lundi 19 décembre 2016

Green Hair Algae and magnesium

So the 75 gal tank was going along great, add some new Razor lights and everything was extremely happy. About 2 weeks later I notice some algae on the overflow and it just got worse from there. I have been fight this green hair algae and diatom bloom for a couple weeks now. Its not to bad but I can see the green hair algae starting to grow on the rocks now. I have been scrubbing the rocks, trying to reduce NO3 and NO4 to starve it out. Nothing really seems stop it from coming back!

Now I have been dosing 2 part for a long time now and was told you don't really need to dose Magnesium because it gets put back with water changes. I do 15 - 20 percent water changes ever week. Yesterday I decide to check it, it was at 850 - 900.

I have read a couple post that hints that magnesium kept at the proper level will hinder the growth of some algae, green hair being one of those. Can anybody confirm if there is a correlation between algae and mag?

water parm
ammonia 0
NO2 - 0
NO3 - 20
NO4 .03
Cac - 420
Alk - 8.4
Mag - 850

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