jeudi 7 juin 2018

nutrient export method help ! advice/what works for you ?

so over the past 18 months my 30 gallon reef has pretty much filled out & im now upgrading to a 4 foot 110 gallon waterbox.

im currently using a diy algae scrubber which for the most part has done its job for me now im not looking to continue using the algae scrubber on my new system/extension lol .. basically the reason behind this is my scrubber had dramas where it was down 3 weeks and during this time it made me realise how much of a mistake i made by going that route due to all the free floating algae spores in the tank i literally had a massive problem in one week yep one week the tank was "covered" and in bad shape, now ive gotten things back on track but im anti-scrubber now and
im thinking of just going with a chaeto refugium or carbon dosing/nopox from day one i put a lot of time and effort into my reef and i want that to pay off but im always fighting algae in the display i cant say im not to blame i do like to feed my fish very well and i am overstocked so theres the problem right there which i understand, but i just feel with such a small volume of water its very much a balancing act at the moment and considering my scrubber died etc and there was no nutrient export method at all apart from water changes which werent keeping up my rock is now soaked in nitrate and phosphate .. so moving forward with the new system im obviously aware and not going to let the overstocking etc happen again i want to really kick this algaes ass obviously but im just looking for advice moving forward how would you guys go about nutrient export moving forward and trying to get everything back on track ?

would you guys recommend carbon dosing ? from day one ?
or a refugium from day one ? well leaning towards a algae reactor more tbh as it will open up sump room.

i figure once i have the larger volume of water and a algae reactor chugging along it should clear up pretty quickly alongside the usual pruning/maintenance and weekly water changes.
am i right in this thought process ? :freak:

will nutrient export not be such a pain in the butt once i have a larger system ?

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