dimanche 18 décembre 2016

Fire shrimp help

Hello everyone! I have a 30 gallon tank with a coral beauty (yes i know 30 gallon is kind a small for a coral beauty, but it's happy!) a fire shrimp, a goby, a cleaner shrimp, two mushrooms, a trumpet coral, and a emerald crab with several hermit crabs and snails.

Ok the problem i have is with my fire shrimp. He was super happy when i added him in, he found a home and stuck by it ever since. but recently he seems less enthusiastic. He just hangs upside down on a rock almost all the time, not even using all his legs. When i first got him and fed the tank, he basically ran out of his home and caught any food possible. But now he barely seems to notice.

This all started when he molted his shell. Ever since then he has been acting this way. Also his antennae got WAY shorter after the molting of his shell.

Any feedback would be great, Thanks!

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