mercredi 28 décembre 2016

So my tank just cracked...

Was cleaning my 34g reef when all of a sudden the side just cracked down the whole length of the tank. No idea why, but most of the equipment is toast and the tank is beyond repair. I transferred all live stock to my other 34g tank, but now I have eight fish in that tank and there's very little room due to all the corals having been transferred as well. I just got back from getting a new 45g tank, lights, skimmer, etc, so not much of an upgrade. I have the old sand and rocks saved in buckets ATM and I only will need to add water. That said, I am going back to school soon and don't want to leave the remaining tank so jam packed as I fear a die off.

I would like to at least move some of the corals into the new tank before I leave, but as this has never happened, I really can't say I know how long the new tank needs to cycle. I would wait at least three weeks if I could but I only have about a week left here. All corals are soft corals which makes me think they would be fine even if there was a minor cycle. A local guy does tank maintenance while I'm gone, but he can't be here to monitor everyday. I'm hoping that since I'm basically starting with the same rock and sand, and just new water, that much of a cycle won't happen, but I really can't be sure. Any advice would be appreciated.

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