lundi 19 décembre 2016

Introducing my aquarium and myself

Hello all,

My name is Andi, I am an aquarium enthusiast with several years of varied experience. I have kept a freshwater community tank, an african cichilid tank and a brackish figure 8 puffer tank with success and recently decided it was time to take the figurative plunge into saltwater.

I got my hands on a 55g long tank, 2nd hand complete with tunze skimmer, fluval 206 canister filter, fluval heater, koralia 425gph power head and corralife 50/50 65 watt lighting. It also came with the established water, sand and live rock as the gent had downsized considerably.

This was some 3 months ago so I set it up in my house, left it a month (in which I saw a small cycle) then started adding. Over the first 4 weeks I added 5 turbo snails, 4 red legged hermits and 2 peppermint shrimp. Then I added a pair of false perculas. 2 weeks ago I added 10 nassarius snails and today I got a yellow watchman goby. This is going to be it for a little while as I want to look at coral next in a couple more months.

Just thought it was time to add my voice to the crowd as I have been lurking and learning here for a while and have plenty of you to already thank for not making some rookie mistakes. (Though I'm sure ive made some and more will follow.)

Anyway, thanks for reading. Anything you think I could stand to know feel free to add, advice is always welcome.

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