jeudi 1 février 2018

Anemone acting funny..


I have had my Caribbean Anemone for around two months and everything’s been fine and I’ve been feeding him little pieces of prawn from time to time to make sure he’s getting enough food.

Over the last few days I’ve noticed some of its tentacles getting weaker and less sticky when I feed it the prawn. He has since shrivelled up with almost all of the deflated arms inside. I’ve seen it do that a few times before so I’ve never really worried about it but I have just noticed that it’s beginning to peel off the rock. A couple of hours ago, it was out with it’s arms inflated and now it’s struggling like it is and I’ve heard they can be big problems if they die in your tank and you don’t sort it quick. Any ideas?

Ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 SG: 1.025-1.026

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