the works but I'm looking at one of the largest Red Sea Reefers on the market, which doesn't come cheap. (On a side note if anyone has any input on that tank choice I'd love to hear it)
My biggest concern in any change is the health of the yellow blotch. She seems very fragile, and has been easily stressed since I first added her. I don't want the new fish to stress her, and frankly I love the clowns and don't want to lose them either. Furthermore there was really never enough rock in the 60 gal and there's no good way to add the rock to it from the 36 gal without totally re-aquascaping. I don't want to do that, again, in the interest of the yellow blotch. I don't want to stress the tank that much. Anyone have any thought on whether this will not actually be as hard on everything as I think or if I should just leave it be and rotate tank cleanings? Right now the 36 gal has gone way longer without a cleaning than I'm comfortable with and I really just want to do what's best for the fish!
Sorry for the lengthy first post, and thanks in advance for any advice or help!!
Getting new geometric pygmy hawkfish
Hey guys...so about almost a year ago I bought a geometric pygmy hawkfish, it died out of no where after a month in quarantine! To this day it was the ****dest thing. So...im looking to "complete" my fish stalking...after scowerein the ends of the universe this seems like really the best option left. I'm ordered the fish on a HUGE sale from saltwaterfish.com which is a big gamble in that if heard they suck basically. But those fish usually run between 40 and 50s and I got this for 24! On sale...I get the fish after my vacation July 6 and will keep u guys posted on how the fish was packaged and also the fish in general, have a wonderful Saturday. If u have any questions about these fish please ask...ill tell u what I know or at least think I know ha
A summer Saturday at the sea shore
Good morning TRT Friends, and......HAPPY SATURDAY! Was supposed to be a 'washout' today, but thinking someone was perhaps WRONG! Got a couple snoring bodies that evidently have had enough sleepless overs and opted for a SLEEP OVER instead. ;) A couple boxes of Dunkin Dontuts to go with our coffee and pink milk to get the ball rolling. Heading into work this morning after dropping the kids off at Pop's to keep their snoring going. Hoping, as usual, for a 1/2 day, so I can get home and get some real work done. Heading for a high of 90, so not as bad as Doug's heat wave, but still SUMMER! Looking like there'll be pool jumping in our future between chores latter. Hope all are doing at least fantastic, with high hopes of incredible grooviness heading towards you, and all the best,
Help in identifying a couple of things in Tank
Hi all, have been a long time lurked on the forum but this is my first time posting. Love the forum and it has helped me loads in getting my yank set up.
I've had it going for about a year now but have noticed a couple of things that I'm having trouble identifying.
Was wondering of any of you guys could tell me what you think the black/grey jelly looking think starting to creep out from under the rock is?
I have something similar in the second picture in the crevice.
Thanks so much for your help.
I've had it going for about a year now but have noticed a couple of things that I'm having trouble identifying.
Was wondering of any of you guys could tell me what you think the black/grey jelly looking think starting to creep out from under the rock is?
I have something similar in the second picture in the crevice.
Thanks so much for your help.
vendredi 23 juin 2017
New To reefing Need help
Hi guys!
In need of advice for starting a 20 gallon reef clownfish tank. What all do I need to have a functioning tank? Thanks! But I'd like to stay under a budget of $400
In need of advice for starting a 20 gallon reef clownfish tank. What all do I need to have a functioning tank? Thanks! But I'd like to stay under a budget of $400
Considering getting my first skimmer
Any suggestions on a very cheap and small skimmer? I have a 20 long with 5 gallon sump. Sump area is tiny, so there is not much room for a large skimmer. It would have to be a nano, or HOB, but I would want the HOB to be very hidden if possible.
Would a skimmer this small on a tank this size really be of any use? Right now I have a Damsel and 2 Clowns, mixed corals, chateo, and a few hermits. I would imagine that the skimmer would still take out a decent amount of nutrients, and any amount of reduction is always beneficial.
Would a skimmer this small on a tank this size really be of any use? Right now I have a Damsel and 2 Clowns, mixed corals, chateo, and a few hermits. I would imagine that the skimmer would still take out a decent amount of nutrients, and any amount of reduction is always beneficial.
Help identify
Could someone tell me what this is and why it's bent over and if it looks healthy thanks
Where are all the regulars?
I felt like I was in some sorta out-take of Cheers and all the regulars weren't coming in. So, I dredged up some of our gang's old threads...
Try to get Hack, Christian, Wiskey, ReefZilla, etc to visit their threads
Try to get Hack, Christian, Wiskey, ReefZilla, etc to visit their threads
Hello Friday!
Good morning my TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY FRIDAY! Yep, warm, sunny, and a chance of showers. Welcome to summer at the shore. Buttermilk waffles to go with our coffee and pink milk for an eye opener today. Finally out of that big, hot 'metal box', and on to my next handful of challenges. Got my tank maintenance done last night, including some serious Coraline Algae scrapping. I get such a giggle when I hear the new comers talk about wanting to get this stuff started in their tanks......then they spend the rest of their reef journey trying to get rid of the blasted stuff from their equipment and glass. How come Aptasia is soooo feared and dreaded because it spreads and covers everything, and Coraline isn't? :rolleyes: Hope all have an incredible day, and enough time to squeeze in all the good stuff you have lined up,
jeudi 22 juin 2017
Coral now or not
I have a 10 gl tank which I used with Nutri Seawater so I could add fish right away. It has 7lbs of dry reef saver rock and 2lbs of live Fiji rock. Can I add corals now or should I wait till the dry rock is cured and seeded. I have 2 ocellaris clownfish and 4 turbo snails in the tank and I plan to add more invertebrate.
I have a 528 gph in a 10gl is that too much?Also looking for corals to put in the tank please name some good ones.
Par vs Lux
I am struggling to find an answer to this and it may not exisit as its two different measures. I have a Lux meter; anyway to convert to PAR?
Pepperimint Hogfish right for me?
Hello to all been a while since I been on here. Okay so lets go over whats in my tank.
90 gallon 36*24*24..so pic a 3 foot long tank, 2 feet long from front to back and 2 feet tall...the bottom range is for hiding in rocks, burrowing in sand, and middish to top is open swim space, ahhhhh laps in the pool!
Inverts-Fire Shrimp/Scarlett Reef hermits, Blue leg Hermits, Blue Linka star, and coco feather duster/and some misc types of snails...mainly margretta, some Mexican turbos stuff of that nature, I do have some of the baby small snails that come from when they make babies...but honestly if they got eaten that's probably okay with me lol
Coral-SPS, LPS, mushrooms :)
Fish-In order from first put in ever to now, youngest addition is about 3 months old. Scissortail dartfish/tanak pygmy wrasse/blue assessor/Tomini Tang/pink skunk clownfish/bi-color chromis/and swalse swissguard basslet.
Well my question is simple...I think I want a peppermint hogfish or pacific redstripe hogfish as listed in LA. I have heard they jump...not worried about that, have a canopy and shes sealed up tight and overflow is too. I'm worried about my smaller fish...swalse swissguard basslet and my hermits and that's really it...maybe the snails too. He looks like a fish that might would eat something like a sexy shrimp...and or baby snail that was born a week ago type of fish....I heard there relatively peaceful??? His swimming patterns on some Youtube vids I watched didn't make him seem to be a bully...although I have a peaceful tank. My bi color chromis I would say is the most aggressive fish I have...and he causes no problems besides the occasional let me chase you for 6" then you can be my best friend the rest of the day. None of my fish fight or have torn fins or battle scares...they all are happy. I have one of those really cool fish traps that I'm sure a fish like him I could catch in it if need be and remove him. There not cheap btw either...you alls thoughts???
90 gallon 36*24*24..so pic a 3 foot long tank, 2 feet long from front to back and 2 feet tall...the bottom range is for hiding in rocks, burrowing in sand, and middish to top is open swim space, ahhhhh laps in the pool!
Inverts-Fire Shrimp/Scarlett Reef hermits, Blue leg Hermits, Blue Linka star, and coco feather duster/and some misc types of snails...mainly margretta, some Mexican turbos stuff of that nature, I do have some of the baby small snails that come from when they make babies...but honestly if they got eaten that's probably okay with me lol
Coral-SPS, LPS, mushrooms :)
Fish-In order from first put in ever to now, youngest addition is about 3 months old. Scissortail dartfish/tanak pygmy wrasse/blue assessor/Tomini Tang/pink skunk clownfish/bi-color chromis/and swalse swissguard basslet.
Well my question is simple...I think I want a peppermint hogfish or pacific redstripe hogfish as listed in LA. I have heard they jump...not worried about that, have a canopy and shes sealed up tight and overflow is too. I'm worried about my smaller fish...swalse swissguard basslet and my hermits and that's really it...maybe the snails too. He looks like a fish that might would eat something like a sexy shrimp...and or baby snail that was born a week ago type of fish....I heard there relatively peaceful??? His swimming patterns on some Youtube vids I watched didn't make him seem to be a bully...although I have a peaceful tank. My bi color chromis I would say is the most aggressive fish I have...and he causes no problems besides the occasional let me chase you for 6" then you can be my best friend the rest of the day. None of my fish fight or have torn fins or battle scares...they all are happy. I have one of those really cool fish traps that I'm sure a fish like him I could catch in it if need be and remove him. There not cheap btw either...you alls thoughts???
Feedback on Current Set Up
Hello All - I would like to gain your feedback on my current system:
25G Cube DT - set up for 3 months
Eshopps Berlin style sump w/ 4" 200 micron filter sock
Reef Octopus 110 SSS Protein Skimmer
Ecotech XR15 Pro Lighting - Ecotech SPS AB+ program at 45% max intensity for 7 hours/day
(2) Ecotech MP10s
BRS Reactor - 1/4 cup of biopellets - 1/2 recommended dose
BRS Reactor - 1/4 cup of GFO- 1/2 recommended dose
BRS Lignite Carbon in media bag
~25# Live Rock
(2) media bags filled with Seachem Matrix in sump
Fish: Midas Blenny & Royal Gramma fed 2x daily with Mysis & NLS Pellets
Corals: (4) Acro frags & (2) Monti Cap frags - feed 1/4 teaspoon of Oyster feast 2x/week. Dose 5 ml of Acropower daily.
Inverts: RBTA Anemone, (2) Trochias snails, (2) Red Leg Hermits
Parameters: Temp - 78-79F, Salinity - 1.025, Ph - 7.95-8.2, Alk - 7dKH, Calcium - 400ppm, Magnesium - 1400ppm, Nitrate/Phosphate = 0
5 gallon weekly water changes with Aqua Vitro Salinty and I do not dose 2 part - yet.
I'm wondering if my tank is too clean? Virtually 0 algae as I haven't cleaned the glass in 3 weeks. The tank went through a slight diatom bloom 2 weeks ago for about 1 week but is gone now and the tank is crystal clear. The RBTA has turned a little white and although it opens fully - the tentacles look to be almost gone and are not sticky when I try to feed small pieces of raw shrimp. My acros look to be colored well however a green slimmer 3" frag looks white at the very base. My goal is to stay ULNS but wondering if I need to be feeding fish and corals more than I currently do? I also have a pair of 1" Darwin Clowns in QT that need 2 more weeks. I then plan to QT and add a small wrasse such as a 6 line. What are your comments or questions about the set up, feeding, and RBTA condition?
25G Cube DT - set up for 3 months
Eshopps Berlin style sump w/ 4" 200 micron filter sock
Reef Octopus 110 SSS Protein Skimmer
Ecotech XR15 Pro Lighting - Ecotech SPS AB+ program at 45% max intensity for 7 hours/day
(2) Ecotech MP10s
BRS Reactor - 1/4 cup of biopellets - 1/2 recommended dose
BRS Reactor - 1/4 cup of GFO- 1/2 recommended dose
BRS Lignite Carbon in media bag
~25# Live Rock
(2) media bags filled with Seachem Matrix in sump
Fish: Midas Blenny & Royal Gramma fed 2x daily with Mysis & NLS Pellets
Corals: (4) Acro frags & (2) Monti Cap frags - feed 1/4 teaspoon of Oyster feast 2x/week. Dose 5 ml of Acropower daily.
Inverts: RBTA Anemone, (2) Trochias snails, (2) Red Leg Hermits
Parameters: Temp - 78-79F, Salinity - 1.025, Ph - 7.95-8.2, Alk - 7dKH, Calcium - 400ppm, Magnesium - 1400ppm, Nitrate/Phosphate = 0
5 gallon weekly water changes with Aqua Vitro Salinty and I do not dose 2 part - yet.
I'm wondering if my tank is too clean? Virtually 0 algae as I haven't cleaned the glass in 3 weeks. The tank went through a slight diatom bloom 2 weeks ago for about 1 week but is gone now and the tank is crystal clear. The RBTA has turned a little white and although it opens fully - the tentacles look to be almost gone and are not sticky when I try to feed small pieces of raw shrimp. My acros look to be colored well however a green slimmer 3" frag looks white at the very base. My goal is to stay ULNS but wondering if I need to be feeding fish and corals more than I currently do? I also have a pair of 1" Darwin Clowns in QT that need 2 more weeks. I then plan to QT and add a small wrasse such as a 6 line. What are your comments or questions about the set up, feeding, and RBTA condition?
What is this?
Hello. I have recently setup a 85 litre tank with the help of reading all the great advise on this forum. As I knew I was going to need so much more advise while running this tank I wanted to join the community here.
As a side question. What is this that appeared on my lr on day 3 of cycling? After much researching I still have no idea??? It moves quite slot but I have never actually seen it moving
As a side question. What is this that appeared on my lr on day 3 of cycling? After much researching I still have no idea??? It moves quite slot but I have never actually seen it moving
Sunrise dottyback and pistol shrimp
Can I put a sunrise Dottyback in my reef tank along with my blue spot watchman goby and Tiger pistol pair? 40 gallon tank with lots of live rock and spaces to hide.
Thursday, and breakfast all day!
Good mawnin', TRT!
Coffee is ready. Bagels, scones (sweet and savory), nanners and local peaches, and scrambled eggs with cheese. Get that food going to your tummies and brains.
Off to Civitan. Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!
Coffee is ready. Bagels, scones (sweet and savory), nanners and local peaches, and scrambled eggs with cheese. Get that food going to your tummies and brains.
Off to Civitan. Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!
mercredi 21 juin 2017
Corals randomly close!
My tank is freshly cycled and I added some new frags (zoas, mushrooms) and now my hammer, as well as the new frags, started closing up randomly during the day. I added the hammer during the cycle ( I shouldn't have done that) but it did fine I guess. It looks like it got injured or something. There are white spots on its tentacles. My zoas and the mushroom also close up but my glove polyp does not!
Water parameters:
SG: 1.024
dkH 13.1
pH 7.8
Ca 460
Mg 1300
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0-5ppm
Phosphates 0.50
My temperature has been fluctuating lately since it's been getting really hot here in Moren Valley. It jumped from 75 to 79 within a week. I'm not sure if that could be the reason. Flow is moderate to high but the zoas, mushroom and hammer are in low - medium flow. Only the glove polyp and GSP get higher flow.
Ph and Alk seem to be off. It is def. not the salt mix though. I did a water change yesterday and tested the mixed water.
pH 8.4
dkh 11.9 - 12.1
Mg 1350
Ca 420
phosphates 0
For filtration, I use a poly-filter in a canister filter. Any ideas what could be wrong?
Water parameters:
SG: 1.024
dkH 13.1
pH 7.8
Ca 460
Mg 1300
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0-5ppm
Phosphates 0.50
My temperature has been fluctuating lately since it's been getting really hot here in Moren Valley. It jumped from 75 to 79 within a week. I'm not sure if that could be the reason. Flow is moderate to high but the zoas, mushroom and hammer are in low - medium flow. Only the glove polyp and GSP get higher flow.
Ph and Alk seem to be off. It is def. not the salt mix though. I did a water change yesterday and tested the mixed water.
pH 8.4
dkh 11.9 - 12.1
Mg 1350
Ca 420
phosphates 0
For filtration, I use a poly-filter in a canister filter. Any ideas what could be wrong?
Frogspawn not opening up
I know that there are plenty of threads about this but I can't seem to find any that fit my exact coral or situation. Please take into account that I am a beginner, so please be nice. Also I don't know all the lingo yet so please Barney style it for me. I currently have a 20 gallon but in the process of moving to a 40 gallon so I can start a small reef. Apparently I have an addictive personality when it comes to my tank.
15w, 12v LED light. (Will have 2 for 40 gallon)
All test (testing strips) are perfect
I don't have a calcium test-LFS said I should be fine not to use one and insists that I don't put anything in my tank unless last resort.
I have two clowns, a cardinal, watchman, 1 crab and 1 turbo snail
I also have a pineapple brain and this frogspawn.
I did a move about a week ago, moving my 20 gallon to the office to make room for the 40. Prior to that my frogspawn only opened about an inch to inch and a half. For the past week it has been completely closed. My snail has knocked it over a few times so I moved it from the rock and have tried to move it around the tank for it's preferred flow..but still nothing.
What can I do to help this situation? How long can it live closed like that? My pineapple brain is doing great, eating and everything so I don't understand.
Thank you in advance for your advice and patience.
P.S. can't figure out how to post pics, I will post once I do
15w, 12v LED light. (Will have 2 for 40 gallon)
All test (testing strips) are perfect
I don't have a calcium test-LFS said I should be fine not to use one and insists that I don't put anything in my tank unless last resort.
I have two clowns, a cardinal, watchman, 1 crab and 1 turbo snail
I also have a pineapple brain and this frogspawn.
I did a move about a week ago, moving my 20 gallon to the office to make room for the 40. Prior to that my frogspawn only opened about an inch to inch and a half. For the past week it has been completely closed. My snail has knocked it over a few times so I moved it from the rock and have tried to move it around the tank for it's preferred flow..but still nothing.
What can I do to help this situation? How long can it live closed like that? My pineapple brain is doing great, eating and everything so I don't understand.
Thank you in advance for your advice and patience.
P.S. can't figure out how to post pics, I will post once I do
What CUC member for cleaning substrate in a freshly cycled tank?
My tank has finally finished cycling and I have brown algae and even coralline red and pink algae in my tank (which is pretty neat !!). I already added two snails from a LFS but they won't touch the substrate. I read that it's not wise to add hermit crabs to a new tank as well as brittle stars so what options do I have? My substrate is just 1" deep.
How many
HI I have a 10 gl reef tank with two baby ocellaris clownfish with a 20-40 gl filter and in the process of getting a 50gl proten skimmer. Can I add anymore fish and if not is there a certain amount of inverts that I can add l? Please recommend any thing.
Second display, refugium, please help
I'm FINALLY working with more space to expand my tank. I want to keep my 32 gallon cube as my main display. I want to add an expansion to it. Here's my options:
*20 Gallon Long ($50)
*20 Gallon Standard ($40)
*2nd 32 Gallon Cube Tank ($120)
I will build the custom stand. I already ordered things for the plumbing (hole saws, bulkheads, inside overflow skimmer). I will be making my first Durso overflow with a Mag 5 as a return.
I just don't know what to make. I wan't to keep my equipment (protein skimmer, heater, pump) behind a black divider and have a 2nd display up front. I was thinking refugium until I read several recent-ish posts talking about them being more of a hassle. I haven't kept up I guess. Has the community slowly stepped back from refugiums? Here are my options:
*2nd Display
I like the idea of creating a second enviorment with other species than my display tank. I initially wanted to simulate a kind of backwater system.
Any input would be appreciated.
*20 Gallon Long ($50)
*20 Gallon Standard ($40)
*2nd 32 Gallon Cube Tank ($120)
I will build the custom stand. I already ordered things for the plumbing (hole saws, bulkheads, inside overflow skimmer). I will be making my first Durso overflow with a Mag 5 as a return.
I just don't know what to make. I wan't to keep my equipment (protein skimmer, heater, pump) behind a black divider and have a 2nd display up front. I was thinking refugium until I read several recent-ish posts talking about them being more of a hassle. I haven't kept up I guess. Has the community slowly stepped back from refugiums? Here are my options:
*2nd Display
I like the idea of creating a second enviorment with other species than my display tank. I initially wanted to simulate a kind of backwater system.
Any input would be appreciated.
Is this possible?
Hey guys, so I had a 3 head frog spawn, 2 of the heads bailed out and the 3rd seems to be growing well.
But what is the white stuff growing? It looks like a new skeleton forming, but is this possible? It almost looks like honeycomb close up?
Any advice would be fab :)
But what is the white stuff growing? It looks like a new skeleton forming, but is this possible? It almost looks like honeycomb close up?
Any advice would be fab :)
DIY fish trap help
Hello, I have made a fish trap from a plastic bottle and my fish won't go in it. Any suggestions on how to make them use it? I am trying to remove my anthias fish (3). I am thinking of getting a yellow tang.
Tank is the Red Sea reefer 250
Tank is the Red Sea reefer 250
Need help green boring algae??
Hi all,
I'm wanting some advice and help with a lime/neon green algae that I've had for a while that's slowly taking over my substrate (fine coral gravel) and the white exposed areas of my rock work..I've had no joy on other forums and recently found a thread on here describing something similar..I've researched ostreobium and green boring algae and there's not a great deal of info out there. Has anyone any advice or experience to point me in the right direction. Many thanks
I'm wanting some advice and help with a lime/neon green algae that I've had for a while that's slowly taking over my substrate (fine coral gravel) and the white exposed areas of my rock work..I've had no joy on other forums and recently found a thread on here describing something similar..I've researched ostreobium and green boring algae and there's not a great deal of info out there. Has anyone any advice or experience to point me in the right direction. Many thanks
First Wednesday of summer
Good morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY WEDNESDAY! And.....HAPPY SUMMER TIME! Waited all year for this.....should have more than one summer every year. Sorry George, beach bum here. :beer: Near on 90 with a chance of a passing shower, with sunshine in the mean time. Sounds like there's dippy eggs and white toast to go with our coffee and pink milk this morning compliments of Chef Hack. Finished Pop's tank cleaning last night.....That was a dirty tank! :doh: Boss should be back in town this morning, taking a smidge of the load off my shoulders......acting like 'boss' cuts in to work I could be doing, rather than phones and 'baby sitting'. Hope all have an incredible day lined up, and all the best,
mardi 20 juin 2017
Fang blenny
What does it mean when a fang blenny is sticking to the glass or the filter?
Need help please
Hi everyone I was wondering if you have any advice for me. I'm a new comer and I've been doing a lot of research, but need your guys advice. I'm getting a 40 gallon fish tank. I'm wondering what are the best thing for that size tank, and a beginner. I don't want it to be too much money. If you could help that would be great👍🏽 😊
Weird things to that you feed your fish
So I was just reading around some forums today and found were somebody used a old Mysis frozen feeding package to freeze bananas in the cube slots. Then they dropped the froze cube bananas in the tank and the tang went crazy for it.
I would be very interested to hear if anybody feeds there fish or inverts, heck anything in the tank with something other than normal food. I have also heard about feeding tangs lettuces and broccoli as well?
I would be very interested to hear if anybody feeds there fish or inverts, heck anything in the tank with something other than normal food. I have also heard about feeding tangs lettuces and broccoli as well?
Adding another clown?
I was wondering if it would be ok to add a tomato clown to my tank. I already have two clowns ( not tomato) in there but they refuse to host my anemone.
Got Y'All some Tuesday here!
Good morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY TUESDAY! Got some Dunkin Donuts to go with our coffee and pink milk this morning compliments of the sleepless over brigade. Had a doozy of a thunder storm pass through last evening, a real window rattler! Going to be just as hot around here again today, so it didn't do much in the cooling off category. Got 1/2 of Pop's tank cleaned last night....MAN! Took 15 gals. to get that much of his bottom vacuumed.....will hit the other half tonight. :doh: His tank didn't 'look' bad, at a glance, but up close you could see the dirt on the bottom. He has a fw tank, and stone on the bottom, so all the dirt made it's way all the way down to the glass. I would be soooooo curious what his NO3 is, but not curious enough to buy a test kit as fish for the most part can take a LOT! Well back to my coffee and doughnuts, all the best,
lundi 19 juin 2017
Shroom help
Any ideas on identity of this mushroom. I have searched the web, including advanced aquarist and I am still not satisfied with identity.
Attachment 157618
Attachment 157618
Dosing Deals: 10% Back on EVO 4 + 20% Off Supplements
Dosing Deals: 10% Back on EVO 4 + 20% Off Supplements
Better Reefing Through Chemistry!

Setting Up an Aquarium Dosing Pump: It's Easier Than You Think!
Advanced Dosing: Beyond Calcium and Alkalinity
Better Reefing Through Chemistry!
Setting Up an Aquarium Dosing Pump: It's Easier Than You Think!
Advanced Dosing: Beyond Calcium and Alkalinity
Hermit Crab in Sump
Hoping for some advice. For a year or so now I have been experiencing a loss of various inverts from corals, star fish, snails and sea hares. This confused me as my parameters have always seemed perfectly in check. Recently some of my fish have been disappearing also.
In parallel with the above, a small red haired hermit crab who I had since the start has been growing and growing far faster than any of other crabs in the tank at first. So much so he is now almost 5 inches and unsurprisingly the other hermit crabs are no-where to be seen! Reading up it appears this may have been the ugly duckling, and I am now certain he is a Dardanus Megistos.
So my two questions are, is it likely he would be the cause of so many disappearances and deaths, or would he likely only go after the other inverts with shells? Secondly, can I keep him in my sump? I do really like him, and don't want to have to give him away when I've had him for years and he's such a character, but likewise I would not want to harm him if the sump was a bad idea.
In the tank I also have 3 cleaner shrimp, a few corals (although he's been picking at them a bit recently), 2 clown fish, a mandarin, a scooter, an orchid blenny and a blue cheek. Are they at threat?
Many thanks in advance
In parallel with the above, a small red haired hermit crab who I had since the start has been growing and growing far faster than any of other crabs in the tank at first. So much so he is now almost 5 inches and unsurprisingly the other hermit crabs are no-where to be seen! Reading up it appears this may have been the ugly duckling, and I am now certain he is a Dardanus Megistos.
So my two questions are, is it likely he would be the cause of so many disappearances and deaths, or would he likely only go after the other inverts with shells? Secondly, can I keep him in my sump? I do really like him, and don't want to have to give him away when I've had him for years and he's such a character, but likewise I would not want to harm him if the sump was a bad idea.
In the tank I also have 3 cleaner shrimp, a few corals (although he's been picking at them a bit recently), 2 clown fish, a mandarin, a scooter, an orchid blenny and a blue cheek. Are they at threat?
Many thanks in advance
Coral Beauty White Lines
Hi there reefing community,
I am on day 21 of my quarantine with a coral beauty angel. I did two rounds of prazipro and a 14 day period of cupramine. I raised the copper level slowly to a level of about .35-.4. I just backed off the cupramine by doing a big water change and put in some activated carbon to remove the rest. I am seeing these two white lines above the gills toward the top of his head. Any idea what this is? If it is a disease what meds would you recommend from here on out. I'd rather not do copper again because the angel was sensitive to it and I could tell didn't like it because of the suppressed appetite. Thanks for any help you can provide and I am sorry for the bad photo. If you need a better one I can try again later today.
I am on day 21 of my quarantine with a coral beauty angel. I did two rounds of prazipro and a 14 day period of cupramine. I raised the copper level slowly to a level of about .35-.4. I just backed off the cupramine by doing a big water change and put in some activated carbon to remove the rest. I am seeing these two white lines above the gills toward the top of his head. Any idea what this is? If it is a disease what meds would you recommend from here on out. I'd rather not do copper again because the angel was sensitive to it and I could tell didn't like it because of the suppressed appetite. Thanks for any help you can provide and I am sorry for the bad photo. If you need a better one I can try again later today.
That's all I have to say about that. Good morning TRT Friends, and....HAPPY *ONDAY! I ain't sure if'n I have a favorite day of the week, but pretty sure *ondays wouldn't be in the running if I did. Sunshine, war*, and heading towards hot. Schlepping so*e butter*ilk waffles on the table to go with our coffee and pink *ilk for eye openers today. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend as *uch as *e....was just down right nice! Hope your over night flight went s*ooth Perry, and today isn't too de*anding on you. Heading over to Pop's house tonight to try and clean the botto* of his way past due fresh water 55 gal. aquariu* :doh: Hadn't been done in near on two years, so he figured it *ight be ti*e. Hope all have great things ahead of the* today, and stay cool doing the*, and all the best,
dimanche 18 juin 2017
Help me choose a sump/refugium please!
I am going to be switching out my CPR Wet/Dry for a full on sump with refugium. I have a 45 gallon cube with stand so I am a bit limited on space. My daughter got me a gift card for Father's Day and that is going to be used to purchase the sump.
I think I have it narrowed down to 2 different models but I would like some advice. Which would you prefer between the 2 models below? If you know of another sump/refugium that would be better, let me know. Keep in mind that I am limited to about 24 inches long under my tank and that I do not want to go much over $240.
Here are the 2 models I am looking at:
Aqueon ProFlex Modular Model 1
Eshopps R-100
I think I have it narrowed down to 2 different models but I would like some advice. Which would you prefer between the 2 models below? If you know of another sump/refugium that would be better, let me know. Keep in mind that I am limited to about 24 inches long under my tank and that I do not want to go much over $240.
Here are the 2 models I am looking at:
Aqueon ProFlex Modular Model 1
Eshopps R-100
Is this a sundial snail?
Just wondering if anyone can ID this
Petco live rock and dry base rock
So i picked up Petco live rock this weekend(about 4-5 lbs) and picked up 8 lbs of some very porus baserock.I added it to the tank along with 20lbs of indo-pacific aragalive sand, threw in a uncooked shrimp and now playing the waiting game.
Now unfortunately i have no water testing supplies other than the hydrometer i purchased to mix the water. Will it be okay not to test until next weekend? I am in no rush with this tank and will be getting more and more equipment and supplies through time before i add any fishies.
Now unfortunately i have no water testing supplies other than the hydrometer i purchased to mix the water. Will it be okay not to test until next weekend? I am in no rush with this tank and will be getting more and more equipment and supplies through time before i add any fishies.
Acrylic Tank with a Plywood Bottom
Okay so I got a 4 x 8 sheet of 1" acrylic and cut it to 2 x 72 x 24 and 2 x 24 x 24 so the tank is 6 feet long 24 in tall and 24 deep. Right around 180 Gallons. I got the sheet for free and instead of buying an acrylic piece for the bottom i decided it would be more cost effective to build a plywood base. My Local acrylic store wants $150 for scratched up piece of 1/2. When Plywood is $20 at Home Depot and Thicker. So far I have fiber glassed the inside 2 times with cloth going one direction the first time and opposite the second. I did a total of the three layers around all seams on the in side where the plywood meets the acrylic. and also did the outside and it was leaking . So i had a elastoméric silicone paint and did about 4 coats outside and 2 inside and it is still leaking... i am about $75 into this, I am probably going to peel all the silicone off or leave it and do something on top ... Just very weird that its not holding water ... ANY IDEAS ? also i used 3m 5200 on the bottom of the acrylic to the plywood and used weld on 4 for the acrylic panels and weld on 16 for the gaps as Joey shows....
What is this critter?
This one is growing on an empty hermit shell. (see attached pic) There are a few more on my rocks. It's pretty small, maybe 1/8 inch, certainly less than 1/4 inch.
Some sort of tube worm???
Some sort of tube worm???
Identify following Anemones
Could someone identify the following nems

Need Help Identifying the Following Anemones
Hey everyone,
I just need help to identify the following anemones, it would be of great help, thanks.

I just need help to identify the following anemones, it would be of great help, thanks.
Need Help Identifying the Following Anemones
Need one last post to upload photos
I need help identifying something, however....4
I need help identifying something, however....
I need help identifying something, however....3
I need help identifying something, however....3
I need help identifying something, however.... 2
I need help identifying something, however.... 2
I need help identifying something, however....
I need help identifying something, however.... this website requires me to have at least 5 threads before I can do so, so this is spam post 1, which can be deleted.
Happy birthday to VWD on 6/18!
And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing.......

DIY ATO, Water Temp, and Evaporation
Hey Y'all!
So I finished my DIY ATO system before the weekend, took some tweaking to get it setup, but I got it working great. It cycles on and off fairly often (I only used one float switch), so I will eventually move the return for the ATO to my overflow box, so that it won't cycle as much; but even now, its working really well!
However, now that I can honestly see what my ATO rate is, I am burning through about a half gallon a day (likely a little more) with the lights on approximately 12hrs. I think I need a timer for my lights, so that I don't leave them on as long; but I don't know if that is heavily related. Closed top DT with only 2-2.5 inches open on the back side, but the sump is completely open and in a small (like really small!) compartment. BTW, my tank so a 20 long with a 5 gallon sump.
My temp is at 78, largely because the tank is on the second floor, and we can have really hot days that get up in that range, so I don't want the tank to overheat from the set temp. However, I am not sure If this would cause a problem with higher evaporation rates.
So here is the question. Does anyone have similar evaporation rates with this small setup (is this normal?), and would a temperature drop (4-6 degrees) have a major effect?
So I finished my DIY ATO system before the weekend, took some tweaking to get it setup, but I got it working great. It cycles on and off fairly often (I only used one float switch), so I will eventually move the return for the ATO to my overflow box, so that it won't cycle as much; but even now, its working really well!
However, now that I can honestly see what my ATO rate is, I am burning through about a half gallon a day (likely a little more) with the lights on approximately 12hrs. I think I need a timer for my lights, so that I don't leave them on as long; but I don't know if that is heavily related. Closed top DT with only 2-2.5 inches open on the back side, but the sump is completely open and in a small (like really small!) compartment. BTW, my tank so a 20 long with a 5 gallon sump.
My temp is at 78, largely because the tank is on the second floor, and we can have really hot days that get up in that range, so I don't want the tank to overheat from the set temp. However, I am not sure If this would cause a problem with higher evaporation rates.
So here is the question. Does anyone have similar evaporation rates with this small setup (is this normal?), and would a temperature drop (4-6 degrees) have a major effect?
Good morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! To all our Father's, and those that act like father's, THANK YOU! :cool: Warm and muggy, heading for warmer and muggier under loads of South Jersey sunshine. Pool's open, and the areas use to the smell of our grill a grilling, so recon we'll be seeing some neighbors come dinner time this evening. Hack and me will be heading off to church this morning, sadly still without Jen being able to join us yet as she's still caring for Pop. Though each passing day brings us closer to going back to 'our normal'. Perhaps another week or two yet before she'll feel comfortable enough for some extended periods home again. I didn't even know today was Father's Day till Nate mentioned something in passing.....thought it was still a week or two down the road yet.......other than a big steak grill out this evening, I have nothing for Pop. Think fast!:idea: We perform well under pressure, we'll think of something.....I hope. Hope all have such and incredible day today, it will take more than one sitting to hear all of the cool tales latter today from all of you..:blob:..all the best,
samedi 17 juin 2017
ID help please
Hi just wondering if anyone can help I'd this
It looks like lips coming out of a hole in the rock. After a while the open up and go back inside the rock and can barely be seen.
It looks like lips coming out of a hole in the rock. After a while the open up and go back inside the rock and can barely be seen.
Tell Me What I have Growing
Here's something that started growing.. I'm not sure what it is..hoping you guys can enlighten me :)
Over 40 Sale & Clearance Items!
We have 47 products currently in our Sale & Clearance Items. Make sure to check it out!
Father's Day Aquarium Gear On Sale Now
Aside from our amazing Fathers Day Sales, Premium Aquatics has a new nem tank full of different species that we are going to continue to add to. Currently we have Long tentacle purple nems to rock nems and mini maxi's....and of course rose bubble tip anemone’s. Make sure you keep an eye out for new additions!
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