samedi 27 août 2016

Phytoplankton culture, copper sulfate, and your invertibrates

So I'm building a home set up of phyto for my filter feeders (number of feather dusters, and a small yellow sea cucumber who has just split). I found a source that recommended using Miracle Gro ( ) instead of something like Mirco Algae Grow ( ). So i was doing research on it and found that Guillard's F/2 fertilizer has chelated Copper Sulfate (CuSO4) which you may recognize as a treatment for Ich or other parasites. Sounds pretty bad right? mind you its a very small amount, about 0.065% of the given values. Now after some research i found we actually need an amount of copper in our tanks but such a small amount we would never be able to test for it in a standard home testing. Just wondering your thoughts. Also i found another Miracle grow that should be a similar product, but also has copper sulfate in it (they are both all purpose plant foods) now this one comes in a water soluble form and contains about 0.07% copper. so just want some good give and take about this and i might just try my own experiments with getting two or three different kinds of fertilizers and just seeing which grows best (then seeing which one would be the best to feed)

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