vendredi 16 février 2018

LED lights for 40b FOWLR

I've looked at my lighting situation a bit more. My el-cheapo tubes are no longer making me feel happy and don't have any adjustments (e.g. dimming, moonlight, timers, etc).

I'm in the market for a new LED lighting system for my tank. I love the idea of having a timer, preferably with ramp-up and ramp-down into day/moonlight/off.

Since this will only light a 40b FOWLR, are there any decent lights you can recommend? I know the standard answer ("Whatever you like for fish-only; it doesn't matter") but do any of you know of a light panel that will cover my tank, provide basic timer/dimmer functions, have white/blue/off modes, and won't overpower my tank?

Amazon has a ton of gear in the sub-$100 range, but I don't know enough to make an educated choice.

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