dimanche 28 août 2016

My name is Twoface and I... Am a reefaholic

Went to the mall today with the wife and inlaws. Had a little time to kill after we got done so I was like eh, let's check out Petco. I hate Petco. Their tanks are usually nasty with ich and fish and specimens look awful. But I figured I would humor myself. I went in to check it out and was very shocked. Corals in the tank, and they looked good, fish looked healthy, anemones looked great, I was just blown away. It looked almost( and I stress almost) as good as a locally owned fish store. Ended up buying a long tentical anemone for 29 dollars. A little over priced but had great color and very good size. He took right to my corner I was hoping it would. I'm sure it will move but I was glad it stuck to the Rock and dug into the sand as fast as it did. Keep in mind this is the 8th piece of saltwater additions I've bought in less than a month and have plans of spending around 100 next week with a close fellow reefer. He has nice corals starting at 5 dollars each and big ones for 20-25. I've got a problem...

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