mercredi 28 décembre 2016

To clean or not to clean

Hi guy here's my questions. I stopped my system of 2 tanks for the last 7 months, for reasons beyond my control. I cleaned up my reef tank 150G and the sand.

But in my second tank the refugium 75G which is higher i've got miracle mud in it for the bio-properties for the refugium and i'm not sure if i should disturb that sand by cleaning it.The system was only operational 2 1/2 years. (would their be that much to clean?)

The mud will come to the surface of the sand and i'm not sure what it will do.

Before you scream at me for having put mud in it remember it was for its mineral properties and nothing else. it did create a cool refugium

i had only two jars of mud and the rest with sand .

My other question, what do think about the seals of my tank would they dry up and cause problems. The tank seals and the pipe seal, which i'm worried most.

the two tanks are connected via a bulkhead from the fuge to the main reef.

Thanks for your help.

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