mardi 1 mai 2018

low pH and dehumidifers?

back story.

I have been fighting low pH bottoming out at 7.6-7.5. At this point I am confident that it is due to high levels of CO2 in my room or within the tank cabinet because if I open a window or the cabinet doors the pH rises. I know it is an easy test to verify but I have been a little to lazy to do it. regardless that is really not what this post it about.

Now to my post and to my observation. This past year I have been running a dehumidifier in the fish tank room. This also coincides with the lower pH level. Prior to this year my tank has always been on the high side running about 8.3-8.5.

My thought is that the dehumidifier might be contributing to a high concentration of CO2 in per potion to Oxygen in the room by pulling out the O and H2 to create H2O. In turn there is less Oxygen available for the tank.

is this a sound theory? Could the dehumidifier really be a contributing factor?

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