mardi 6 décembre 2016

Tank ready...what next?

so my 220 is up and running. I used live sand and dry rock. Added a few pieces of live rock to help seed initally. At this point the Ph is 8, temp is around 78-80, no ammonia or nitrite or nitrate for weeks. Basically its just sitting clean and pretty.

So ive been reading online and some forums say to get a minimal clean up crew first and then fish after a couple weeks? Is that true? That seems odd to me bc what would they eat? I have no algae in there and theres no detritus or fish waste etc. (Plus Im skeptical of these crazy "clean up crew" packages... they seem really like overkill, Id rather build my own) So I was thinking Id get a couple chromis or something hardy and then get some CU guys like a week or so from there? Does that seem right? For a CUC I was going to go light, like 5 red hermits, nerite snails, nassarius snails, an emerald crab and a peppermint shrimp to start? I can always add and I dont want anything to starve. After another week or so then add more fish? Then more CUC as needed?

Anything Im doing anything hugely wrong w this plan?
Thank you!

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