jeudi 15 décembre 2016

A winter's Thursday in the fall

Good morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY THURSDAY! Our friend Helen is back! Sorry George, but on a day like this only fried mush will get me going with our dark roasted coffee and pink milk. Though I see a box of Dunkin Donuts on the counter, so help yourselves. Got our inch or so of snow over night, but am sure it's now longer nice soft fluffy stuff with those temps out there. Like you said Jeff, adding water into the equation with it being cold is a whole new definition. Even when it ain't 'that' cold, IT'S COLD! Can't dress against it when your hands are required to function.....just hunker down and do it. Very familiar with having to warm hands back up to being able to feel them by running them under cold water. And that LOOOOOONG hot shower after work for the right to just be cold. But I look around and see folks far worse off, so there's never a complaint on my lips.......Our military around the world, some in places never heard of, laying out in the wet and cold, some shivering to them selves as the lay just off shore....the fishermen out by Helen, and off the Grand Banks....the emergency personnel protecting all of us, putting there life in second place as they save others. Nope, I'm 'ducky'! WOW, that was long winded, sorry. Hope all the best for all,

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