samedi 27 août 2016

Beginner - Starting 36 Gallon

Hello everyone!

I am new to the forum and also to saltwater aquariums (sticking with FOWLR for now). I have had freshwater for many years now, but I have a new 36 gallon bow front aquarium that I am planning on using to take the plunge into saltwater.

So my main question at this moment is this: What do I need to buy? From researching on this forum and others, I have seen lots of information regarding skimmers, power heads, hang on back filters, and most of this information seems to conflict from one forum to another, leaving me a bit bewildered :icon_drool:

So for the moment, I am wondering the following things:
1) For a 36 gallon, do I need a protein skimmer? And if so, what should I look for when deciding on one?

2) Are hang on back filters useful? I do not have room for installing a sump at this point in time (Hopefully down the road I can though!), so suggestions involving using a sump instead are unfortunately out.

3) How do you go about deciding on what is needed for power heads? For example, their GPH rating, brands, how to know how many to but, etc?

4) Any other very obvious equipment I am neglecting to consider? I have a RODI unit ordered that should be here this week, so I have that one all set. As for lighting, I am planning to stick with the stock light hood as currently I am only doing FOWLR.

Sorry if most of these questions seem quite novice, and I imagine that most of this information is out there in the wide internet somewhere, however after spending the last few days on various forums, my head is spinning and am looking for some more clarification.

Looking forward to joining this awesome community!

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