mardi 30 août 2016

Cool, neat and interesting behaviors

Hiya and good day!

So i recently sold my pair of clowns, the female was a false perc, ive had her for about 2 years now, she was one of my first fish (the male jumped out months ago sadly), the male that replaced him was a true clownfish that i have had for several months.

Anyways i added a yellowtail damsel to the tank several months ago as well, ive had him for about a year but he was being held in another tank all by himself.

So i boight a pair of darwin true percula misbar clowns (black and white with orange to their face) 4 days ago and they dont exactly have a 'home' yet and im sitting here watching. They are at the bottom, thats damsel territory, and they are just chillin in one spot not movin much, the damsel sees em and comes over and does the clown dominance shake to em, that shaking/vibrating movement you often see clowns doing and the clowns left the territory, i was pretty suprised to see that. For one the damsel didnt attack or charge but just came up and acted like they do to get his point across.

But unfortunately the clowns also brought ick. I havent had ick in 2 years but its back and in full force. Everyone shows signs, the only one that seems really agitated is the kole tang but still eating and grazing. I just added some stress coat from api and i also feed blackworms and blender mush each daily, everyone eats like their starving but i think im going to go ahead and add in 3rd and 4th feedings until this passes. I didnt have any casualties the last time i had ick (but the time before that was the fisr time i stocked fish and wiped out the whole tank) and the way it looks noone seems deathly agitated by the ick so ill just feed more and thats about all i can do.

What are some cool, neat and interesting behaviors you have seen your fish do?

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