mercredi 27 juin 2018


Top of the morning faithful followers, and.....HAPPY WEDNESDAY! I some times remember to give 'Hump day' an honorable mention. Sunny and mid 70's again, with HOT close on it's heels. Not a weekend yet, but had company, Jen's Sister form the mountains, and now have a counter top full of Dunkin Donuts to go with our morning coffee. Hope the day finds all safe and well,

mardi 26 juin 2018

High Nitrates, etc.

I tried posting this in my tank thread, but it's not getting any attention there... so I'm posting a new thread.

Well, after adding the corals (specifically the birdsnest and chalice) and then promptly watching them brown over and die, I realized that I have a major nitrate issue. I feel like such a newbie. The truth is that the API Nitrate Test kit is such a pain to perform that I just wasn't testing it. When I finally tested after realizing something was wrong, I was testing over 100ppm nitrates.

I immediately started making water to do a substantial change, and then did some research as well. The best I can figure is that the addition of more rock (that was probably mostly dead) is responsible for the spike. I think there's a chance I'm overfeeding, but I'm not convinced that's the issue since I didn't appear to have problems prior to the tank move.

So, I have begun dosing NOPOX in an effort to reduce and control the nitrates long-term. I'm going to do a second 25 gallon water change tonight. I have noticed a pH dip (down to 7.4 to the best I can tell on my API test kit), however my Alk is staying at 8+ dKH.

I did add an orchid dottyback on Tuesday last week, and a Midas Blenny on Saturday. The orchid seems to be picking on my chalk bass, who isn't looking great. Also, strangely, the Hoeven's Wrasse is MIA. I honestly have no idea where he could be, but I don't think it jumped.

So, bring on the advice. I know I shouldn't be adding livestock while my parameters are in flux. All I can do (at this point) is apologize and promise I won't do it again.

My question is this: assuming I continue to dose NOPOX, is there a dosing pump that is recommended here?

Thanks everyone! As always, I look forward to your thoughts!!

Tunze ATO

Anyone have experience with the Tunze ATO nano. I am thinking of getting one but I hate to have to spend 200 on the larger tank version. My question is, would the nano work even if I have a 135 gallon tank?

Not clear why I would need the bigger version??

growths on crab- normal?

Sorry for the bad picture but its the best I could do.
I have had this (i believe female) emerald green crab for about 5 months now.

Didn't realize when I bought her that she was missing a claw- was guaranteed it would grow back - never has even though my cleaner shrimp has molted 5 or6 times in as many months.

Anyway this weekend I was doing a water change and she happened to come out of hiding and I saw all these long filament growths on the primary leg on the side missing the claw.

they are very xenomorph looking. I can't seem to find anything similar on google.

Should I be worried? is it contagious and I should cull her immediately?

please advise

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Totally Tuesday

Morning everyone and Happy Tuesday!

Going to watch the first 8 minutes of the 4 am news, then off to work. Got some big presses moving, so going to do a catch up day today on a ton of other things.

Looks like hot hot weather is on the way towards the weekend. That is pretty far away right now though.

Enjoy your day everyone.

lundi 25 juin 2018

Another summer Monday!

Top of the *orning Everyone, and....HAPPY *ONDAY! upper 80's and sunshine. Had a hankering for so*e butter*ilk waffles to go with our *orning coffee, so dig in. Good *orning AsylmRefugee...saw you posted on last *onday's thread, so if'n you're still here, Hi! :wavey: Hope all have an incredible day,

What corals can I keep with this lighting?

I have a 75g tank with a Current USA Orbit Marine Aquarium LED Light 36-48". (See the specs here: My tank is 30" deep. What kinds of corals can I keep with this light? Thank you!

dimanche 24 juin 2018

NEW GIVEAWAY: Premium Aquatics 2500 Subscriber Contest

Here's our 2,500 subscriber giveaway! First of all, Thank you for being a subscriber, now it's time to give back. We'll be giving away 25 $100.00 gift certificates to

1. Subscribe to Premium Aquatics
2. Like this video
3. Leave a comment on this video

Winners will be announced on Premium Aquatics Facebook page on July 10th or when we hit 2500 subscribers.

For a chance to win:
1. Watch video and hit Thumbs up
2. Subscribe if you haven't already to our channel
3. Post a comment on our YouTube video page

A nice quiet Sunday

Good morning Folks, and.....HAPPY SUNDAY! 'Peaceful' is a good way to describe it around here this morning......low laying fog, muffling the sounds of the chirping and croaking, kids passed out.....NOT USE TO QUIET. Have Dunkin Donuts of course to go with our coffee. Looking to have a yard full for our afternoon BBQ, as usually expected. 90, and cloudy, so will be pool splashing going on. Back to coffee, and all the best,

Noisy Drain

So I've recently got a Aqua One Mini Reef system (120L), link at the bottom. The system seems to work very well however the overflow drain is ridiculously noisy. Like I can hear falling water right now in another room.

The water flows through into the weir and down into the drain as per this picture (1 is down, 4 is return). It's falling into the sump and I believe this is where the noise is coming from. The sump is filled to the specified level.

Can I please have some advise on how to quieten this system.

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samedi 23 juin 2018

S a tur day!

Great, now I'll have the Bay City Rollers in my mind all day! :doh: Top of the morning TRT Friends, and yes....HAPPY SATURDAY! Thunder stormy'ish off and on, and mid 80's. Heading to the office, hopefully 1/2 day, then back to the real world. Cherry Frosted Pop-Tarts to go with our morning joe. All the best,

vendredi 22 juin 2018

Happy birthday to Nate_Bro on 6/22

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing........


jeudi 21 juin 2018

Getting there Thursday!

Good morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY THURSDAY! Yeah the weekend is looming close in the future. Shoebee season is now in full bloom with the schools letting out this week....roads and stores are PACKED. Semi cloudy and in the warm end of the 80's today, and that time of the year when a pop up shower is always possible. Thomas's English muffins and jellies to go with our coffee for starters. Hack gets home from his camping trip this afternoon, so am sure there'll be 'something' happening tonight around here. Hope all are groovy,

mercredi 20 juin 2018

Tap water and algae

When I filled my 75g aquarium, I asked my lfs is it was ok to use tap water. He said it was fine as long as I used a chlorine remover. So I did. Then I read that tap water can cause major algae outbreaks. Is there any way to prevent this or am I doomed to battle algae?

Half way there Wednesday

Good morning Folks, and.....HAPPY WEDNESDAY! Yep, mid 80's under sunny skies....Ahhhhhhh summer! ("Almost.") An assortment of Pop-Tarts to go with our morning coffee. Jen got home safe and sound yesterday morning before I left for work, and Hack is still in the high country till Tomorrow afternoon...HAVING A BLAST! All the best to all,

mardi 19 juin 2018

What is this on/in my coral?


My wife and I just got a couple new corals on Sunday (our first) and we have a question about one of them. We got them from our only LFS but we're honestly not completely sure the species of them. (The guy we were talking with was actually pretty knowledge, though, which was nice.) This one in particular had a couple tentacles sticking out from the inside this morning. They aren't out any more and it was the only time we've noticed it. Why exactly is it doing this? Also, does anybody know the name of it simply from the pictures?

Thank you!

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Tuesday here!

A groovy top of the morning to all our TRT Friends we'll see today....HAPPY TUESDAY! Them cantelopes and watermelons sound about right again this morning to go with our coffee in this continuing heat wave. 90'ish and sunshine. Jen just got home from her overnight drive dropping our nephew off to his Mom in Va. Matt.....just saw your DIY thread. As soon as I finish my first cup of joe, I'll get you a measurement that's working for me. Sorry, but didn't see it last night waaaaaayyyyyy down there. All the very best to all,

lundi 18 juin 2018

Dyi 150 gal tank stand

So started planning my stand build on my 72” long tank and ran into a question already. I have looked at all of the dyi stand threads on trt but didn’t find a answer yet.
At this moment I’m thinking about using a 75 gal tank as a sump whenever petco puts them on sale again, think it was just under or over $100. So sump would be 48” long
The tank is 20” deep so was thinking about making the stand 24” deep to allow room for the plumbing and still have the stand against the wall. Well I don’t see me being able to slide the 75 gal tank in from the side so that leaves the front which is plenty big IF there’s no center braces..... and that’s my question can I get away with my front being supposted only with the two legs 72” apart? Now I’ll throw a few braces in the back but if I put any in the front I’ll have no way of removing the sump tank ever....

Plan on building the frame something like this guy did

Also should I suck it up and use pressure treated wood ?

Happy birthday to VWD on 6/18!

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing....


Bananas Foster Crepe Cake :drool:

Yeah, it's Monday

Good *orning Folks, and sorry but it's true.....HAPPY *ONDAY! 90'ish and sunny......grab the surf boards and Shoebee repelant. Got so*e cantelopes and water*elons around here to go with our coffee on a hot start to our day. Hack's heading for the hills for a week, and Jen will be driving to Virginia in the overnight, so will be a quiet evening around here. Hope all have a groovy week ahead, and all the best,

Need lighting for 30" deep tank

I just got a tank measuring 36" L x 15" W x 30" H. I'd like to keep LPS corals. Can anyone recommend an inexpensive lighting system for under $200? Thank you.

dimanche 17 juin 2018

Happy Father’s Day.

Morning everyone. Coffe and waffles with bacon/sausage and fruit. Enjoy the day,going to be very hot here and worse on Monday. Finished the outside for now so hello AC. Enjoy everyone.

samedi 16 juin 2018

Forget what kind of coral this was

Went on a road trip and got a coral and for the life of me I can't remember what kind it was.... maybe you guys can help... it's an encrusting sps I think... at least it hasn't made it past the edge yet

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Where in the heck is the Saturday thread

Late morning all. Cath must have taken her pots and pans with her.

Denise took her little grandkids to the zoo. I got in trouble for napping yesterday, so this was a compromise.

That was yesterday. Today rolling the Volvo into the shop finally. Got lots to do.

This tiny town offered next Thursday as the earliest, so bringing my flowmaster up to the big city to get installed later in the week. Got a big old turbo and improved manifold going in, and might as well sound a little better and pick up a couple of ponies not letting the bad air get all backed up. The exhaust is 2 1/2" custom made cat back, so just need the swedish spec silencer gone.

vendredi 15 juin 2018

Montipora turning tan

Hi all, looking for input. I have a Montipora that has started going from green to tan. It seemed happy for over 6 months and all of a sudden it has started turning. Nothing has changed as far as light. Flow is a bit different since I lost 1 powerhead. It was without it for several weeks.

Parameters all test good and low to no phosphates.

Any ideas what else could have caused this?


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Hammer transformation

I've had this hammer for 1 year now. Went from 4 heads with amazing color to 15 heads with eh color and less than plump polyps. My leds are 5 years old, I'm guessing thats the issue. Just odd that it's growing pretty well (head count wise) under less than ideal conditions.

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Finally a Friday

Morning folks. Got a couple of hot rainless days ahead.

Off work today which is nice.

Going to kick off my new Traeger with steak and eggs for breakfast.

jeudi 14 juin 2018

Happy thursday!

Good morning folks and HAPPY THURSDAY! Sunshine and mid 80's.....we can work with that. Thomas's English muffins with an assortment of jellies to go with our morning coffee. Nothing world shattering around here, so hope all are safe and well,

mercredi 13 juin 2018

Happy Hump Day

Morning everyone.

Denise's unemployment came through, and found her employer that discharged her after an accident to be acting unlawfully.

Slammed at work as usual looking at all the crazy maintenance requests from the night crew. Better run. Coffee is on.

mardi 12 juin 2018

high phosplates

hello again... something weird is happening in my tank. last week my skimmer over flowed and released all that gunk back into the water. i tested the next day and it read .07 using hanna phosphate test meter. i tested the next day and it read .05 after dosing some Phos RX. i changed my GFO as well as my chemipure elite. yesterday it read .10 and today im reading .12 NO4. nothing has died in my tank and not sure what is causing this to rise so much. i only feed 1 cube per day of baby brind shrimp and half a sheet of nori for tangs
tank is a few years old.

dkh 8.4
mag 1280
cal 460
nitrates .10 (usually zero)
phos .12

Tiny white creatures on tank glass?

I thought that these might be copepods but I am not sure. Can anyone help ID them. Thank you in advance.

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blackout only LR

hello all,
So I have been battling some GHA for 6 months now and it seems I am near the end. I have a few rocks that I cant seem to get it off of. I have tried hitting with peroxide and it still grows. Phosphate RX will get my PO4 down but not enough to kill whats left. I dont want to do a 3 day blackout as I have a tiny hippo tang in my tank and i dont want to starve it for 3 days along with the rest of my livestock. I have 4 rocks that have the algae on them and was thinking of putting those rocks in a 30 gal bucket i and just do a blackout on them. will that work for me if i throw a pump in it and just black out the rocks?
last week i made a huge mistake. my PO4 was reading .03 and i pulled the algae off the rocks manually but siphoned into a mesh sock and left it in my sump since it was still clean. 2 days later i guess the algae died in there but my PO4 was reading .10 and i think this is going to be a problem
thanks for the help guys

Used AI hydra 52 lights

So was offered to buy three AI 52 lights that are 3 years old don’t believe there the hd ones. He’s wanting $300 each for them. Are used leds something to avoid? I know they have a life span and I’m sure there expensive to have worked on. Just not sure if the savings justifies the lost life or just suck it up and buy new if I go led
Thanks ahead of time

Yep, Tuesday!

Top of the morning Folks, and......HAPPY TUESDAY! NO RAIN, well so 'They' say, and mid 70's......great working weather over here. You sly dog Perry not mentioning your BD yesterday....glad to hear you Folks got to celebrate it on your day off. Cath, Jen was raised up in the coal mining mountain areas of Pa., Fracksville, probably spelled wrong, then latter outside of Philly. When she got out of school wound up down here in the low country where she hooked up with some hoodlum who only goes by his nick name....can't trust them kind of people.:rolleyes: Hope all have the best of stuff ahead,

Ooooooops! Pop-Tarts and coffee!

lundi 11 juin 2018

July meeting / swap meet

I have secured a meeting location at Rochester Pet & Country Store for a meeting / swap meet if anyone is interested since we no longer have a LFS.

There is interest from fellow members of TCMAS but I am hoping there is local interest.

If it sounds like something you would like to do please let me know.

Rochester July meeting / swap meet

I have secured a meeting location at Rochester Pet & Country Store for a meeting / swap meet if anyone is interested since we no longer have a LFS.

There is interest from fellow members of TCMAS but I am hoping there is local interest.

If it sounds like something you would like to do please let me know.

WTB Live Rock

Is there any place in or around Rochester to get good live rock?

Thank you in advance.

Happy birthday to Phishnoob & shred5 on 6/11

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing.......


Monday *ONDAY

Good *orning Friends, and welco*e to another week.....HAPPY *ONDAY! Rain for 1/2 the day to start us off, and only in the 60's. Tho*as's English *uffins were on sale this week, soooooo you guessed it. Plenty of butter and jellies so help yourselves along with plenty of coffee. All the best,

dimanche 10 juin 2018

Rotten Kitty's DIY Reef Controller

After several days I was able to troubleshoot the timing issues talking with the Arduino micro-controller from my computer. So I started putting together the pieces. I'll be using freebasic to control everything and log data. C code on the Arduino.

Used a 12v power supply with step-down module to 5v for controller. 12v good for Peristaltic dosing pumps.

I'll of course will seal the AC hot wires with some liquid latex. add some silicon around the screw terminals to the relays since they get AC hot switched wires.

So far only have 5 outlets connected, but will add another outlet bar for more controlling options. I also have 4 more relays on the way.

Plans include topoff, 3rd pump controller (for night mode), skimmer, heater, chiller, Dosing, Dosing 2.

Analog inputs Temp, PH, PH2 (Kalk, Calc Reactor), Water Sensor (Leak) and ORP

Digital inputs, top off level switch

I have a battery backup with car battery to give me 100 Amp hours backup, this should last 20+ hours with only one 10 small 10 Watt pump running on and off.

Once I get the code cleaned up for the arduino, will post it. The basic code will be somewhat lengthy so will provide it as a download. All the work will be done in basic via laptop running Windows, arduino only used to read / write data and turn things on/off, plus a power outage mode.

Any input would be appreciated, and questions welcomed...

VitC & zoas/palys

My 180g tank is nearly all zoas/palys. I've read two opposite ends of the scale about dosing 500mg of pure VitC in powder form daily to spur growth and color.

I need to hear current thoughts if VitC is the real deal or a busted waste of time


Morning all! Coffee and donuts and Birthday cake is on the table and ice cream (the dog kind) is in the freezer. Celebrating Gunther’s 1st Birthday:hat:. Hope you enjoy the day all

Help with Idenification

Hello people, so today I was cleaning out my canister filter from debris and I noticed I have little critters who have made it their home. They swim, curl and move around like a shrimp and have similar legs, however the remainder of the body looks different

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samedi 9 juin 2018

Broken circulation pump.

One of my circulation fans broke at the pivot so I superglued it and am currently waiting for it to dry completely if this doesn’t work do y’all have any suggestions?Attachment 178585

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Kenya tree falling apart!?! Plz help!

So Igor this Kenya tree as a gift and it has never been very happy but now it looks like it is coming apart. Does anyone know why or what might be causing this?? And should I move it somewhere else??Attachment 178553
Here are the other two that are the same kind that I was given from the same person.Attachment 178561
All help is appreciated!!!

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anyone use Phosphate RX?

So Ive have a small problem with hair algae in my tank and only have a little bit left. it took months to get to this stage. I try to pull it out manually but cant get it all and after a week it thickens as it grows. I have tangs and snails but nothing eats this stuff. My PO4 was reading .07 and I have a 100 gallon tank with a 36 gallon sump. after LR and sand I have aprox 100 gallons of water.

I was at .07 and put 65 drops of Phox RX in and the next day it read .05. I added another 30 drops and today its still reading .05

I only feed 1 cube of brind shrimp and half a sheet of Nori for my tangs.
I do 10% water change every 2 weeks

would like to get my PO4 down to .01 and not sure why this didnt budge at all.

my nitrates at 0
DKh 8.4
mag 1280
cal 460
PO4 .05 as stated above

thanks in advance and love this site

An umbrella Saturday at the shore

Top of the morning Folks, and.....HAPPY SATURDAY! 'They' say thunderstorms heading our way by afternoon with a high of 80. Heading into work till then, hoping only half day because the real work is piling up around here. Sleepless over continues, and Dunkin Donuts abound to go with our coffee. Hope all the best for all,

vendredi 8 juin 2018

Overflow bulkhead size suggestion

So I’m looking at ordering my bulkheads for my 150 gal build. I know I want to run a bean animal overflow, thinking one overflow box on the left side of the tank and return on the right.
#1 What size pvc pipe to feed the sump with? I see brs has a ton of different sizes so unsure what size is proper for this use. Would I rather go slightly larger then needed and use a gate valve to adjust the flow?
#2 how close is to close to drill the holes? I don’t want the glass to have a weak point because the holes are to close
#3 I’m assuming I will want the bulkheads as close to the bottom of the overflow box as I can get, then an elbow coming up, then my primary secondary and emergency lines plumbed into the elbows that’s inside the overflow box that’s inside the tank?
#4 slip or threaded bulkheads, bts has them in every combination you can think of, I’m leaning towards slip on inside the overflow box and threaded on the back side of the tank that way if the bulkhead ever has to be removed I can easier
I’m sure I’ll have all kinds of questions about the plumbing on the outside of the tank but figured I would start with the plumbing inside the overflow box and go from there
Thanks in advance

Stocking a 150gal

Hey guys,

I'm looking for some advice on stocking a 150 gal mixed reef tank. Mostly LPS and softies now but plan on some SPS. the tank size is 72"x18"x24". I believe I have plenty of rock and a big biofilter media blocks (4"). Anyways, this is what I have currently and my tank has been running about about 8 months now:
- 2 ocellaris Clowns
- royal gamma
- cleaner shrimp
- blood red shrimp
- various hermits/snails

Equipment running is:
- Algae turf scrubber (only running 2 weeks)
- carbon and gfo media
- reef octopus 150INT skimmer

This is what i'm planning on adding:
- 2 fighting conch
- 2 emerald crabs
- 3 pajama cardinal fish
- tiger shrimp and diamond watchman goby for the pairing
- eventually 1 mandarinfish :blob:(once pod population is up)

I wanted to stay away from large fish because I like the look of fish swimming in between rocks and the fish having tons of space, so tangs are out for me. Also would love a small "school" of fish which is what the cardinal fish were for but unsure if i'll get that from them. Should I add something for algae control?

Let me know what you think!!


Finally a Friday

Morning everyone. Went to Hertz yesterday to get a car for a week, and a road trip this weekend. Didn't see anything I liked in the row of offerings to choose from but this caught my eye.


Yes it has a Hemi.

Taking my guys to lunch today, and leaving early to hit the road.

Coffee is on. Have a great Friday everyone!

jeudi 7 juin 2018

nutrient export method help ! advice/what works for you ?

so over the past 18 months my 30 gallon reef has pretty much filled out & im now upgrading to a 4 foot 110 gallon waterbox.

im currently using a diy algae scrubber which for the most part has done its job for me now im not looking to continue using the algae scrubber on my new system/extension lol .. basically the reason behind this is my scrubber had dramas where it was down 3 weeks and during this time it made me realise how much of a mistake i made by going that route due to all the free floating algae spores in the tank i literally had a massive problem in one week yep one week the tank was "covered" and in bad shape, now ive gotten things back on track but im anti-scrubber now and
im thinking of just going with a chaeto refugium or carbon dosing/nopox from day one i put a lot of time and effort into my reef and i want that to pay off but im always fighting algae in the display i cant say im not to blame i do like to feed my fish very well and i am overstocked so theres the problem right there which i understand, but i just feel with such a small volume of water its very much a balancing act at the moment and considering my scrubber died etc and there was no nutrient export method at all apart from water changes which werent keeping up my rock is now soaked in nitrate and phosphate .. so moving forward with the new system im obviously aware and not going to let the overstocking etc happen again i want to really kick this algaes ass obviously but im just looking for advice moving forward how would you guys go about nutrient export moving forward and trying to get everything back on track ?

would you guys recommend carbon dosing ? from day one ?
or a refugium from day one ? well leaning towards a algae reactor more tbh as it will open up sump room.

i figure once i have the larger volume of water and a algae reactor chugging along it should clear up pretty quickly alongside the usual pruning/maintenance and weekly water changes.
am i right in this thought process ? :freak:

will nutrient export not be such a pain in the butt once i have a larger system ?

Thursday it is!

Top of the morning TRT Friends, and......HAPPY THURSDAY! Partly sunny and low to mid 70's.....Hey, it's dry! Jen and Nate are in Virginia for the meet up with her Sister, and will be leaving this morning to get back up here. THANKS George, and sorry yesterday got past us, nice catch. D-Day, and all I could think about yesterday was that June 6th was the day I got off of 'Mess cooking duties' of the first ship I was on. :doh: Will be bachelor'ing it this morning and have more Frosted Cherry Pop-Tarts to go with our morning coffee. Hope all are safe and sound,

mercredi 6 juin 2018

First saltwater setup

Alrighty so here's where I'm at, sorry for the novel, I'm a long winded person :P

I have had a 10g freshwater setup for about 18 months now. I originally wanted to just jump into a saltwater setup, but after doing research and took into account my zero experience, low budget and minimal space for tank, I realized it was best to get started with a small freshy setup.

Now I've moved, have more space and a reasonable budget to give a saltwater tank a shot.

I've purchased a 37 gallon tall tank, what are thoughts on this size? Obviously bigger is better, but I'm restricted in my width of the tank to just about 3 feet. That being said, will a 37 gallon tank be challenging to start with? I've read that larger tanks can be easier for starters because problems dont manifest as quickly. Is a 37 gallon tank considered "small" and will it limit me severely or is it big enough to have a decent variety of fish? Not looking for anything crazy for the starter.

I know I probably need 2/3 live rocks, and some live sand and many more things. Other than a filter, what other equipment do I need to start cycling? I have a full test kit already.

Any advice or tips to get going?

Excited but overwhelmed new member

Hello! I have just joined this page, and have already found a ton of awesome information!

I have had a small 10g freshwater setup for a little over 18 months now. Started with two dwarf gourami, but sadly a recent 4 hour move took the most gorgeous one :(

I originally wanted to just jump into a saltwater setup, but after doing research and looking at my zero experience, low budget and minimal space for tank, I realized it was best to get started with a small freshy setup.

Now I'm ready to give a small/medium saltwater setup a go! Picked up a 35 tall tank yesterday, and will hopefully be starting a cycle this weekend. Will be frequenting this forum over the next few months asking tons of newbie questions so I look forward to speaking with you all!


Decent weather Wednesday

Morning TRT'ers. Nice 50's and in some nearby cities 40's start to the day, and it is in the 60's later on.

That is great news being the guy that gets to hear about the temperature at work from 100 different people.

Coffee is on. Need to leave a little closer to 4 am now that my road to work is closed for 60 days.

Happy Hump Day!

mardi 5 juin 2018

too early Tuesday

Morning everyone.

Up early as always, and headed to work in a few.

We keep missing the rain.

Out of regular coffee, but got a jillion k-cups from my last gig. Help yourself. Enjoy your Tuesday.

Peninsula Reef tank

Hey everyone,

New to the hobby and wanted to get an opinion from the pros.

I want to build a peninsula tank. I was thinking a tank around 30” wide by 60” to 72” long. Wanted to drill the end myself and probably build my own stand since I have had trouble finding stands that would work for a peninsula. Handy guy since I’m in the trades and I love to research so not worried too much about the work involved to build this project. Not to mention it looks like I have an awesome source here if I do have any questions... My biggest concern is the size of the tank?

Is it going to be hard to get the right amount of flow/circulation in a tank that long with only having the overflow and returns at one end of the tank?

lundi 4 juin 2018

Ohhhhh it's Monday!

Good *orning TRT Friends, and yeah, it's ONDAY.....I *ean HAPPY *ONDAY! Rain and wind at the *oment but will turn to just clouds by the ti*e work starts....'They' say. Butter*ilk waffles popping up to go with our coffee this *orning. Oliver curled on *y lap *aking this tough, so enjoy the day everyone,

dimanche 3 juin 2018

Spaghetti Worm?

Hello all, I have found a few of these in my sand over the past few days. Hoping they are at least spaghetti worms, anyway.


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Click image for larger version Name: 20180603_125728_1528056542840.jpg Views: N/A Size: 46.6 KB ID: 178121  

NEW GIVEAWAY Bubble Magus Filter Roller

Today we are taking a look at the Bubble Magus Filter Roller available at Premium Aquatics. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell to stay up to date.

Bubble Magus Filter Roller:

Visit Premium Aquatics:

For a chance to win:
1. Watch video and hit Thumbs up
2. Subscribe if you haven't already to our channel
3. Post a comment on our YouTube video page

Happy birthday to Chad on 6/3!

And here's the Official TRT Chours® to sing....


Losing the battle it looks like.

Well the brown algae has a hold in my tank and I can’t figure out where it’s coming from. My elcheapo tds meter reads 0 but think I’ll order a better one from brs. Only thing that’s been added has been a little frag here and there so I’m guessing the silica is coming from the water? My water changes have been with the rodi water with instant ocean salt.
In regards to the tds meter should I get the inline one of a stick type? Any brand to avoid or recommend?
Guess maybe I should ask if the silica will read on the tds meter or will a tds meter read 0 and have silica in the water. Is there a test for just silica? I know there’s a silicabuster di filter someone on here mentioned it before but want to see where it’s coming from if possible
Any help or ideas are appreciated

Such a nice Sunday

Temps in the 50's to start getting up to the 70's. I need to give my garage attention and find places for my new beer fridge and rollaway.

Rain this afternoon, but good garage cleaning weather. We have doors on both ends of the garage, and now got Cable TV and a nice stereo ready to go.

Coffee is on. Enjoy your Sunday.

New reefer

Just wanted to say Hi. New to the hobbiest from Seattle, WA USA.

I think I might be getting started in a little unorthodox way. Just set up a 20 gal tank a week ago to start to cycle. Going to just get a couple clown fish initially to put in there once the cycle is done while I plan on setting up a 100 gal peninsula tank. Then the 20 gal will become my quarantine/hosp tank.

So far just have a couple live rocks in there which just found out tonight have a few bristleworms. May have one fireworm (hard to tell cause he hides so quickly before I can get a good look at him).

samedi 2 juin 2018

How much water do you store?

I have a 105 gallon tank with 30 gallon sump and I am setting up my RODI system. How large should I buy my storage containers? How much water evaporates for you guys?

Happy birthday to FutureDoc on 6/2

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing....


Super Nice Saturday

Morning everyone. Coffee is on.

Off to work until 1:30 then get to enjoy the rest of the day.

Nice 70's day in rural Ohio.

Installing a new head unit in my Sentra along with a Sirius receiver. Radio pickings were pretty thin on my commute in.

Enjoy Saturday!

vendredi 1 juin 2018

Finally a Friday

Morning everyone.

Coffee is on.

Humid again today, and we keep missing the rain. Maybe today it will.

Got a lot to do at work, better get out the door.

jeudi 31 mai 2018

Coral Banded Shrimp

Hi everyone! I'm curious about my coral banded shrimp...

Due to an error in shipping I ended up with 2 coral banded shrimp. I know they do not get along and I figured I would have to take one to my LFS but in the mean time I threw them on opposite ends of the tank and crossed my fingers.

Lo and behold they are best friends and always stay within antennae distance of each other, usually touching or standing back to back guarding each entrance of a tunnel. I've even caught them spooning a few times :smileykiss2:(the first time I panicked that the "big spoon" was devouring the "little spoon" tail first!:rotflmao:)

So here's my question-could they possibly be a mated pair? My research (which involves googling "how to sex coral banded shrimp":read:) has shown that having blue on their belly (ovaries) is a good indicator of a female, males are smaller and have more slender bodies, and one site even mentioned blue dots below the big claws of females. I also found that mating generally occurs within 24 hours of molting-does this mean they wouldn't pair until they molted?

Both of my cbs have blue bellies. One is considerably larger than the other but they have very similar "girth". No blue dots on claws of either. The one big difference I noticed is that the larger one has 2 bands on each big claw that appear blue-ish at the center of the band. Has anyone seen this before? Could it be a sexually dimorphic characteristic?

Also, the smaller one seems to constantly be "dancing"-moving left and right-while the larger one does not move much and tends to move in a given direction when it does. Could this be a mating dance or a male protecting his female?

They've been in the tank together for 3 weeks now and I first noticed them hanging out together less than 24 hours after adding them to the tank. They both molted at the same time almost exactly 2 weeks later.

Last question-should I worry about my cbs suddenly turning on each other or if they've been friendly for several weeks should that relationship continue to be peaceful? :help:

Not the greatest pics in the world but they were the ones that show the coloration of each the best. In each pic the smaller cbs is on the left and the larger one is on the right. Thanks in advance for any info you can provide me!

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Top of the morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY THURSDAY! Looking at nearly a week ahead of us holding the possibility of rain and thunder storms. :doh: Mentioned before bed time last night I'm gonna dream of Chocolate Chip cookies because we ain't got none......Guess what we're having for breakfast! Yep, Jen and Hack made a batch for us last night to go with our morning coffee. Ahhhhh they love us! Hope the day finds everyone doing well, and all the best,

Missing fish

This could be a dumb question but I have a bi color angel fish. Yesterday he was fine swimming around he ate fine no sign of stress or anything. I haven't seen him today at all. He has a little slot in the back off my live rock that he would always swim in (like a cave) normally when I didn't see him it was because he was in there but he always made an appearance through out the day. Is it possible he got himself stuck in there. My parameters are 8.2 ph, .5 ammonia, .5 nitrite, and 10 ppm nitrate. It's a 30 gallon fish only tank. I don't think my parameters killed him because they are actually lower than when I normally test the water my ph is always 8.2 but my ammonia is normally around 2 or more ppm my nitrite is normally around 2ppm and my nitrate is normally 40ppm. I just got a ro/di system and did about a 20% water change using that about a week ago and started feeding them a little less because I think I was over feeding. I just don't know what happened or where he could be and to check the rock would be a lot of moving other rock. Any ideas?

mercredi 30 mai 2018

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Welcome to Wednesday!

Top of the morning TRT Friends, and....HAPPY WEDNESDAY! Cloudy and 70 for a high.....nice working weather. Thomas's English muffins and jellies to go with our morning coffee. Great news on the car recovery Doug, but sorry to hear of the damage. Got to see Solo last night with the Family....We liked! Hope the day finds all safe and well,

mardi 29 mai 2018

Plumbers Putty for Coral Mounting

I was thinking of going out to Home Depot or Lowe's and trying to get something to mount corals with. I've tried everything and they always come loose. As you all know I'm sure, it's a pain trying to mount corals where you want them when the spot isn't ideal for mounting. I'd have to disassemble my aquascape to take rock out and of course would prefer not to do so. I was thinking of possibly getting some plumbers putty and wanted some feedback before I kill my tank with it. My logic is that if it is safe for our water supply than it would possibly safe for aquaria. Thanks in advance for any and all replies.

What is this Algae?

Hello everyone, I seem to have a problem with brown algae growing over everything, it’s not too bad and just more obvious growing over my white rocks (in the pictures)

What kind of algae is this and how can I avoid it

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Terrible Tuesday

Morning everyone. Posted a Monday thread LOL. Hard to get up and going, and coffee is on.

Manic Monday

*orning everyone. Headed in early to prepare for my 6:15 stand up meeting to go over the day.

The garden came out nice. Everything should grow well with the fancy dirt mix we came up with.


lundi 28 mai 2018

Lets Get Crazy

I'm back.

After 4 years of college, getting a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering, moving to San Diego, and starting a new job, its time to start back up again.

I don't know how big of a tank I'm going to get, but some of my goals for this build are:
  1. energy efficient
  2. connected technology
  3. easy maintenance
  4. Tang-friendly
  5. more than likely high-flow SPS
  6. probably using sump

Since I've been gone for so long, are there any new and cool pieces of technology / trends that have been released? I need to catch up! :D

Looking forward to sharing this journey to all my old friends on here, and to everyone I don't know, say hi and follow along!

Memorial Day. Motel TRTI Monday

Morning all,

Wishing everyone a great Memorial Day, and to remember the reason for it.

Woke up early and stayed up for whatever reason,, have a 8 hr drive left to get home after hopefully a nice visit to Cades Cove at sunrise.

Also hoping to beat the rain in the area as I head north. Even though I had a rain filled vacation, it is not close to what is going on currently to the south .

Motel room coffee now, I’ll sneak you guys in for their breakfast spread in a few hours, eggs/links/patties/B&G/ fruit /oatmeat/ and of course more coffee/tea/juice. Not a bad spread for motel fare IMO.

Hope everyone has a great day!

dimanche 27 mai 2018

Failure Proof Auto Top Off System DIY

Auto top off systems scare me. So I've been doing some research on a how to make one (almost) failure proof. Here is what I am planning
Parts Pictured, <$30, you can get cheaper than this though. But want starter kit.

Program Arduino to monitor float switch and turn on pump to top off, if it goes over 5-10 seconds turn it off and go into error mode, otherwise monitor float switch and turn off when full. This will keep from overflowing your tank and keep pump from running dry.

If unit goes into error mode, push button to reset.
Have several led's to display status,
Green All Good
Yellow Topping OFF activated
Red Error mode
You could have 2 relays, both would have to be on just in case one fails.

Setting up reef for the greatest ecological diversity

While I'm waiting for things to get my new tank up and running, I've had some ideas based on years experience. They are just my 2 cents, many may have other ideas and good reasons behind their mythology's, I would like to hear about that.

To me it seems that cycling your tanks with dead rock would be the best method. Establish lower bacterial colonies.

Then add a few pieces of live rock to seed the tank with more diverse life forms. Most biological specimens introduced should survive since tank is cycled. I don't think a protein skimmer would be advisable at this point, you want diversity to handle the bio load.

After month(s) add even more live rock, maybe slowly, maybe quickly. But in this hobby slower is usually better. But on the other hand adding a generous amount of living organisms might balance out better in the end, but you may have spikes in parameters that kill off some of the organisms affecting the food chain. Having a protein skimmer handy to handle any dead organism spikes might be advisable, but once again you are taking food out of the water, so you might imbalance the ecosystem. So I wonder if you do use a protein skimmer should you use all the time or just when things are out of balance. Of course the ecosystem will balance out either way.

Some additions, like Mandarin Goby's will eat up most of the copods, disrupting the ecosystem, Those copods my feed other living organisms.

Fish or no fish - Fish are cool, they move around and have personalities. Except for tangs fish will eat up all kinds of living organisms. Fish do add something to the ecosystem through their waste products that are consumed my lower life forms. A wrasse will eat all the worms and terrorize your tank. maybe veggie eaters are better, what do you think of that idea?

Clean up crews - Snails are cool, but they eat and poop, you need somthing to remove that, but I wonder about crabs, they eat anything. At least the ones I've seen. My take on this is to keep them at a low population some are specific eaters. In this area I need to educate my self more, I've forgotten a lot. Watch out for the big snails they seem to get poisoned by certain types of brown algae and pollute your tank. What do you recommend for clean up crews, are they really needed in a really diverse tank? If you have a diverse worm population, they do a good job of cleaning stuff off rocks and sand. In my opinion the introduction of a large clean up crew can disturb the eco-system.

I have other takes on things like ozone introduction, it can kill off living organism's in the water column, but can have other benefits, like adding more energy to the system (but really how does this affect the ecosystem, I know it improves reproduction of some organisms). To me getting nutrients locked up into the living things is more like a natural reef (this naturally increases ORP). Would using ozone on limited scale say 1-5 minutes a day be better? Give the system a little boost at times.

I guess it comes down to just how diverse of a eco-system do we want, is there a middle of the road approach?

NEW GIVEAWAY: Aqamai KPM Powerhead

Today we are taking a look at the Aqamai KPM Powerhead. We are going to unbox the KPM and compare it to the Aqamai KPS Powerhead. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell to stay up to date.

Aqamai KPM Powerhead:
Aqamai KPS Powerhead:

Visit Premium Aquatics:

For a chance to win :
1. Watch video and hit Thumbs up
2. Subscribe if you haven't already to our channel
3. Post a comment on our YouTube video page

400 gallon setup for sale

I am new here but am looking for a place to sell my 400gallon custom acrylic tank saltwater setup , full setup for sale ,

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Dog TRTI Sunday

No idea what Jack was thinking. He got me up, and it is 2 am. We are both up now

Coffee is on, and hopefully something boring will be on that puts us both back to sleep until the Shark Vacuum or My Pillow infomercial comes on.

Supposed to be nice weather today. Yesterday was a "frog strangler" to use Cath's term.

Have a great Sunday.

samedi 26 mai 2018

Respect memorial Day

When I was a kid memorial Day was called Decoration Day and it was a day of remembrance of all the people who died defending the United States and people would go to cemeteries and decorate the graves of our brave hero's who died so that we didn't have to.

Today, sadly, most people think of it as a day off and a sale day to buy stuff cheaper. But I hope many of us remember the true meaning of the day and take a minute off to pay respect to these brave Americans who gave their lives.
I am sure the Patriotic people on these forums remember.

A sunny seashore Saturday!

Well sunny 1/2 the day....but sounded good. :thumbup: Good morning to all our Friends joining us around the TRT Training table....HAPPY SATURDAY! 90 and 1/2 sunny, and Shoebee bugs abound! HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND! Dunkin Donuts follow the sleepless over house so there's tons to go with our coffee. Looking forward to getting home from work so I can do some real work around to get Hack's-Place ready for the summer fun. Hope all are groovy,

vendredi 25 mai 2018

Sea Hare + Wrasse = ???

Overall my ever lingering algae problems are slowly subsiding, but I was thinking of adding a sea hare to finish it off, but was a little worried that my Melanurus Wrasse would quickly make for tank emergency.

Is that the case? Or is it one of those things where if I throw it in there at night or when the wrasse isn't looking like I do the rest of the CUC it will leave it alone?

Or is it just not worth the risk overall?


So yesterday, I forgot to put my Frozen Rotifers and Mysis Shrimp back in the freezer. I realized this just now when I was getting to feed the fish. Would you refreeze or toss in the garbage?

Dosing vs Water Changes?

I have been doing some research and finding conflicting opinions on this.

I have a 90 gallon with DSB, carbon, and chaeto in the sump.

0 nitrates and .01 Phosphates however my PH is getting a little low.

I was wondering if I could dose Alk/Calc to replenish lost nutrients vs water changes.

Reason being is I do not have storage to hold RODI for the water change AND m ATO.

I only have 2 clowns and a couple soft corals so the nutrient export has gone well but I’m concerned about the dropping PH and replenishment.

Tank has been up and runnning for 3 1/2 months now and I haven’t done a single water change 😕

Any thoughts on dosing vs the water changes?


Top of the morning TRT Friends, and.....,HAPPY FRIDAY! (" Sounds sooooo much more heart felt than 'HAPPY *ONDAY!".") Another summer'ish day here at the already Shoebee bug infested shore. They're wasting no time getting down here. Some more Thomas's English muffins and jellies to go with our coffee this morning. Lighter fare for the warmer weather. Hope all are safe and well,

jeudi 24 mai 2018

Three little nems

I think I've got three different pest anemones in my tank. Can anyone ID to be sure? Also, will my lfs sell hypodermic needles/syringes for injecting them?

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Who is cornering the market on Chaeto? It's hard to find or perhaps I am looking in the wrong places? Is there a alternative to Chaeto?

Terrific Thursday

Amazingly nice weather in rural Ohio. Getting ready to drive to work. Only bad thing about sunrise is that lots of critters are crossing the road.

Coffee is on.

After work putting planter boxes together from kits. Read online that putting newspapers down is the way to kill the grass under the fill material.

Enjoy your day!

mercredi 23 mai 2018

Skimmers and ATOs

Ugh! Having a hard time dialing in my Reef Octo BH1000 HOB skimmer. It's always either skimming way too wet or way too dry (not skimming at all). I just can't hit that sweet spot where it consistently skims some nice, disgusting gunk! Then again, I have a low bio-load, and therefore do not feed my tank all that much.

My main question is how do other reefers compensate for the skimmate when you have an ATO on your tank, especially if you have a tendency to skim a little on the wetter side? As your skimmer pulls liquid out of the system, it is going to be replenished by the ATO with RO/DI, which will slowly lower your salinity, right? I started thinking about this dilemma last night when I noticed my skimmer was skimming really wet after my latest attempt to micro-adjust the skimmate production.

Determining return pump needs

Hi, I I'm switching my tank to a do-it-yourself drilled overflow from glass holes that is rated at 700 gallons per hour. I'm trying to figure out what size return pump I need. It's a 40 breeder with a 40 breeder sump. I was reading that your return pump should try to match your overflow calculating in for head loss, but I don't know what number to use. Am I trying to match 700 gallons per hour since that's what my overflow is rated at, or is that just a maximum that that overflow can do?
700 gallons per hour seems like a lot of flow for mixed Reef. Even five times Flow woud be only 200.
Do I try to shoot for something like 300 gallons per hour since that's closer to what the skimmer is rated for and it's about 7 times my tank volume?
If that's the case do I need to put a gate valve on my overflow line on its way to the sump to slow it down?
I have been reading like crazy but can't really find a specific answer to whether 700 gallons per hour is actually what that return delivers or if it's just its maximum.

Happy Hump Day Wednesday

Morning everyone. Coffee is on.

I start a little after six and need to commute, so up at 4:30 these days. This is a lot better than my old job with folks rolling in at the crack of 9:30.

Got a lot of rain lately. Couple inches came down the other day and more yesterday.

Enjoy your day!

mardi 22 mai 2018


Clever huh! Top of the morning TRT Friends, and....HAPPY TUESDAY! A moderate chance of afternoon showers, or not. Those PB+J's really worked for me yesterday, so grab a napkin and help yourself....plenty of coffee also. Sounds like a TB ward around here now.....WE ALL HAVE COLDS! On top of allergies! Did the driver stop George? And any updates on the girl? Fantastic that your camera saw it! That's king sized suckie right there Perry and Denise. Hope all turns to good in a big hurry for you. Suck in some Paradise breezes for us Jeff, wet, or dry. Hope the day finds all soaked in grooviness,

lundi 21 mai 2018

HELP!!! my mandarin dragonet has blisters!!!

Hi, i’m really looking for some help with this beautiful fish. i put him in and the first 24hrs he was fine. But i saw him a day ago and he started forming clear bubble/Blisters on his skin and today he is breathing rapidly. I have no ammonia or history of any disease in the tank.

tank specs: 20 gallon truvu with 2 black ocellarus clowns, pearly jawfish, purple firefish and a tiger pistol shrimp.

ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrates: 15
phosphates: 0.05
ph: 8.2
alk: 9
mag: 1500
salt: 1.025
temp: 78

I am running a small protein skimmer and the light is a kessel A360W.

A back at it Monday

Good *orning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY *ONDAY! NO RAIN!!!! Just realized we're rushing towards *emorial Day weekend.....WOW! There's going to be a 'rushed *entality' at work then this week, fro*n custo*ers, and the boss.....oh goody! Got so*e PB+J on toast to go with our *orning coffee, plus it travels well. Hope all are well,

dimanche 20 mai 2018

Nitrates and Nem?

My LFS has a really nice GBTA and A RBTA. I have always wanted a nem and I checked and they are both eating and the Green one is hosting a clown. I have a 75g reef tank, but I am worried because my nitrates range between 20-25ppm. I know some people have run successful reef tanks with levels like that but I was wondering if it would be safe to house a nem in. My plane was to drip accumulate the nem for 12 hours to slowly accumulate it to the high nitrates. What do you guys think?

Anemone trouble again

So y'all probably know that I have had my anemone for about 2 months now and it has been doing great no problems once so ever except for at the very beginning. Well within the last 2 weeks my anemone has decided it it doesn't like my tank. It has been movingly almost every night and then stays in the spot it stops at and looks happy then about three days ago it decided it doesn't even want to perk up during the day now. Here is a pic of before and now.Attachment 177338Attachment 177346

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Click image for larger version Name: IMG_4099_1526846346079.jpg Views: N/A Size: 59.0 KB ID: 177338   Click image for larger version Name: IMG_4191_1526846378464.jpg Views: N/A Size: 55.7 KB ID: 177346  

No more sand?

Someone told me that sand is a thing of the past and that they only run crushed coral now. They said sand will kill corals and that they never recommend it unless it is a FO tank. This was a guy at the LFS and he said they never use sand in their tanks. Any thoughts on this?

Sunny at last Sunday

Cavs got it back together.

Might work on planter boxes today, and need to finish up some trim molding.

Coffee is on. Enjoy your Sunday.

samedi 19 mai 2018

Royal Wedding Saturday

I'm good now.:thumbup:
Good morning TRT Friends, and....HAPPY SATURDAY! And NO, I won't be watching it! We have sooooooo much doughnuts, and danish on our counter, I sure hope Y'All grab a handful to go with our morning coffee. And they're the good kind, NOT D.D.'s! Yep, more rain today, and YEP, I'm heading in again, and YEP, I did manage to come down with my first 'head cold' of the season on top of my ailments. :angry: Hope all have just simply a fantastic day,

vendredi 18 mai 2018

Full View Aquariums: We Built 2 Nano Tanks -- WIN BOTH!

Full View Aquariums: We Built 2 Nano Tanks -- WIN BOTH!

Full View Aquariums: Win a Nano Reef or a Freshwater Planted Tank!

Thought it was a goner!

Over the past week, I had noticed my Devil's Hand Coral going through a color change and shriveling up. Today, it looks like he is going to be ok. The color has returned, tentacles out and appears to be bigger than before. I noticed some mucous type stuff on him this morning, could he just have been going through a shedding phase?Attachment 177258Attachment 177266

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Click image for larger version Name: 20180515_151708_1526661351697.jpg Views: N/A Size: 60.5 KB ID: 177258   Click image for larger version Name: 20180518_090814_1526661399405.jpg Views: N/A Size: 43.2 KB ID: 177266  

ID for unknown encrusting SPS coral, please!

Would someone please be kind enough to help me identify this bright green encrusting SPS frag I picked up from an LFS? I really like it. The polyps look more like fine hairs than polyps. Clicking on the photo takes you to a video clip of the frag.

Much obliged!

Why do I keep losing fish!!?

I've had my tank for 2 years.
35 gallons, about 15lbs of live rock.
Cuc: 2 strawberry conch, 3 emerald crabs, 1 cleaner shrimp
Fish(that are left): clownfish, black clownfish, royal gramma
And soft corals.
Just 2 weeks ago I had a firefish and 2 damsels. The damsels went missing I have no idea what happened to them. This morning I saw my fire fish laying at the bottom of the tank unable to swim but still breathing and no signs or injury. I never saw anyone picking at him. They were peaceful tank mates.
Not sure what's happening but fish keep dying! All parameters are stable.
Any ideas?

Happy birthday to Dave's Not Here on 5/18

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing......


Splish splash Friday!

Not to sound like a broken record, BUT IT'S RAINING......AGAIN! Top of the morning TRT Friends, and yep, HAPPY FRIDAY! Got a fresh batch of Thomas's English muffins around here to go with an assortment of jellies to chase down our morning coffee. Hack, and a few others of the 'sleepless over brigade' will be spending the night over at another's home tonight. Hitting 'GOT AIR' place first, then Applebee's. We'll snag them tomorrow night for another sleepless night. Hope the day finds all safe, well, and dry,

jeudi 17 mai 2018

Tips/advice for putting reef tank on cruise control?

Hey, all my wet and salty friends! I could really use whatever tips, tricks, advice, recommendations, best practices, etc. that anyone can offer to help put my reef tank on cruise control. Almost two months ago, during a vacation to the USVI, my passion for my reef tank was reignited after a 3+ year hiatus. Since then, my OCD has been on overdrive trying to get my tank back up to spec.

Unfortunately, my wife is starting to get really annoyed with the amount of time, effort, money, and attention I've been putting into my tank. I don't blame her, and I actually agree that I've been a bit too attentive to my tank lately at the detriment of attention paid to my family. With the warmer weather finally arriving in the Chicagoland area, summer break starting in a couple weeks for my kids, and our family's desire to make this summer all about getting out and about enjoying nature, I need to find ways to reduce the amount of time and maintenance my tank requires.

As many of you may know from other threads, I've been battling with high nitrates lately. Most all of my other water parameters are finally (roughly) coming into line, but my nitrates have been up over 100 ppm. After serious thinking and contemplating and remembering with my brain thingy (getting harder to do with age), I'm fairly certain of the cause of the high nitrates, and I'm hoping those will eventually, naturally, and with as little intervention as possible start working their way down to acceptable levels. After thinking back over actions I've taken over the past month, I think I've narrowed the source of the high nitrates down to simple overfeeding a couple weeks back. There was nearly a whole week when I was feeding a full cube of frozen mysis plus a couple good squirts of bottled plankton every day. I only have one clownfish, a couple dozen snails/hermit crabs, and a couple handfuls of softie/LPS corals in my tank. Way too much food for way too few mouths. I've done several 20% water changes, added a chaeto refugium, brought my protein skimmer back online (had stopped using it several years ago due to overflowing issues), and added a large bag of Seachem Matrix in my sump. The NO4 levels appear to be on their way down, just not very quickly.

I've received several recommendations in other threads to remove the almost 10-year-old sand bed from my DT. Until this morning, I was planning to do just that. After my wife's complaints this morning that I've been too focused on my tank lately and not attentive enough to her and my daughters, I've decided to forego removing the sand bed for now. I understand this may be a detrimental decision in the long run, but I unfortunately cannot find the time in the next several months for such a monumental maintenance project. For now, I'm going to keep the sand bed and just hope that leaving it undisturbed will prevent any "huge" issues for the immediate future.

In my efforts to reduce the time and maintenance needs of my tank, here are steps I have already taken:

1. I have *FINALLY* installed a true automatic top-off unit!!! A week ago, I ordered/received/installed a Tunze Osmolator 3155 ATO. Now all I have to do is make up a 5-gallon bucket of RO/DI once a week and pour it into my reservoir. I used to have a 5-gallon bucket gravity-fed ATO, but that thing was not consistent or reliable at all. Even when I thought I had everything set up correctly and sealed off airtight, that thing would still leak the entire contents of the bucket within a few hours dumping a boatload of FW into my sump. I'm so happy with the Tunze now, and I wish I would have gotten it years ago!

2. I've switched over to the Triton Method and am using the Core7 base elements for dosing. I'm still trying to dial everything in as far as my dosing regimen, but I'm confident that once I get it tweaked, I should be good to go. I've gone Triton in order to reduce the volume and frequency of water changes. Not that my 55g DT and 30g sump required that much volume in the way of WCs, but it was annoying my wife to see me hauling out all my equipment every week to make up the fresh SW and perform the WC. So, I'm hoping the Triton Method will allow me to cut way back on WCs. Now my only issue is trying to find a way to streamline the dosing regimen.

3. I replaced my old lighting system with (2) 48" Fluval Sea, Marine, & Reef v3.0 LED lighting fixtures. These 3.0 fixtures are Bluetooth capable and let me set up, control, and program my lighting cycle on my iPhone. Now that it's set up, it runs automatically.

4. I started my protein skimmer back up. It's a Reef Octopus BH1000 HOB skimmer. Yeah, I know it's not a big, super-powered skimmer, but I have a very low stocking level in my tank (1 fish, some CUC, and some corals). Per the manufacturer, with low stocking levels, the skimmer is rated for up to 100 gallons. I only have around 60 gallons net water volume. I have performed a couple mods on it to make it skim better (venturi mod and pinwheel mod). Also, I installed a drain line on the collection cup that runs to a 2-gallon container. So, I don't have to spend 15-20 minutes every few days trying to reach around the backside of my tank and wriggle the cup out to empty it.

5. I installed a chaeto refugium in my sump to help uptake and export nutrients. Right now, I only have a Mars Aqua 24W LED Grow Light in a reflector lighting it on a cycle opposite my DT. The growth of the chaeto has not been phenomenal, but it is growing. I am trying to decide if I should upgrade to one of those 100W, 200W, or 300W LED grow lights you can get on Amazon for relatively cheap. My only concern is that bright of light might be too much. I'll let the 24W bulb keep going for now and see how it works out over time.

6. For now, I am intentionally keeping my stocking levels very low. The main reason is that I have a 10 year old clownfish that has allegedly killed every other fish I have ever added to my tank. I do not wish to waste any more money on fish until this clownfish has swam out to the great blue yonder. Also, I have always been more interested in the micro-life in a reef tank than the fish. I'd rather add corals and inverts.

7. I'm sticking with mostly softies and LPS in this tank. I don't have any desire to go crazy with an SPS-heavy tank that would end up requiring sophisticated and expensive lighting/monitoring/controlling/dosing systems. I have one small frag of an unknown green encrusting SPS. Everything else is GSP, Euphyllia, Xenia, Kenya tree, Toadstool leather, mushrooms, and zoas.

And here are things I would *like* to do, but they most likely will not happen:

8. Probably the thing I would most like to do to further automate/reduce maintenance is to get a dosing system for my Triton Core7 elements. I mean, it technically doesn't take too much time and effort to dose my Core7 elements every night, especially with the relatively low volume of water I have in my system. However, if I could automate it, that's one fewer task I have to perform on a daily basis. Plus, an automatic dosing system could dose much more precisely and consistently than I can. Unfortunately, automatic dosing systems seem to be pretty pricey, especially given the sum of money I've already spent in a very short amount of time trying to get my reef tank back inline. My wife is not very keen on me spending much more now.

9. And speaking of pricey, automated systems, I would love, Love, LOVE to get a wireless Apex system with the pH, salinity, and temperature probes. I would love to automate the monitoring/controlling of those specs and be able to view them from anywhere in the world and receive automatic notifications if anything is out of whack. Unfortunately, such an Apex system is a huge spend and too much for me to try and slip past my wife.

Anyway, after all this typing on my part, and all the reading on your part (thanks, by the way), does anyone have any input on tips, tricks, best practices to further reduce the time and effort required to maintain a reef tank? I would love to be able to put this thing on cruise control as much as possible, but I have limited funds to make anything fancy happen. So, inexpensive and easy-to-implement suggestions would be appreciated.
