mercredi 17 août 2016

Maroon and Ocellaris

Good Morning to all,
I presently have two reef tanks, a 45 gal and a 37 gal. I have had the 45 gallon for 5 years now with a Bi Color Angel and a Maroon clown fish (only fish in the tank). They have been together now for 4 years. I set up the 37 as a AOI in February of this year and have 2 ocellaris clowns, a yellow watchman gobie and pistol shrimp. I just purchased a 75 gallon tank to replace the two tanks and I am now wondering if I am going to need to re-home some of my fish due to compatibility. The Maroon is 4-5 inches and the ocellaris (mated pair) are 2 inches for the female and 1 inch for the male.
I would love to keep them all but I owe it to them not to put them in harms way.
Any thoughts or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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