mercredi 21 décembre 2016

New Anthias Behavior

Hello All:

I got several new animals from Liveaquaria yesterday.
I bought a neon pineapple which I am not happy with. No big deal though.
I bought 7 peppermint shrimp (one tiny one was gone by morning). 6 of them seem very fat and happy and actually ate a few aiptasia.
And I got two Ignitus Anthias.

There tank mates are:
2 Ocellaris clowns
3 blue/green chromis
2 cleaners
3 kenya trees
1 Neon green sinularia.

94 gallon corner, skimmer, UV, power heads, LS bed, lots of LR.


The anthias are incredibly skittish. One of them is sitting on the sand, seems to be breathing normally. The other one is hiding under a rock visible and moving. Neither have eaten yet. The one of the sand swam around for a few minutes after I tried to direct feed it mysis and some coral food mixed. It went back to its spot on the sand. It seems afraid of the clowns.

I have had Lyretails before (3) but they died when a heater malfunctioned.

The shipping from LA was delayed, usually it gets here by noon. It didn't get here until almost 7pm.

I wonder if that is part of the problem. Is the laying on the sand a sign of sickness? I did the recommended acclimation for a little over an hour by drip method.

Salt is about 1.026-1.027
Nitrite 0
Nitrate (maybe) 5 approx.
Ammonia 0
Temp 77-78

Thoughts? Thanks.

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