mardi 27 décembre 2016

New excited!

Hello and my hubbie are new reefers and we are having so much fun already.

We started a 55g reef tank and are currently on day 18 of the cycle. I just posted a new thread with a few basic questions so maybe ya'll can check that out. Current equipment:

Penguin 350 filter with biowheel
2 powerheads
Protein skimmer (Oceanic biocube)...btw I don't think this skimmer will be sufficient enough in the long run for the type of system we want
45lbs dry rock and 5lbs of live rock for seeding

As of today (day 18) all of the levels are 0...ammonia, nitrite and nitrate

Our plan is to add a couple clownfish in a couple of days
And as our budget allows....upgrage some equipment (skimmer, we need a RO/DI, lighting for sure, and maybe some better powerheads)
Once the equipment is right and we have the appropriate maintenance schedule and technique....start adding corals...slowly

Thoughts and tips???

We're excited to be a part of this community....thank you in advance!

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