jeudi 15 décembre 2016

Added corals to my 90G - then came the nightmare

Last Sunday, I added 8 corals (Finger-3, pink giant acroporo, red acroporo, red cap coral, diasy, plate coral) to my 90G tank which has been up and running for over three and half months. I am not sure about coral names for few, I am just mentioning whatever the store guy told me.

Then the next day Monday Dec 12th, a massive cyclone Vardah hit our city Chennai (India) which resulted in power outage from Monday morning till thursday evening - 4 full days no power. The cyclone was so powerful that it overturned buses and cars, uprooted 12000 trees and 10000 electric posts. I was using my inverter backup to switch on just the tank motor for 5-10 minutes every 2 hours on monday. (I switched off the light, skimmer, three wavemakers).

Then tuesday, the inverter battery ran out completely. Every few hours, I took a mug full of water and poured it back to the tank and repeated this for 5 minutes every few hours. The fishes and corals looked really stressed.

On wednesday afternoon, I managed to go out of the house and went and purchased a battery operated air pump and used it till today replacing the battery every hours 6 hours. Finally the electric poles have been repaired in my street and power came back on thursday just few hours back as I am typing this post.

As of now, I didn't lose any of the 7 fishes I have(ocellaris, blue damsel, cardinal, bicolor blenny, blue blenny, cleaner wrasse, anthias), 7 turbo snails, 3 hermit crabs. Out of 7 corals, the finger coral looks like its not gonna make it. Not sure about it. I have turned on everything and I am gonna leave the lights on till morning and check how it is.

I am gonna post the pictures of tank before the cyclone and after the cyclone. Like to know your comments.

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