lundi 22 août 2016

New setup questions

Hi all, I just recently re-setup my nano reef I had it successfully set up for about 3 years and took it down last year to move and never set it back up. I want to do things differently this time and be more natural/simplistic. I want to hear thoughts on if this type of setup will work.
Specs: 26 gal bowfront
24 lbs of cured live rock from highly reputable lfs
20 lbs indo-pacific black live aragonite sand
2 540 gph sun sun power heads(one either side pointing towards each other towards the front. Very good circulation moved a little sand on the top a little)
1 koralia nano 240 Gph (pointed upwards agitating the surface)

And that's it no filters no media, no floss just LS LR and plenty of flow.
Is this setup possibly with water changes religiously every week or is it doomed without added filtration. I plan to have my two clownfish back that my buddy took for me and mybe one other small fish possibly royal gramma cause I love those guys. As well as different lps and soft corals.
I do have a airstone powered protein skimmer that I haven't put on but always could just don't know if it's necessary for a tank this small.

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