vendredi 8 juin 2018

Stocking a 150gal

Hey guys,

I'm looking for some advice on stocking a 150 gal mixed reef tank. Mostly LPS and softies now but plan on some SPS. the tank size is 72"x18"x24". I believe I have plenty of rock and a big biofilter media blocks (4"). Anyways, this is what I have currently and my tank has been running about about 8 months now:
- 2 ocellaris Clowns
- royal gamma
- cleaner shrimp
- blood red shrimp
- various hermits/snails

Equipment running is:
- Algae turf scrubber (only running 2 weeks)
- carbon and gfo media
- reef octopus 150INT skimmer

This is what i'm planning on adding:
- 2 fighting conch
- 2 emerald crabs
- 3 pajama cardinal fish
- tiger shrimp and diamond watchman goby for the pairing
- eventually 1 mandarinfish :blob:(once pod population is up)

I wanted to stay away from large fish because I like the look of fish swimming in between rocks and the fish having tons of space, so tangs are out for me. Also would love a small "school" of fish which is what the cardinal fish were for but unsure if i'll get that from them. Should I add something for algae control?

Let me know what you think!!


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