I'm interested in having a sea sponge, I've seen some in liveaquaria but they all say expert only. What makes them hard ti take care of? Are there any that are easy-moderate? Should I even think about getting one? Keep in mind I don't have much experience in this hobby
mercredi 31 août 2016
Bi color blenny acclimation
Thoughts on bi color blenny acclimation and peppermints shrimp acclimation? Time-wise?
Peppermint shrimp
I just bought two peppermint shrimp.
99% of what I read said they will get along with my cleaner shrimp and coral - 1 Kenya tree.
Also have chromis and ocellaris clowns.
Some research says that they can be ornery with inverts. Anybody have any opinions?
99% of what I read said they will get along with my cleaner shrimp and coral - 1 Kenya tree.
Also have chromis and ocellaris clowns.
Some research says that they can be ornery with inverts. Anybody have any opinions?
Coral closed after a week
I bought a small zoa frag a week ago and it was fine untill yesterday it was completely closed. On monday i added a small nepthea tree coral and it has still yet to open up like it was in the store. Tank parameters are as followed
Calcium 280 i am using liquid calcium to raise it
Phosphate 0
Dkh 8
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Ph 8.3
Could it be from the calcium being a little low?
Calcium 280 i am using liquid calcium to raise it
Phosphate 0
Dkh 8
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Ph 8.3
Could it be from the calcium being a little low?
Hungry, Hungry, Harlequin?!
We only have one of the Harlequin shrimp (Hymenocera picta) left in stock at only $25. He will eat Asterina starfish (as seen in the picture), or a chocolate chip star which would last him about a month. Get him while you can!

Yep, it's Wednesday!
Good morning TRT friends, and welcome to the middle of the week....HAPPY WEDNESDAY! Still summer out there, heat and sun, probably upper 80's. Buttermilk waffles to go with our coffee and pink milk for starters today. 'Lil' Hack had his bf over for a sleep'less over last night, so gota tip-toe around the bodies to get your coffee, so shhhhhhhh! Been down in the engine room of a boat all week.....and it has a quartz lighting system right over my left shoulder where I've been wedged into for hours at a time, and they get HOT! On top of the heat of being down out of the fresh air in the summer time, so it's a real joy getting home at night to straighten up, and cool off. Hauled a 1941 Chris Craft *onday *orning.....which we 'don't haul wooden boats any more by the way', and blocked it for a bottom job. Interestingly I got a pic yesterday of a 1976 Pacemaker that we're having hauled to the dump, after we had removed engs. and tanks, and stripped down to a bare hull. Picture ain't that good, but I saw the dichotomy in the moment so took the picture. A modern 'thing', being outlived by an 'antique'....take that as a warning all you young wiper-snappers out there that think us 'older' folks are push overs!:cool: Hope all have a great day lined up, and all the best,
mardi 30 août 2016
Stocking and equipment for 20 gallon fowlr tank
Hey so I'm getting a new saltwater tank, my first one, and I just wanted to know what kind of equipment I would need for a 20 gallon tank and the stocking. Right now I'm thinking of getting 2 ocellaris clownfish, 1 firefish goby, 1 hi fin goby, 1 tail spot blenny, 2 bumblebee snail, and 2 cleaner shrimp, is that good or over stocked?
Cool, neat and interesting behaviors
Hiya and good day!
So i recently sold my pair of clowns, the female was a false perc, ive had her for about 2 years now, she was one of my first fish (the male jumped out months ago sadly), the male that replaced him was a true clownfish that i have had for several months.
Anyways i added a yellowtail damsel to the tank several months ago as well, ive had him for about a year but he was being held in another tank all by himself.
So i boight a pair of darwin true percula misbar clowns (black and white with orange to their face) 4 days ago and they dont exactly have a 'home' yet and im sitting here watching. They are at the bottom, thats damsel territory, and they are just chillin in one spot not movin much, the damsel sees em and comes over and does the clown dominance shake to em, that shaking/vibrating movement you often see clowns doing and the clowns left the territory, i was pretty suprised to see that. For one the damsel didnt attack or charge but just came up and acted like they do to get his point across.
But unfortunately the clowns also brought ick. I havent had ick in 2 years but its back and in full force. Everyone shows signs, the only one that seems really agitated is the kole tang but still eating and grazing. I just added some stress coat from api and i also feed blackworms and blender mush each daily, everyone eats like their starving but i think im going to go ahead and add in 3rd and 4th feedings until this passes. I didnt have any casualties the last time i had ick (but the time before that was the fisr time i stocked fish and wiped out the whole tank) and the way it looks noone seems deathly agitated by the ick so ill just feed more and thats about all i can do.
What are some cool, neat and interesting behaviors you have seen your fish do?
So i recently sold my pair of clowns, the female was a false perc, ive had her for about 2 years now, she was one of my first fish (the male jumped out months ago sadly), the male that replaced him was a true clownfish that i have had for several months.
Anyways i added a yellowtail damsel to the tank several months ago as well, ive had him for about a year but he was being held in another tank all by himself.
So i boight a pair of darwin true percula misbar clowns (black and white with orange to their face) 4 days ago and they dont exactly have a 'home' yet and im sitting here watching. They are at the bottom, thats damsel territory, and they are just chillin in one spot not movin much, the damsel sees em and comes over and does the clown dominance shake to em, that shaking/vibrating movement you often see clowns doing and the clowns left the territory, i was pretty suprised to see that. For one the damsel didnt attack or charge but just came up and acted like they do to get his point across.
But unfortunately the clowns also brought ick. I havent had ick in 2 years but its back and in full force. Everyone shows signs, the only one that seems really agitated is the kole tang but still eating and grazing. I just added some stress coat from api and i also feed blackworms and blender mush each daily, everyone eats like their starving but i think im going to go ahead and add in 3rd and 4th feedings until this passes. I didnt have any casualties the last time i had ick (but the time before that was the fisr time i stocked fish and wiped out the whole tank) and the way it looks noone seems deathly agitated by the ick so ill just feed more and thats about all i can do.
What are some cool, neat and interesting behaviors you have seen your fish do?
Dying anemone ????
My red based anemone had been deflated and small for a couple of days does anyone know what could be happening ?
14g or 29g??
so I used to have a 90 gallon reef. I have been out of the hobby for a good 3-4 years now and like all loves in life you want to keep going back. I have an opportunity to get either a 14 gal or 29 gal bio cube in my budget. I'm wondering the pros and cons to each and what would be better. So far my fish i want is a pair of small clowns, a citron and poss a dragonet of some sort. Corals I want to keep are easy zoas, shrooms, maybe a rock anem or RBT. nothing hard.
open to suggestions, thank you
open to suggestions, thank you
Happy birthday to essexreefer2011 on 8/30!
And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing....

Too Hot Again TUESDAY!
Good Morning, Everybody! :)
More 90's and sunshine today. Groundhog Day weather here.
Sparse on breakfast offerings, just some apple fritters and coffee. I'm overdue on a grocery run.
Another busy day at work in another county. Hopefully, it won't be a long day.
Major activity these days is helping daughter Mary Elizabeth do all the things necessary to spend the next year in England pursuing her master's degree. She had been accepted both at The University of St. Andrews in Scotland and The London School of Economics, both top-rated schools. She finally chose London with a program that more suited her. It's really not about economics, though that's part of the school's name. It's a bit awkward right now as she's spending the Summer in Washington, DC, as an intern in a human rights organization and will only be back here a couple of weeks before leaving for London.
A teaching moment. Baby Bear pays close attention as Mama Bear teaches cubby the fine points of dining on acorns.

Have a Tolerable Tuesday!
More 90's and sunshine today. Groundhog Day weather here.
Sparse on breakfast offerings, just some apple fritters and coffee. I'm overdue on a grocery run.
Another busy day at work in another county. Hopefully, it won't be a long day.
Major activity these days is helping daughter Mary Elizabeth do all the things necessary to spend the next year in England pursuing her master's degree. She had been accepted both at The University of St. Andrews in Scotland and The London School of Economics, both top-rated schools. She finally chose London with a program that more suited her. It's really not about economics, though that's part of the school's name. It's a bit awkward right now as she's spending the Summer in Washington, DC, as an intern in a human rights organization and will only be back here a couple of weeks before leaving for London.
A teaching moment. Baby Bear pays close attention as Mama Bear teaches cubby the fine points of dining on acorns.
Have a Tolerable Tuesday!
lundi 29 août 2016
major overhaul
Hi all. I am moving my 65 gal tank from one room to the next and am wondering how much water to reserve. It's a 65 gallon tank with a 20 gallon sump. The sump is perhaps holding only about 12 to 14 gallons of water because of not being filled to the top and holding equipment. The 65 gallon has about 20 pounds of rock and very little sand. Would 20% to 25% be sufficient? I'm expecting this to take several hours and am worried about some bacteria loss if the rocks sit in non-circulating water for too long. Should this be a concern?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
Pair of scissortail dartfish problems?
Hey there. Situation: Got 2 scissortails about 4 months ago from LA. Actually 3 but one was DOA. Anyways, I quarantined the 2 for 12 weeks in a 10 gallon. While in the 10 gallon I noticed that 1 seemed to be more dominant than the other and seem to not let the other get food. I put them into the DT...at first they both came out together during feeding...as of the past 2 weeks it seems like the one only comes out of the den and aggressively eats and then he darts back into the burrow and seems to maybe rough the other one up a bit. Is this actually happening I dont know. Either way the one goes for the food and the other one sits back in the den with just its head popping out. I am worried that they are fighting...however...however I have heard that with scissortail dartfish you have a more dominant one and so forth. The other one does look skinner and definitely has a more "bowed" look but good coloration. While the other one looks much fatter. The other one does not necessarily look like its in ill health...just a bit slimmer it seems. Its hard to tell with Darts because they already look skinny IMO. ALSO...the fish share there den with a fire shrimp....I dont know if that makes a difference just giving you guys info. The fish are in a 90 gallon reef tank and are the ONLY fish in there btw. I have had these fish a total of like I said about 5 months now....I would have thought that if the one was not eating it would have been dead by now....so am I just over reacting or do I need to seperate the two. I will also say...the more dominant one eats when I feed him...however when I leave the room the other one comes out after a few minutes with the dominant one and hangs close to the other guy and NO FIGHTING, and I try to feed it and BOTH of them want nothing to do with the food. I will also say that the only time I notice what I MAY consider fighting of the dominant one is during feed time...that is it.
Lemon peel angel
Hello all.
I really want to buy a lemon peel angel. I had a dome that died after a year.
I know they can nip at clam mantles and SPS. I have one Kenya tree and:
3 chromis
2 ocellaris clowns
2 cleaners
Any chance the Kenya tree will be safe with this fish? No hope.
I really want to buy a lemon peel angel. I had a dome that died after a year.
I know they can nip at clam mantles and SPS. I have one Kenya tree and:
3 chromis
2 ocellaris clowns
2 cleaners
Any chance the Kenya tree will be safe with this fish? No hope.
We have a new baby, I mean new tank (Sneak Peak)
Check out this Reef Crest Drop Off All-In-One 17 Gallon Acrylic Aquarium that Brandon gets to work on for the checkout counter at Premium Aquatics.
Details to come, but in the mean time follow us on our Twitter and Facebook to possibly help us decide on what is going in this beauty!
And if you can't wait for us to complete our project, feel free to purchase your own on the website.

Details to come, but in the mean time follow us on our Twitter and Facebook to possibly help us decide on what is going in this beauty!
And if you can't wait for us to complete our project, feel free to purchase your own on the website.
Ethereal and Radion G4 in stock + ATO and Doser Deals
Ethereal and Radion G4 in stock + ATO and Doser Deals
Upgrade your lighting plus automate tank top-off and dosing!

Upgrade your lighting plus automate tank top-off and dosing!
Help me pleaseee
I need to know what's wrong with my tank ? I changed 60 percent of my water yesterday and I rinsed the filter with salt water and I added some dragon mandarin copepods the day before yesterday but idk what's wrong with my tank I need help please
Effects of a Broken UV Sterilizer
Good Morning,
I was changing and cleaning the UV sterilizer in my tank this morning when I discovered that the outer glass case that separates the water from the UV bulb was broken. Are there any harmful effects of sad disaster? I do not believe that water had permeated the electrical plugs and what not. I think that the water came into direct contact with the bulb itself. Any ideas on the matter would be appreciated.
Sincerely concerned,
I was changing and cleaning the UV sterilizer in my tank this morning when I discovered that the outer glass case that separates the water from the UV bulb was broken. Are there any harmful effects of sad disaster? I do not believe that water had permeated the electrical plugs and what not. I think that the water came into direct contact with the bulb itself. Any ideas on the matter would be appreciated.
Sincerely concerned,
The 2016 MACNA Thread
Well Dave started one of these for last year, after he got his hotel room and tickets. Kinda surprised there is not one on here yet... Maybe I should have started it last year when I got my ticket, Anyway. Who will be at MACNA this year?
I fly into California the Saturday before hand to visit some family, and will be at the hotel on Thursday. Anyone interested in doing a meetup Thursday night?
I fly into California the Saturday before hand to visit some family, and will be at the hotel on Thursday. Anyone interested in doing a meetup Thursday night?
Happy belated birthday to salt creepette (8/28)
And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing.....

Horrors! I checked my crystal ball for the wrong day!
Horrors! I checked my crystal ball for the wrong day!
Yea, Monday already
Good *orning TRT friends, and....HAPPY *ONDAY! That was just too enjoyable of a weekend to have to say good by to, oh well. Back to Pop-Tarts to go with our coffee and pink *ilk, though the assort*ent of them grow steadily. Su**er weather, with the outside chance we could be seeing so*e truly ugly stuff if's any of those stor*s out there get a hankering to *ove this direction a tad. Hope all are well, and find so*e enjoyable stuff to do today, and all the best,
dimanche 28 août 2016
Plain old well water
I am stuck 300 miles from my tank. It was supposed to be 2 days, now it is indefinate. Before I left RODI was running slow, and I have a complicated system with a CO2 offgassing stage before the DI. Took it apart before I left. Sump needs to be topped off tommorow before return pump is exposed. Already had neighbor break a window to feed the fish. Tommorow the tank will recieve about 5 gallons of straight well water. looks like this is the last straw.
MH/T5 Combo or T5
I've had Radion G3 Pro's for a couple of year now and although I've played with the programing and coloration I don't nearly get the growth that I used to with T5's.
I'm looking to change back, but not sure if I should go with all T5's or a MH/T5 combo. LFS owners are telling me MH setups are too much of a pain and expensive to maintain; new bulbs every ~6-8 months. It seems like T5 technology has caught up to MH and the only benefit I'd lose out on is the shimmer.
If you had to pick would you go with a MH/T5 fixture (Phoenix MH & ATI bulbs) or T5 (ATI bulbs)?
I'm looking to change back, but not sure if I should go with all T5's or a MH/T5 combo. LFS owners are telling me MH setups are too much of a pain and expensive to maintain; new bulbs every ~6-8 months. It seems like T5 technology has caught up to MH and the only benefit I'd lose out on is the shimmer.
If you had to pick would you go with a MH/T5 fixture (Phoenix MH & ATI bulbs) or T5 (ATI bulbs)?
Green brittle starfish
I was at the lfs today buying saltwater to do a water change when suddenly a coral caught my eye, It was a kenya branch coral. The guy broke off a little piece of it with life rock and put it in a bag. When I got home, I then proceded to aclimate the corals and dip them, and soon, I saw something odd, it was a brittle/serpent starfish! Free starfish! I said. Then I glued the coral and put the starfish in my tank, and immediately hid in a rock. Again. I should've done research because it might be a green brittle starfish which I heard may eat fish. It is very small, should I take it out, should I be worried? I currently can't see it but from what I have read, it should come out after I turn of the light. If I get it out, can I put him in my sump for now?
My name is Twoface and I... Am a reefaholic
Went to the mall today with the wife and inlaws. Had a little time to kill after we got done so I was like eh, let's check out Petco. I hate Petco. Their tanks are usually nasty with ich and fish and specimens look awful. But I figured I would humor myself. I went in to check it out and was very shocked. Corals in the tank, and they looked good, fish looked healthy, anemones looked great, I was just blown away. It looked almost( and I stress almost) as good as a locally owned fish store. Ended up buying a long tentical anemone for 29 dollars. A little over priced but had great color and very good size. He took right to my corner I was hoping it would. I'm sure it will move but I was glad it stuck to the Rock and dug into the sand as fast as it did. Keep in mind this is the 8th piece of saltwater additions I've bought in less than a month and have plans of spending around 100 next week with a close fellow reefer. He has nice corals starting at 5 dollars each and big ones for 20-25. I've got a problem...
6 Line Wrasse
Hello all,
Thinking of a 6 Line Wrasse. I believe my new and only coral- a Kenya tree from LA.com came with bristle worms. Not a bristle star. Because now I see legs in various places.
I know some people like them.
I don't like looking at them.
My friend suggested a 6 line.
I have a 94 gallon
Three chromis
Two ocellaris clowns
Two cleaners
And one Kenya.
Does a 6 line sound like a good idea?
Thinking of a 6 Line Wrasse. I believe my new and only coral- a Kenya tree from LA.com came with bristle worms. Not a bristle star. Because now I see legs in various places.
I know some people like them.
I don't like looking at them.
My friend suggested a 6 line.
I have a 94 gallon
Three chromis
Two ocellaris clowns
Two cleaners
And one Kenya.
Does a 6 line sound like a good idea?
Removing corals from pest rock?
What's the best place to get info on removing corals from pest rock.
The Rock has hair and bubble algae and just needs to be cooked.
I don't want to kill all the corals on it.
Zoas, and ricodia
The Rock has hair and bubble algae and just needs to be cooked.
I don't want to kill all the corals on it.
Zoas, and ricodia
Can any tell me what sex my seahorse is please.
Ideal temperature for reef
I KNOW this is a very stupid question, but ive heard so many things, I've heard 72-78 78-80, 76, Idk, I just keep it around 77, it's that right, so what is the ideal temperature?
Marbled cone snail
I was wondering where to buy one or if there is a supplier somewhere. Yes I'm aware of how dangerous it is but people keep plenty of dangerous pets. I live in maryland and does anybody know the import/export laws regarding this snail?
Sunup Sunday
Morning everyone.
At the airport early for a 6 am flight. Day is going to be pretty uneventful, I hope.
Plenty of homework to do at the hotel this afternoon.
Missed the whole summer. This traveling life does have some disadvantages.
At the airport early for a 6 am flight. Day is going to be pretty uneventful, I hope.
Plenty of homework to do at the hotel this afternoon.
Missed the whole summer. This traveling life does have some disadvantages.
samedi 27 août 2016
Sea cucumber for begginers?
I've read both positive and negative facts about sea cucumber, including that they make a great addition to your clean up crew and the feared "cuke nuke". I would really like to get a tigertail or yellow sea cucumber but I am too afraid of them dying and wiping out my entire tank. Should I be afraid? Should I get one? Or should I just walk past by them at the LFS?
Reef safe butterfly?
I REALLY want to have a butterflyfush but they all seem to not be reef safe or eat fan worms, are there any that are %100 reef safe or at least close too, I am willing to gamble a bit ?
Colochirus Robustus, The yellow sea cucumber. Splitting
So my nice little sea cuke decided he wanted to split him self right down the middle. so now instead of having one nuke hanging out in my rock i now have two. Yippee for.... me.... :confused: maybe. lol. just wanted to get some help on what i should probably do, preferably without removing them.
Ive also done research before i got them (like a good sea veggie parent would) and found that they tend to split when they are happy, healthy, and well fed, or.... when they are injured, starving, or on a decline (two heads is better then one i guess)
Oh what fun it is to be me :bawling::blob: :confused:
Ive also done research before i got them (like a good sea veggie parent would) and found that they tend to split when they are happy, healthy, and well fed, or.... when they are injured, starving, or on a decline (two heads is better then one i guess)
Oh what fun it is to be me :bawling::blob: :confused:
Phytoplankton culture, copper sulfate, and your invertibrates
So I'm building a home set up of phyto for my filter feeders (number of feather dusters, and a small yellow sea cucumber who has just split). I found a source that recommended using Miracle Gro ( http://ift.tt/2bXfFN9 ) instead of something like Mirco Algae Grow (http://ift.tt/2c5hyt0 ). So i was doing research on it and found that Guillard's F/2 fertilizer has chelated Copper Sulfate (CuSO4) which you may recognize as a treatment for Ich or other parasites. Sounds pretty bad right? mind you its a very small amount, about 0.065% of the given values. Now after some research i found we actually need an amount of copper in our tanks but such a small amount we would never be able to test for it in a standard home testing. Just wondering your thoughts. Also i found another Miracle grow that should be a similar product, but also has copper sulfate in it (they are both all purpose plant foods) http://ift.tt/2c5jamq now this one comes in a water soluble form and contains about 0.07% copper. so just want some good give and take about this and i might just try my own experiments with getting two or three different kinds of fertilizers and just seeing which grows best (then seeing which one would be the best to feed)
Torch coral
I bought a torch coral about a week ago and has been doing perfectly fine until yesterday when I directly fed it brine shrimp and fish come and took it away from him, ever since he's ben shriveled up and tiday, it seems his tentacles are turning green, what should I do? He used to be much larger than that
Beginner - Starting 36 Gallon
Hello everyone!
I am new to the forum and also to saltwater aquariums (sticking with FOWLR for now). I have had freshwater for many years now, but I have a new 36 gallon bow front aquarium that I am planning on using to take the plunge into saltwater.
So my main question at this moment is this: What do I need to buy? From researching on this forum and others, I have seen lots of information regarding skimmers, power heads, hang on back filters, and most of this information seems to conflict from one forum to another, leaving me a bit bewildered :icon_drool:
So for the moment, I am wondering the following things:
1) For a 36 gallon, do I need a protein skimmer? And if so, what should I look for when deciding on one?
2) Are hang on back filters useful? I do not have room for installing a sump at this point in time (Hopefully down the road I can though!), so suggestions involving using a sump instead are unfortunately out.
3) How do you go about deciding on what is needed for power heads? For example, their GPH rating, brands, how to know how many to but, etc?
4) Any other very obvious equipment I am neglecting to consider? I have a RODI unit ordered that should be here this week, so I have that one all set. As for lighting, I am planning to stick with the stock light hood as currently I am only doing FOWLR.
Sorry if most of these questions seem quite novice, and I imagine that most of this information is out there in the wide internet somewhere, however after spending the last few days on various forums, my head is spinning and am looking for some more clarification.
Looking forward to joining this awesome community!
I am new to the forum and also to saltwater aquariums (sticking with FOWLR for now). I have had freshwater for many years now, but I have a new 36 gallon bow front aquarium that I am planning on using to take the plunge into saltwater.
So my main question at this moment is this: What do I need to buy? From researching on this forum and others, I have seen lots of information regarding skimmers, power heads, hang on back filters, and most of this information seems to conflict from one forum to another, leaving me a bit bewildered :icon_drool:
So for the moment, I am wondering the following things:
1) For a 36 gallon, do I need a protein skimmer? And if so, what should I look for when deciding on one?
2) Are hang on back filters useful? I do not have room for installing a sump at this point in time (Hopefully down the road I can though!), so suggestions involving using a sump instead are unfortunately out.
3) How do you go about deciding on what is needed for power heads? For example, their GPH rating, brands, how to know how many to but, etc?
4) Any other very obvious equipment I am neglecting to consider? I have a RODI unit ordered that should be here this week, so I have that one all set. As for lighting, I am planning to stick with the stock light hood as currently I am only doing FOWLR.
Sorry if most of these questions seem quite novice, and I imagine that most of this information is out there in the wide internet somewhere, however after spending the last few days on various forums, my head is spinning and am looking for some more clarification.
Looking forward to joining this awesome community!
Just noticed this in the tank.
Just noticed this today. What is the yellow spots on the rock and sand? And on the one rock it looks like little pieces of hair or fur growing. Is this good or bad? Leave it or do something?
Feeding a 10 gallon tank
Hello i have a 10 gallon saltwater tank. I have 3 fishes in. A tomatoe clownfish a yellow angelfish and a damsel. they are doing amazing. But i have clues about feeding them. I used brine shrimp. Mysis shrimp and some gralic pellets. And a frozen angel formula. But i dont know if i am giving them the right food.
Hello All...
I lost my three purple eye anthias during a heat wave.
I would like to get three more anthias... although I am having trouble getting the purple eyes. Do they have another name?
I have a 94 gallon with two ocellaris clowns, three chromis and two cleaner shrimp and one kenya tree. I know that some anthias need more room if there is more than one anthias. My purple eyes did fine for about 7 months until their demise.
Anybody have any anthias suggestions?
I lost my three purple eye anthias during a heat wave.
I would like to get three more anthias... although I am having trouble getting the purple eyes. Do they have another name?
I have a 94 gallon with two ocellaris clowns, three chromis and two cleaner shrimp and one kenya tree. I know that some anthias need more room if there is more than one anthias. My purple eyes did fine for about 7 months until their demise.
Anybody have any anthias suggestions?
HELP with pest anemone
What the best way to eliminate this pest?
Purple Stylophora dying??
Hi everyone,
I would be grateful if anyone could help me. My purple Stylophora has always been really healthy and has even been sprouting. However the last couple of days it has really gone down hill and I think it is dying.
It is my favourite coral so I would like to save it if I can. I have tested for Nitrite, Phosphates and Ammonium and all parameters are at 0. The only changes that I can think of that may have effected this coral are
1. I used some aptasia x in the tank but I was really careful. Could this be the cause?
2. I also bought a sexy shrimp about a week ago. Could he be the culprit?
Any advice would be gratefully received.
Thanks in advance.
I would be grateful if anyone could help me. My purple Stylophora has always been really healthy and has even been sprouting. However the last couple of days it has really gone down hill and I think it is dying.
It is my favourite coral so I would like to save it if I can. I have tested for Nitrite, Phosphates and Ammonium and all parameters are at 0. The only changes that I can think of that may have effected this coral are
1. I used some aptasia x in the tank but I was really careful. Could this be the cause?
2. I also bought a sexy shrimp about a week ago. Could he be the culprit?
Any advice would be gratefully received.
Thanks in advance.
Clown fish keep dying
So i had 2 clown fish when i fisrt started my tank and one ended up dying but the other has been super healthy so about a month later i bought another clown and it did good for a week and this morning it ended up dying too. Whats going on my ammonia is 0 nitrites 0 and nitrates less than 5. Every other fish in the tank is doing super well.
Hello Saturday!
Good morning TRT friends, and.....HAPPY SATURDAY! Beginning to run low on Saturdays for the summer season around here, so get up and go have FUN! Scrambled eggs to go with our coffee and pink milk for eye openers around here. Noticed we were out of bacon :eek:, hey George, can we borrow some bacon? 'Lil' Hack goes back to school the day after Labor Day, so we're looking to do some fun cramming ourselves around here.....and thinking a camp out tonight will help jog our thinking process. Heading into work, for what I do not know, even the deceased would be bored and moving on over there. :rolleyes: Does anyone have any exciting plans for the up coming holiday? We were given a couple bags of cooked and cleaned 'Blue-Claws' last night from Pop, so looking like a sea-food something come dinner time if'n anyone is in the area. Hope all are safe, and well, and all the best to all,
Help! Bought bleached lta
Hi, I am new to marine life, after buying a used tank from someone from a guy with some fish in it including clownfish, and waiting a month to make sure everything was healthy, I was excited to add an anemone so they can live in, I wish I had done research because as A result of not doing it, I was scammed into buyimg a bleached anemone, can I save it, if so, what do I need to do??? Also, it won't stick anywhere longer than a day, it does eat mysis shrimp which I feed it twice - 3 time per week.
vendredi 26 août 2016
Aptasia behavior
Hello all...
I just got a maricultured Kenya Tree on a base from LiveA.
It came with what we think is a brittle star, we see the legs, but it doesnt come out ever.
I also thought I saw an aptasia... but it recedes into the crevice very often.
Could it be a fan and not an aptasia? Do aptasias recede?
Pics below.
On is of the bottom of the frag. You should be able to see the aptaisa(?) at about the 1:30 position. And you can clearly see the thing intertwined on the bottom - which we think is a brittle star.
I just got a maricultured Kenya Tree on a base from LiveA.
It came with what we think is a brittle star, we see the legs, but it doesnt come out ever.
I also thought I saw an aptasia... but it recedes into the crevice very often.
Could it be a fan and not an aptasia? Do aptasias recede?
Pics below.
On is of the bottom of the frag. You should be able to see the aptaisa(?) at about the 1:30 position. And you can clearly see the thing intertwined on the bottom - which we think is a brittle star.
When will zoa open
So i just bought my first coral and went with a small zoa frag just to see how it does before i get into anything bigger and more expensive. Its been in the tank for 3 days now and i havent seen all the heads open at once yet. There are three that consistently stay wide open and some that will open halfway and some wont open at all. Just wondering if this is normal and when it will open fully.
I've got an 800gph pump and was wondering what size hole to drill on the side of my tank. I read that a 1" bulkhead size will only support 600gph but noticed my old overflow box (that had handled 800gph) had a 1" hole. Would vertical vs. horizontal drainage make a difference? Should I go with two 3/4" holes instead?
Ack! Ich!
So I recently got ich in my main display (popped up sometime this week.) Fish are all still healthy, but the pallet and powder brown displayed some significant bumps. It was not salty like it typically is, but then again the fish barely displayed any "sick" behavior (heavy breathing, panic or lack of appetite.) I'm figuring it must have come in on either some corals I didn't QT or possible (and probably) 3 small chromis I didn't QT (I had taken the QT down by then and was being lazy.)
So now, I'm preparing a long term hospital/QT to be as stress free as possible. All inhabitants are currently eating, grazing and actually look much better after upping feedings and an addition of amino acids to their food. But I'm not going to risk it. All 20 something fish will be added to the QT and the 8 week adventure of copper, amino acids, garlic and multiple per day feedings is ahead of me.
Remember kids, always QT from the beginning. It's that "eh, it will be okay this time..." will bite you in the behind sooner or later.
So now, I'm preparing a long term hospital/QT to be as stress free as possible. All inhabitants are currently eating, grazing and actually look much better after upping feedings and an addition of amino acids to their food. But I'm not going to risk it. All 20 something fish will be added to the QT and the 8 week adventure of copper, amino acids, garlic and multiple per day feedings is ahead of me.
Remember kids, always QT from the beginning. It's that "eh, it will be okay this time..." will bite you in the behind sooner or later.
compatibility with blue damsels
I have 2 blue damsels about 3" in a 150 gallon FOWLR. Other fish include 1 clown and a snowflake eel. I want to add heniochus, foxface and other butterflys and/or angels. Will there be an issue?
We made it....FRIDAY!
Good morning TRT friends, and.....HAPPY FRIDAY! Fantastic hearing from you yesterday Vinnie..:blob:..THANKS for the check-in. Up in the mid 90's today, under a lot of sunshine. Water melon, and cantaloupe to go with our coffee and pink milk to get us out the door. Hope the day treats all well, and all the best,
My rock has started turning purple? Is this normal?
Hi I have a had the rank about a year not no coral in just fish, I do regular water changes and this has appeared almost over night
jeudi 25 août 2016
Skimmer Fluctuates and Overflows after power outage
Hey Guys,
Just trying to start my first big reef tank. 125 gl. I previously had a 30 gallon but with the new one, trying to put the sump in the basement. The issue(s) I am having currently is my skimmer water level changes or fluctuates and when I turn on the system/a power outage my skimmer overflows...
I am using a xp-2000 ext cone and pumping it with a hydor 740. the hydor is pumping into the skimmer and that goes into a tank below. there is a return pump off to the side that pumps the water back into the tank with the hydor. I can get the water level with the hydor constant, but it doesn't help the skimmer too much. I attached a picture of the setup (I think) and any help/advice would be appreciated. :help:
Just trying to start my first big reef tank. 125 gl. I previously had a 30 gallon but with the new one, trying to put the sump in the basement. The issue(s) I am having currently is my skimmer water level changes or fluctuates and when I turn on the system/a power outage my skimmer overflows...
I am using a xp-2000 ext cone and pumping it with a hydor 740. the hydor is pumping into the skimmer and that goes into a tank below. there is a return pump off to the side that pumps the water back into the tank with the hydor. I can get the water level with the hydor constant, but it doesn't help the skimmer too much. I attached a picture of the setup (I think) and any help/advice would be appreciated. :help:
Critter in Live Rock
Pretty new to the marine aquarium business so many harmless critters seem like alien creatures to me, but my girlfriend yelled for me after she saw a long transparent worm stretching from within the live rock, near the bottom, to the top of the rock (apparently searching for fish poop to eat) nearly a foot in length. I've attached a few pictures, and would mostly just like to know what it is and if its harmful to the other fish in the tank. Otherwise I'm not too worried about having something else in the tank to clean up. It was mostly just a bit startling. Also, it came out with the tank lights completely on, albeit they're not extremely bright lights since they're just a temporary fix until I can invest in better lighting.
Baby rose bubble anemones?
Hey guys. I'm still new to this reef tank world but I have learned a lot. I recently got my first rose bubble anemone and it has been doing great! But I noticed 4 of these little guys pop up across the tank. I have really good flow so things get carried around my tank rapidly. But I honesty don't know it it's what they are.
What do you think?
What do you think?
First recovery/healing experience!
Noticed one of the 8 pieces of my Zoanthid wasn't coming out. Saw on YouTube that there are spiders or other things hat can get on them and cause that. Checked and saw a tiny bump on top of where it would come out. Picked it off with my tweezers. When I came home, the 8th one is finally out. Made me feel like I'm really learning and getting better as a newbie! So happy to resolve the issue.
Just wanted to share my excitement.
Just wanted to share my excitement.
Replacement for Flame Angel
Hello all.
I lost my year old flame angel during a heat wave.
I haven't replaced him yet.
I have a 92 gallon with about 50lbs of LR
Two ocellaris clowns
Three chromis
Two cleaners
One new Kenya tree
I also see new pods and algae on rocks. Not a big problem, but I'm guessing that the flame was eating that stuff.
I'd love a yellow or lemon peel angel. Any problems with them and the shrimp or corals? Any other ideas for replacements?
I lost my year old flame angel during a heat wave.
I haven't replaced him yet.
I have a 92 gallon with about 50lbs of LR
Two ocellaris clowns
Three chromis
Two cleaners
One new Kenya tree
I also see new pods and algae on rocks. Not a big problem, but I'm guessing that the flame was eating that stuff.
I'd love a yellow or lemon peel angel. Any problems with them and the shrimp or corals? Any other ideas for replacements?
WYNTK, VOL. 3: Tunze, Eheim, and Aqua UV
WYNTK, VOL. 3: Tunze, Eheim, and Aqua UV
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More fast facts about our customers’ favorite products!
Don't forget: Our 10% off frozen food sale ends Sunday!
I recently zapped one aptasia with Aptasia-X and it worked fine.
I noticed something else just now, completely by its lonesome in the sand. Nowhere near anything else. Sticking up, waving, with what look like tentacles. It is clear/translucent/white - not the ugly brown I see in aptasia pics.
I have a 92 gallon tank with about 55 lbs of LR.
3 chromis
2 clowns
2 cleaners
and a recent Kenya Tree.
The weird aptasia-possible things pre-dated the new coral. Could it be something other than aptasia? Or should I zap it while I can?
I noticed something else just now, completely by its lonesome in the sand. Nowhere near anything else. Sticking up, waving, with what look like tentacles. It is clear/translucent/white - not the ugly brown I see in aptasia pics.
I have a 92 gallon tank with about 55 lbs of LR.
3 chromis
2 clowns
2 cleaners
and a recent Kenya Tree.
The weird aptasia-possible things pre-dated the new coral. Could it be something other than aptasia? Or should I zap it while I can?
What glue is safe
:help: Is rubber cement safe to use when gluing a rubber piece of material around the inside top lip of an aquarium? PVC glue?
New 150g FOWLR
I did a 75 reef years ago and did well so I'm not new but now I'm setting up a 150g FOWLR, a beananimal coast to coast overflow with a large sump. I want a busy tank fish wise, but want to keep it easy, no hard to feed types etc. I am thinking of 6 green cromis, two false clowns, a yellow tank, a little goby of some sort, a six line wrasse, and I was thinking maybe one or two more fish, something with a bit of a wow factor but that would be peaceful with the other fish and not be overly difficult to keep, any suggestions? Also, what inexpensive LED light would you guys consider for the tank? I would like to get a single 72" strip of some sort.
I wanna know what other peoples Alkalinity KH depletion is daily
My mag is 1380 calc on high side 480
My kh in three days has gone from 9.3 to 9.15 to 8.75
What do you think to that depletion and what's yours? I am testing daily as I plan to buy a doser next few days.....after pay day and when wife's away ;) ...ha.
My tank......130 g system 100g display lps dominated two medium sized sps Birdsnest colonies rest lps . See my link in sight if helps u figure out if my depletion excessive for the corals I keep.
Thanks a lot all info and tank kh depletion info appreciated.
My kh in three days has gone from 9.3 to 9.15 to 8.75
What do you think to that depletion and what's yours? I am testing daily as I plan to buy a doser next few days.....after pay day and when wife's away ;) ...ha.
My tank......130 g system 100g display lps dominated two medium sized sps Birdsnest colonies rest lps . See my link in sight if helps u figure out if my depletion excessive for the corals I keep.
Thanks a lot all info and tank kh depletion info appreciated.
does anyone know what this is?
Howdy Thursday!
Top of the morning TRT friends, and.....HAPPY THURSDAY! Buttermilk waffles and fresh strawberries and whipped cream to go with our coffee and pink milk to pry the eyes open today. Hot creeping up on us again, right near 90 again under a sunny sky. Still slow'ish so far at work, with a 'project' in the wings, but know not when. So thinking about getting the dart board out and perhaps taking a 1/2 or a whole day next week off and have some fun. We'll see. Everyone else gets the option almost daily if'n they want the day off.....NO, Not you! I even gave the boss off yesterday afternoon, since he gave everyone else off, and I watched the store for him. Big sigh, and an oh well. Hope all are good, and are looking forward to their day, and all the best,
mercredi 24 août 2016
Rock wall build question/ ideas
I'm thinking about building a Rock wall in the back of my tank. I've seen a few done this way and people put corals on them and they look awesome. Anyone have any idea how to build one fake or real? I just have no idea honestly
Water change question.
If my tanks salt level is around .24-25 when mixing water for a water change and or refilling lost water, should the added water be at the same level or higher/lower?
The Star of Something Beautiful?
*Start of something beautiful* Starting off on a strong foot here.
Howdy there everyone!
I have here, a single 55 gallon tank (tempered glass) and a small 10 gallon (unknown material), both were previously used as freshwater tanks.
I'm hoping I can start a whole reef tank setup (preferably without a sump because it's a small room and I'd like to have the extra space.)
As far as equipment is concerned all I have are the two tanks, the single 55G stand (which I made myself) a bag of marine salt (60G worth) and 40 pounds of marine substrate.
I am hoping to keep this as low cost as possible, (college student) that doesn't mean I'm not willing to invest; I just want to avoid added costs where I can.
1. I guess my first question is how stable, functional can this be without a sump?
2. Secondly, any common mistakes that new guys make?
3. And as far as filtration is concerned, live rock and some powerheads? Is that really all that's needed to get started? Sounds too good to be true.
*currently unable to post images because of my lack of posts?*
Howdy there everyone!
I have here, a single 55 gallon tank (tempered glass) and a small 10 gallon (unknown material), both were previously used as freshwater tanks.
I'm hoping I can start a whole reef tank setup (preferably without a sump because it's a small room and I'd like to have the extra space.)
As far as equipment is concerned all I have are the two tanks, the single 55G stand (which I made myself) a bag of marine salt (60G worth) and 40 pounds of marine substrate.
I am hoping to keep this as low cost as possible, (college student) that doesn't mean I'm not willing to invest; I just want to avoid added costs where I can.
1. I guess my first question is how stable, functional can this be without a sump?
2. Secondly, any common mistakes that new guys make?
3. And as far as filtration is concerned, live rock and some powerheads? Is that really all that's needed to get started? Sounds too good to be true.
*currently unable to post images because of my lack of posts?*
Tank swap Question
Hello Ladies/Gents,
Quick question. If i am planning on swapping out tanks in my 2 yr old system . Trying to go from a 125 to 150-upgrading to starphire. If i transfer everything over. How bad do you think the transfer would be ? What i mean is , whats the possibility of a huge diatom outbreak?
Quick question. If i am planning on swapping out tanks in my 2 yr old system . Trying to go from a 125 to 150-upgrading to starphire. If i transfer everything over. How bad do you think the transfer would be ? What i mean is , whats the possibility of a huge diatom outbreak?
A new tank so new equipment
Hi all
so yesterday I went to my LFS and ordered an 80G RR deep blue tank
dimensions of 48x24x16. I am super excited right now. its actually the first brand new tank I have ever had.
but along with this comes new problems. I am sold on T5 lighting and pretty set on getting an ATI fixture. as I have has several LED lights and none of them grow anything with the force my T5/MH combo do. but I think im shying away from the MH this time.
but my question now comes to the dimensions of the fixture vs the tank.
I know this tank will be heavy with SPS corals and I am unsure of the coverage. and with as expensive as the fixtures can be I only want to do this once.
so do I need an 8 bulb vs a 6 bulb? 36 inch vs 42 inch fixture? do i need the dimmable? I kinda want it but is it really that important? anyone with any experience please chime in and help me.
so yesterday I went to my LFS and ordered an 80G RR deep blue tank
dimensions of 48x24x16. I am super excited right now. its actually the first brand new tank I have ever had.
but along with this comes new problems. I am sold on T5 lighting and pretty set on getting an ATI fixture. as I have has several LED lights and none of them grow anything with the force my T5/MH combo do. but I think im shying away from the MH this time.
but my question now comes to the dimensions of the fixture vs the tank.
I know this tank will be heavy with SPS corals and I am unsure of the coverage. and with as expensive as the fixtures can be I only want to do this once.
so do I need an 8 bulb vs a 6 bulb? 36 inch vs 42 inch fixture? do i need the dimmable? I kinda want it but is it really that important? anyone with any experience please chime in and help me.
Bi-Color Dwarf Angel and Live Rock
I have had a Bi-Color Dwarf Angel in a 45 gallon tank going on 5 years now. When I started I had Xenia, frogspawn, mushrooms and there were all sorts of critters living in my live rock. After the 5 years I (very slowly- lost all of my Xenia and frogspawn - only remaining is mushrooms and leather. What bothers me more is that I just set up a 37 gallon 4 months ago and all of the live rock have small worms, little stars, etc. making it such a joy to watch but the live rock in my 45 gallon with the Bi-Color has NOTHING living in them.
I know that Dwarf angels eat some corals but do they also dine on the live rock critters?
Is he the cause of my "boring" rocks?
I know that Dwarf angels eat some corals but do they also dine on the live rock critters?
Is he the cause of my "boring" rocks?
Hey everyone!
My name is Chase, I live in KCK, had a freshwater aquarium when I was a little younger and figured I would give something new a try.
I've done a little bit of reading but I've got a lot to learn.
Just nabbed a 55 gallon tank from my coworker and I'm hoping to get a full blown reef setup going here soon.
Looking forward to seeing ya'll around. :cool:
My name is Chase, I live in KCK, had a freshwater aquarium when I was a little younger and figured I would give something new a try.
I've done a little bit of reading but I've got a lot to learn.
Just nabbed a 55 gallon tank from my coworker and I'm hoping to get a full blown reef setup going here soon.
Looking forward to seeing ya'll around. :cool:
My Beloved Frogspawn browning in areas Not enough light?i hope just that
See photos. Kept Euphyllia for many years I'm hoping this is just browning due to lack of light it is in a new placement but i have not many other places i trust it. If anyone thinks its anything else but lack of light I'm all ears.I hope not Brow jelly problems. Its in a low flow area.
Everything else happy .....
NO3- 10ppm and dropping due to Nopox been using some time.
PO4- 0.03
Ph 8.2 lower end 8.3 max end of photoperiod
100 gallon DT Kassil A350w and A150w i have to admit i do struggle with the light spread and adjust a lot. But I need to buy more light in good time.
Everything else happy .....
NO3- 10ppm and dropping due to Nopox been using some time.
PO4- 0.03
Ph 8.2 lower end 8.3 max end of photoperiod
100 gallon DT Kassil A350w and A150w i have to admit i do struggle with the light spread and adjust a lot. But I need to buy more light in good time.
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Feed Frozen Fish Food to Increase Fish Color and Vitality
Frozen foods are shipped every Monday and Tuesday and delivered fresh to your door in 1-3 business days.
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Feed Frozen Fish Food to Increase Fish Color and Vitality
Just noticed this hiker
I am dripping a Kenya Tree and saw this on the base... Along with it, I can see a tiny, tiny, tiny something that I think is a worm with stripes maybe.
But the picture is of something that looks like aptasia, but not exactly. This is a maricultured frag from LiveAquria. Could it have come with bad stuff on it?
I'm worried about putting it in the tank... The item is at about 9:30 o'clock on the frag as you look at the pic.
Second pic shows the worm slightly... alternating colors... and the hitcher on the plug.
Any ideas?
Should I put it in? I do not have a QT.
But the picture is of something that looks like aptasia, but not exactly. This is a maricultured frag from LiveAquria. Could it have come with bad stuff on it?
I'm worried about putting it in the tank... The item is at about 9:30 o'clock on the frag as you look at the pic.
Second pic shows the worm slightly... alternating colors... and the hitcher on the plug.
Any ideas?
Should I put it in? I do not have a QT.
Acclimating a Kenya Tree
Hello All...
My tree just arrived from LiveAquaria.
I am dripping it now, for about 20 minutes.
Some people have suggested just putting it in after that. Some say drip.
My water is about 78 degrees.
My salinity is 1.024
Nitrates 5-10 maybe, depends on the day
Nitrites 0
Ammonia 0
pH 8.2
KH 11-12
Phosphates 0-.1
Ran out of CA test, waiting to get it today.
Any opinions on acclimating it?
My tree just arrived from LiveAquaria.
I am dripping it now, for about 20 minutes.
Some people have suggested just putting it in after that. Some say drip.
My water is about 78 degrees.
My salinity is 1.024
Nitrates 5-10 maybe, depends on the day
Nitrites 0
Ammonia 0
pH 8.2
KH 11-12
Phosphates 0-.1
Ran out of CA test, waiting to get it today.
Any opinions on acclimating it?
Welcome to Wednesday!
Good morning TRT friends, and......HAPPY WEDNESDAY! Temps slowly beginning to climb again, and by Friday back up to the mid 90's. Buttermilk waffles sound like winners this morning to go with our coffee and pink milk. Looking like a slow stretch at work this week, but could easily change with one good 'Oh crude!'. Another 'Ooooops, that smarts!' at work yesterday......a rush job changing props on a boat, and a 'thousand people' insisted on helping instead of leaving me alone. Puller flew off of prop, and sending pipe wrench with it, and creased my temple, with the usual result of me picking myself slowly up off the ground to folks wanting to ask REALLY STUPID STUFF! 'Are you O.K., what happened, what did you do.....?'. Only one person there said anything of any intellectual value what so ever......'Did anyone call 911?'. Why do folks insist on wanting to hold a conversation when your laying on the ground doing the 'funky chicken'? Well anyway, got back in the saddle, and got the job done.....Just what Hack does. A smidge of a dent in the side of my face, and a doosey of a headache, but nothing too far out of the norm. By the way, I didn't need/require 911, but it was more useful sounding to me than 'Are you O.K.' when you can't talk. Hope all have good thinbgs lined up, and all the best,
Uh, oh, He's back! Watch out for your whales there today George, he's got a track record.
Uh, oh, He's back! Watch out for your whales there today George, he's got a track record.
mardi 23 août 2016
Urgent help needed
Hi. I'm a newbie to salt water fish keeping. After waiting for my aquarium to cycle I bought 4 clowns last weekend, 2 orange and white, 2 black and white. One of my black and whites has not eaten since I put him in the tank. He also looks a bit lethargic and is breathing heavily (compared to the others). Can anyone give me some advice?
adding corals to my tank
So I'm getting close to buying my first piece of coral and I'm looking at getting a zoa frag. My tank is two months old and doing great the water is testing fine I plan on getting it next month. Do I even need to wait till next month if my water is stable? Also there are still a couple more fish I want, Should I finish stocking fish before I add coral or can I add fish when there is coral in the tank?
New Kenya tree coral
Hello all
So I ordered it and it's coming from LA tomorrow.
My Parama are:
78 degrees
Ammonia 0
pH 8.2
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0-15 depending on the day
Sal 1.023-1.025
KH 11-12 phosphate 0-.1
Calcium (ran out of test)
Are these good for a Kenya? I have two ocellaris clowns, three chromis and two cleaner shrimps thriving.
Also- how should I acclimate?
So I ordered it and it's coming from LA tomorrow.
My Parama are:
78 degrees
Ammonia 0
pH 8.2
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0-15 depending on the day
Sal 1.023-1.025
KH 11-12 phosphate 0-.1
Calcium (ran out of test)
Are these good for a Kenya? I have two ocellaris clowns, three chromis and two cleaner shrimps thriving.
Also- how should I acclimate?
Another hitchhiker ID please!
Spotted this guy about a half an hour after putting him in. ID?
The Fish Killer
Why am I the fish killer? I've had my reef tank set up since spring 2015. It's a 20 gallon tall w/ liverock, sand bed. I have had several snails and a skunk cleaner shrimp since August 2015. At that time I also bought a clownfish and a royal gramma. These came from PetCo. Both perished within a couple of months. The shrimp and snails continued on. I waited until this summer to add another fish, another royal gramma, and it, too, has died. The hermit crabs and snails I bought at the same time as the gramma are still going strong, as is my shrimp and original snails. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong! I have two small coral frags-- a green star and a pink polyp of some type. They aren't exactly thriving, but they aren't dying either. But it seems every fish that goes in dies.
My ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are all normal (0), my pH = 8.3 and my salinity is about 1.024. All of these seem to be within normal range for fish. Can anyone help me with this? The tank is in my HS science classroom and I'd like to have fish in it.
My ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are all normal (0), my pH = 8.3 and my salinity is about 1.024. All of these seem to be within normal range for fish. Can anyone help me with this? The tank is in my HS science classroom and I'd like to have fish in it.
Beat the Heat with Chillers and Fans
Beat the Heat with Chillers and Fans
Protect your fish and corals from temperature swings this summer!

Protect your fish and corals from temperature swings this summer!
Tuesday and cooler
Good morning TRT Faithful
Coffee for now.....I might have 3 cups.
Saturday's work was fun. Sammy got to eat some nice grass.
Enjoy Everyday
Coffee for now.....I might have 3 cups.
Saturday's work was fun. Sammy got to eat some nice grass.
Enjoy Everyday
lundi 22 août 2016
Feather duster dying or dead?
Hey there. Have had a feather duster now for about 3 months. It was doing great...water parameters have not changed. Everything is at zero. No changes in flow yada yada yada, the thing just will not come out of its tube anymore...I can see it down in there but thats it. I have some sexy shrimp and 2 scissortail dartfish and thats really it. Not sure what is causing it not to come out like this. Its been hiding now about 3 or 4 days. I picked it up out of the sand bed and flipped it upside down thinking maybe the dead worm would come out and gave it a little shake and nothing. So yeah, wondering what you guys think. It does look like it has fresh white along its tubing though that was under neath the sand. I dont know if thats because it was building more tubing or due to it not being exposed to the algae and what not to turn brown. Thanks guys and gals.
New Additions
After the last failure I let the tank cycle for another month and the levels stayed steady across all 4 weeks of testing. I got a blood shrimp and a green zoanthid. The receipt says LC after that but I'm not sure if that means anything or just their store code for something. It's been 10 minutes and the coral has been opening up more and more. 6 of the 8 "legs/arms?" have opened and as I type, the 7th is starting. The shrimp moved around the first 2 minutes but since has found a spot on a rock and looks to be picking stuff from the rock and eating.
I tried taking pics but the night led light is making it come out weird and hard to see. Will post an update in the morning and pics with the better lighting.
Hoping for success!
I tried taking pics but the night led light is making it come out weird and hard to see. Will post an update in the morning and pics with the better lighting.
Hoping for success!
Just a few questions from a Newbie
I recently acquire an saltwater tank setup from someone local that had to get rid of it. I don't really know much about it yet. Been doing a lot of reading though. It has been moved and setup for about a month now. I have upgraded to a Fluval 306 canister filter and a Eshopps psk-75h. I have added for fish about a week ago. They seem to be doing fine. Actually everything seems to be doing fine. Except my Nitrate levels are still a little high. Could that still be from the move of the tank? I just did a 30% water change also. Here are a few photos of the tank. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Or if you notice anything wrong
MP-10 in a nano?
anyone here who has experience with a Vortech Mp-10 in a nano tank?
i'm thinking of putting one in my new tank, but i have never owned one of these.
the tank is a standard aqueon 20G tall, that i modified to be an AIO, with a filter section on the right side.
approx. display section dimensions are 19" x 12" x 16"
thinking of putting the MP-10 on the back wall, centered left-right, and somewhat above the mid point top-down.
the plan is to have a mixed reef, with both SPS, LPS and some zoa/mushrooms.
it will be bare bottom, so not worried about sandstorms, just worried about too much flow for the LPS and mushroom/zoas.
can the mp-10 be dialed back enough for a small tank?
any input, opinions, etc welcome.
i'm thinking of putting one in my new tank, but i have never owned one of these.
the tank is a standard aqueon 20G tall, that i modified to be an AIO, with a filter section on the right side.
approx. display section dimensions are 19" x 12" x 16"
thinking of putting the MP-10 on the back wall, centered left-right, and somewhat above the mid point top-down.
the plan is to have a mixed reef, with both SPS, LPS and some zoa/mushrooms.
it will be bare bottom, so not worried about sandstorms, just worried about too much flow for the LPS and mushroom/zoas.
can the mp-10 be dialed back enough for a small tank?
any input, opinions, etc welcome.
New setup questions
Hi all, I just recently re-setup my nano reef I had it successfully set up for about 3 years and took it down last year to move and never set it back up. I want to do things differently this time and be more natural/simplistic. I want to hear thoughts on if this type of setup will work.
Specs: 26 gal bowfront
24 lbs of cured live rock from highly reputable lfs
20 lbs indo-pacific black live aragonite sand
2 540 gph sun sun power heads(one either side pointing towards each other towards the front. Very good circulation moved a little sand on the top a little)
1 koralia nano 240 Gph (pointed upwards agitating the surface)
And that's it no filters no media, no floss just LS LR and plenty of flow.
Is this setup possibly with water changes religiously every week or is it doomed without added filtration. I plan to have my two clownfish back that my buddy took for me and mybe one other small fish possibly royal gramma cause I love those guys. As well as different lps and soft corals.
I do have a airstone powered protein skimmer that I haven't put on but always could just don't know if it's necessary for a tank this small.
Specs: 26 gal bowfront
24 lbs of cured live rock from highly reputable lfs
20 lbs indo-pacific black live aragonite sand
2 540 gph sun sun power heads(one either side pointing towards each other towards the front. Very good circulation moved a little sand on the top a little)
1 koralia nano 240 Gph (pointed upwards agitating the surface)
And that's it no filters no media, no floss just LS LR and plenty of flow.
Is this setup possibly with water changes religiously every week or is it doomed without added filtration. I plan to have my two clownfish back that my buddy took for me and mybe one other small fish possibly royal gramma cause I love those guys. As well as different lps and soft corals.
I do have a airstone powered protein skimmer that I haven't put on but always could just don't know if it's necessary for a tank this small.
Cant add profile photo or avatar
Hi there,
Cant add profile pic it says 'unable to save image'. I am trying to add pics within the permissible size and res , tried jpeg initially then tiF no joy. Same with Avatar.
Thanks .
Cant add profile pic it says 'unable to save image'. I am trying to add pics within the permissible size and res , tried jpeg initially then tiF no joy. Same with Avatar.
Thanks .
Venturing into Kenya Tree
Hello All:
So I think I am going to buy that Kenya Tree from LA as a second venture into corals...
It is ORA aquacultured... can I assume that means it will be like my captvie bread clowns... more hardy and healthy?
Also, can I assume that would mean no unwanted freeloaders on the plug, etc.?
So I think I am going to buy that Kenya Tree from LA as a second venture into corals...
It is ORA aquacultured... can I assume that means it will be like my captvie bread clowns... more hardy and healthy?
Also, can I assume that would mean no unwanted freeloaders on the plug, etc.?
Hermit hitchhiker, possible ID/compatibility?
Bought some LR the other day and came across an Aiptasia and a hermit. Was wondering what species on the hermit and is he going to be compatible with my future CUC? I'm looking to get a few nassarius, and I have plenty shells in there already so there won't be any competition. Maybe a fire shrimp or pepper shrimp, I'm only working with a 10g. Thoughts?
A Howling start to Monday
Good morning TRT Faithful
Coffee is on......
Cooper says hello as well!
Enjoy everyday
Coffee is on......
Cooper says hello as well!
Enjoy everyday
dimanche 21 août 2016
First Crash...
Hey all.
After a recent short holiday of over a week, leaving our nano reef up to the care of housemates, we're experiencing our first tank crash :(
Tank and livestock info:
9/10 Month old tank
23L nano with ZETlight LED.
2 Clownfish
1 Torch
2 Acans
1 Button
2 mushrooms
2 peppermint shrimp
X turbo snails
1 Narciuss snail
PH - 7.8
Nh3 - 0
NO2 - 0
NO3 - 0
CA - <190mg (didn't register)
KH - 6 (Pretty normal for us, been dosing KH buffer for a while)
Mg - didn't register
Phos - 0.5
SG 1.026
Temp 26C
Did a water change, continued dosing KH buffer and adding CA.
This morning torch coral has decided to shrink up almost entirely, clowns no longer able to host. And when feeding them last night they didn't eat (first time they haven't)
I'm at work so can't do anything until I get home (such a frustrating situation!) but I'm thinking I need to continue with the water changes and dosing, and tomorrow get some magnesium additive from the LFS as well as something like phos rx?
Any other advice?
After a recent short holiday of over a week, leaving our nano reef up to the care of housemates, we're experiencing our first tank crash :(
Tank and livestock info:
9/10 Month old tank
23L nano with ZETlight LED.
2 Clownfish
1 Torch
2 Acans
1 Button
2 mushrooms
2 peppermint shrimp
X turbo snails
1 Narciuss snail
PH - 7.8
Nh3 - 0
NO2 - 0
NO3 - 0
CA - <190mg (didn't register)
KH - 6 (Pretty normal for us, been dosing KH buffer for a while)
Mg - didn't register
Phos - 0.5
SG 1.026
Temp 26C
Did a water change, continued dosing KH buffer and adding CA.
This morning torch coral has decided to shrink up almost entirely, clowns no longer able to host. And when feeding them last night they didn't eat (first time they haven't)
I'm at work so can't do anything until I get home (such a frustrating situation!) but I'm thinking I need to continue with the water changes and dosing, and tomorrow get some magnesium additive from the LFS as well as something like phos rx?
Any other advice?
Need help with an ID!
Bought some LR today and acquired a hitchhiker. Can anyone help?
Tank Rescue
I have pick up a 180 as a tank rescue, it had around 200 lbs of live rock and 200 lbs of sand. When we moved it we pumped the water into a container, put the sand in buckets (4 five gallon) with the rock in brute trash cans. Once home we spent five hours cleaning sump and tank while soaking pumps and power heads in vinegar. The lighting consisted of three Chinese boxes, center has blue and white, with one side having only white an the other only blue (planning on replacing with LED, T5 Hybrid) I Have a small Maxspect Razor I have set up on the left side temporary. The only livestock are two Clowns, one Yellow Tang, one Chocolate Tang, and three little fish (wife would not let me rehome). We have set up a small clean up crew consisting of snails, and crabs, and four peppermint shrimp, tried not to go overboard on them. The rock was covered in green hair algae and aphasia which we pick off what we could during the move with very little results, and have been fighting the aphasia with Aphasia X. This leads to my question should I remove the rock and just start over and who thinks I can eventually get a handle on these pest. If I remove the rock should I cook it or nuke it with Acid and just start over. I have about fourty lbs or rock I could cure then replace the rock in the tank I know this would be a crap shoot. Any suggestion and advise will be appreciated, thanks in advance for your support and advise
Need help diagnosing clownfish disease
The other day I noticed a raised bump under the skin of my clownfish, it came suddenly. I have had the fish for four years and all of my parameters are good. At this point the cyst like growth has opened up. The fish is eating well and acting normal, any ideas what it could be?
Hello, First I would like to say thanks for your help, making me the successful reefer I am, I have referenced the forms to gather information in my decision making along the way. I first started out like many others in reverse with a 30 gal tank currently have a 60 mixed which I am very proud of. I just recently rescued a 180 that was badly neglected and am in the process of getting it back to health. With this I can say I will need help which is the main reason for joining this group, I would also like to share some of my experiences to help others save their time, money, and live stock.
Fragging my green velvet mushroom
Hey guys. I have a massive green velvet mushroom that I wanted to frag. I researched for days how to do it. "Use a blade and remove it from its rock and cut it like a pizza making sure a piece of the mouth is on each piece" everyone said. So I did as such and now it's stringy guts are all over the 4 pieces and I wanted to know it I should leave them or remove them from the sections?
P.S. I've been coming to this site for everything and you have all helped me. So much. So this is my first post after finally registering!! ??
P.S. I've been coming to this site for everything and you have all helped me. So much. So this is my first post after finally registering!! ??
Sleepy Summer Sunday
It's soon time for the Pots and Pans Brigade..
Good mawnin', TRT!
Coffee is ready and smelling great. Whole wheat French toast with peaches/Dave's maple syrup. :drool: Who will cook up some bacon and sausage?
We had a nice, slow rain last night. Delicious sound for sleeping. Too bad I can't do any digging until Friday. By that time the ground will be hard again.
Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!
Good mawnin', TRT!
Coffee is ready and smelling great. Whole wheat French toast with peaches/Dave's maple syrup. :drool: Who will cook up some bacon and sausage?
We had a nice, slow rain last night. Delicious sound for sleeping. Too bad I can't do any digging until Friday. By that time the ground will be hard again.
Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!
samedi 20 août 2016
75g Reef Tank Documentary
Hello all,
I'm finally back after a year or so... unfortunately I had to sell my home... which forced me to tear down my well missed 240g mixed reef tank.... :mad:
My fiance and I moved into a nice new townhome... and we are finally ready to start up some reef tanks in my Mancave! Currently I have 2 full reef ready tanks... a 75g standard and a 93g Cube Rimless tank.
This thread is going to be a nice documentary of its life for the next couple years (for the 75g)!
I have already gotten the system plumbed as a herbie overflow. I will be using the common sump system with a 25 gallon long custom built sump... with a protein skimmer and refugium.
This tank will be a purple tang and emperor queen angle mixed reef tank. Yes, I know they will both require a larger home down the road.... but I want to enjoy them until that time comes. Thankfully the townhome renter is even letting me set up 1 tank.. let alone 2!.... They will not permit any tank bigger then my 93g cube...
Anywho, I look forward to providing a view at the birth of this tank and its life.
I'm finally back after a year or so... unfortunately I had to sell my home... which forced me to tear down my well missed 240g mixed reef tank.... :mad:
My fiance and I moved into a nice new townhome... and we are finally ready to start up some reef tanks in my Mancave! Currently I have 2 full reef ready tanks... a 75g standard and a 93g Cube Rimless tank.
This thread is going to be a nice documentary of its life for the next couple years (for the 75g)!
I have already gotten the system plumbed as a herbie overflow. I will be using the common sump system with a 25 gallon long custom built sump... with a protein skimmer and refugium.
This tank will be a purple tang and emperor queen angle mixed reef tank. Yes, I know they will both require a larger home down the road.... but I want to enjoy them until that time comes. Thankfully the townhome renter is even letting me set up 1 tank.. let alone 2!.... They will not permit any tank bigger then my 93g cube...
Anywho, I look forward to providing a view at the birth of this tank and its life.
New tank please help quick
Im going to buy this for $225 but have not kept before, I feel like even if I messed up bad, I still have a ton of good equipment for the price? What do you experts think? http://ift.tt/2aIjpiJ
Looking to venture into corals
Hi All
I am looking to venture back into easy corals.
Currently my set up is:
3 blue green chromis
2 ocellaris clowns
2 cleaner shrimp
94 gallon, corner bow
25 gallon wet/dry sump
venturi skimmer
UV sterilizer
1-2" sandbed
about 40lb LR
The aforementioned fish
Nitrate: 10-15
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
pH: 8.2
Sal: 1.023-1.025 depending on the day
I once had a GSP that came with what looked like aptasia so I ditched it. I also had a torch that lasted about a month.
That was 6 months ago. I'd like to try again.
What is your opinion of Kenya Tree coral? Live aquaria seeks them aqua cultured which I'm told means they are hardy. LA also says that are relatively easy. They are certainly pretty. Thoughts?
I am looking to venture back into easy corals.
Currently my set up is:
3 blue green chromis
2 ocellaris clowns
2 cleaner shrimp
94 gallon, corner bow
25 gallon wet/dry sump
venturi skimmer
UV sterilizer
1-2" sandbed
about 40lb LR
The aforementioned fish
Nitrate: 10-15
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
pH: 8.2
Sal: 1.023-1.025 depending on the day
I once had a GSP that came with what looked like aptasia so I ditched it. I also had a torch that lasted about a month.
That was 6 months ago. I'd like to try again.
What is your opinion of Kenya Tree coral? Live aquaria seeks them aqua cultured which I'm told means they are hardy. LA also says that are relatively easy. They are certainly pretty. Thoughts?
Chiller for Sale Anyone?
I know this is a long shot, but wondering if anyone has a chiller around that they'd like to sell (or trade for a bunch of nice corals)?
Both my regular hood and backup hood for my Red Sea Max 250 have developed a short somehow, making it impossible for me to run the water cooling fans in the back. My tank is chock-full of thousands of dollars of livestock, so it makes me really uneasy right now when the tank goes from 79 at night to nearly 83.5 during the day without the cooling fan. Before that it would always stay between 77.5 and 77.9.
Due to the "all-in-one" nature of a Red Sea Max 250 hood I don't really have the option of using mods with any sort of aftermarket cooling fan.
So wondering if someone has a used chiller to sell me????
Both my regular hood and backup hood for my Red Sea Max 250 have developed a short somehow, making it impossible for me to run the water cooling fans in the back. My tank is chock-full of thousands of dollars of livestock, so it makes me really uneasy right now when the tank goes from 79 at night to nearly 83.5 during the day without the cooling fan. Before that it would always stay between 77.5 and 77.9.
Due to the "all-in-one" nature of a Red Sea Max 250 hood I don't really have the option of using mods with any sort of aftermarket cooling fan.
So wondering if someone has a used chiller to sell me????
I saw this guy for the first time this week. About 6 inches long. Pretty thick. Is this a fireworm or just a regular bristleworm? Only about an inch is exposed, he doesnt seem to want to come out any further for his photo shoot :(. Is he something I should be concerned about?
My tank is perfect, but....
Im going on month 8 and my tank is more than i can ask for. Everything is so stable I went away for 8 days, no one watched the tank, Walmart auto flake feeder kept the fish fat, yet i came home to near zero algae on the glass and coral larger than I left!
All nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, phosphate are zero with salinity 1.025. Water maintained with chiller and heater at 79. 20% weekly water changes.
I do run a skimmer and reactor with bio pellets. Should I buy a gfo reactor before phosphate becomes a problem? Would it hurt any thing to just have it tumble back there? Or should I grow cheato in that same space?
All nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, phosphate are zero with salinity 1.025. Water maintained with chiller and heater at 79. 20% weekly water changes.
I do run a skimmer and reactor with bio pellets. Should I buy a gfo reactor before phosphate becomes a problem? Would it hurt any thing to just have it tumble back there? Or should I grow cheato in that same space?
A sunshiny summer Saturday at the sea shore
Good morning TRT friends, and.....HAPPY SATURDAY! As usual an hoping for a 1/2 day at the boatyard to get home to the real work and fun. Thomas's English muffins worked the other day, so we'll schlep them on the table again to go with our coffee and pink milk. Feel like a kid on Christmas Eve......:blob:, looking forward to a 'meet and greet' with a fellow member, and perhaps grab some corals from the occasion, latter this afternoon. Fingers crossed! Jen's back in the kitchen, and the rookie is out.....the 'proffesional' has 3-4 cakes this week end, and what I saw in the fridge this morning is a real :eek:....WOW! Hope to share pics after while....I've been lax.Hope all are doing well, and are hammered with opportunities to help others and have have a blast doing it,:cool:
Happy Birthday to TomandTami on 8/20
Happy Birthday to TomandTami on August 20
vendredi 19 août 2016
Started my first FOWLR!
Started a nano tank, 10g with live sand and about 7-10 lbs of LR. Parameters are all 0 and my pH is about 8.2. Was recommended 4 chromises after about a week of cycling and they seem happy and lively. Any suggestions?
Cooling Your Nano: Nano Chillers and Fans
Advice on return pump
Hey guys, new here and am trying to spec out my first reef tank build. I decided on the Innovative Marine nuvo fusion 20 gallon tank, and was wanted to upgrade the return pump. I was looking at the tunze silence 1073.020 it has about 600gph and I was wondering if this would be too much flow for mixed tank comprised of mostly LPS, (1-2 pieces of LPS) and some softies. Also keep in I would NOT be using any other powerhead on this tank if using this return pump. IF this would be too much flow would it be better to keep the stock return pump and go for something like the tunze nanostream 6020?
DI Resin Separating?
Is this normal, or did I just not get it packed tight enough in the cylinder?
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