mercredi 28 février 2018

New Inland Coral Saw + New Icecap Salinity Tester

Not so pulsing Xenia

Hey guys,

I bought some Pulsing Xenia at weekend and put it in my 42 gallon “reef” tank and it never actually even woke up and just stayed shrivelled up. I have bought many corals before but all have died except two, who are struggling but not dying. I had my SG at 1.025 and I moved it up to 1.026 to see if that helped but it didn’t, I’ve since mananged to pretty much kill the coral.. my fish are doing great and my ammonia and nitrite are 0. Here’s a photo of my more extensive testing I bought below: any ideas? Thank you.

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MP40 for trade/sale

I have an older MP40w that i am wanting to trade for a MP10. It is the older style with the white control. It works absolutely great. It hasn't been used in maybe 3 years, just sitting in storage. I would like to trade first and if no one wants to i will consider selling.

Rainy Wednesday

Good mawnin', TRT!

Coffee, scones, sweet or savory, nanners, andn oranges. Breakfast is ready!

Doug - What kind of microwave did you get? I had to buy a new one recently, and I took the advice of friends and got an inexpensive one at Wallyworld.

Perry - Have fun with Denise's grandsons. btw..I think microwaves server a good purpose in the kitchen - steaming, heating up, and mine gets used for rising bread dough.

See you later. Keep every sheriff easy move.

Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!

Mini aquascape empty jar bottle with betta will make you awe

This is my mini aquascape setup empty jar bottle with beautiful halfmoon nave blue betta

mardi 27 février 2018

Little anemones on my rock

Hey guys, just wondering if you have seen these before. They are about the size of my thumbnail and they glow green in blue light. Just wanting to make sure they are not a pest.

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neglected tank update- low ph -high calcium- high KH

something new every day

I finally broke down and a reef master test kit- thanks amazon :)

after the run around of changing things in the tank here are my new parameters

Salinity 1.28
PH: 7.6
Calcium 500+
KH - off the chart- based on the chart dkh is 14 making it 250.6 ppm
ammonia : 0
Nitrates finally down to 5ppm
phosphates 0.25ppm

I would like to be able to get some LPS
- some green stars, maybe some mushrooms and pulsing xenia
but obviously that PH has to go up

any suggestions on how to achieve this?

The tank is a 12gl nano that has been going trough major rehab
I will probably need to redo the lighting completely
the 3 chambers in the back have 1 cube of filter media - heater - pump

Here is a picture of the new look

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Help! Foggy water

Last night the water was crystal clear and I caught a small bristle worm and then today is was clear at least I thought it was and I went back up to turn the light from blue to white and the water is really foggy now and then a big bristle worm came out and I caught it. Do the bristle worms have anything to do with it?Attachment 172009Attachment 172009

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Tuesday wake up!!!

Good morning all!:wavey:

Coffee, orange juice and bacon and eggs today.

Well the raining has stopped for now but will pick up again later today and tomorrow.

Have a Great day.

What are these tubes on my live rock?

Hey guys, I just got rid of some aiptasia not too long ago from my tank but now I have this group of something else and I’m not too sure what they are. Here are a couple pictures, have you seen these before?

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lundi 26 février 2018

Selling 120 Setup and Livestock- Amelia Island, FL

Will part out after livestock sold

Mated Clowns Percula Male/Ocillaris Female
Flame Hawk
Lawnmower Benny
Large Candycane Colonies
Large Branching Hammers
Large Hammer non Branching
Florida Ricordia
Pink w Blue polyp Monte
Other Miss corals

2 AI Vega LED Lights
Tunze Osmolator
2-MP40 wQD
2 Part auto top off w pumps
Unopened Korallen Zucht 4 part
Skimmer - Octopus
Scicce Return Pump
2x2x4 120 Tank

Yellow watchman goby turned brown

I've had a bright yellow watchman goby for probably 5 months or so. It survived an itch outbreak that killed everything else in my tank and is very hardy. Sunday I moved my fish and liverock into a 75 gallon tank. Yesterday he started getting a little pale and today he's an ugly grayish brown color. Thoughts as to what brought this change on? Water specs are fine.

Please Help

This is long, apologies in advanced. We have a 265 gallon aquarium with sump, protein skimmer, wave makers, three 400 watt metal halide, sand bed and 280 lbs of love rock. It has been set up for 8 years. Had a mean powder brown kill almost everything before she finally died. Left with breeding pair of 20 year old cardinal fish, coral beauty 8 year old, and big pink spotted watchman goby. Began to restock tank, added, two kole tangs, five yellow tangs, breeding pair of ocellaris, purple tang powder brown tand, rose bta, green bta, fuzzy mushroom coral and green mushroom coral. Took water sample to lfs when we lost a kole tang, everything perfect but phosphates. Bought a ro/di filter, began making water, then all of a sudden the other kole, two yellows and purple died. Well the powder brown brought in oodinium. Pulled the rock, the only remaining fish, one ocellaris, one yellow, one sailfin, the stupid goby and one cardinal, they are in 55 gallon hospital take treated with copper doing well but the cardinal passed. Rock went in to water to rid phosphates, anemones and corals stayed in take. 100 gallon water change with to water, added two bags of dry sand, replaced rocks. Now my corals are doing great my anemones are about dead. Phosphates are gone, ph 8.4, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, salinity 1.024, nitrates 5 ppm too high but coming down. What can I do? Hermits coral banded shrimp and snails are fine.

Anyone Selling Corals?

This group doesn't look too active lately. Is anyone selling coral? I like SPS, but interested in anything really.

Pufferfish cleanup crew

Hi guys, so with a puffer only tank, how do you keep it clean? Obviously maintainance but any animals that can help? Thankyou

hiding my overflow

I would like my tank to look as natural as possible. Any ideas on how to hide my overflow> it's in the corner of my tank. 75 gal oceanic.
Any Ideas would be great.
Thanks in advance.

First saltwater tank, bta hiding

Hi guys, i hope u can read my poor English.
This is my first saltwater tank. Its a nano fluval edge.
2month since startup and the test is stable. Nitrate is the only thing that wont come under 10ppm.

Any how, in the tank i have 1 clown since week 1-2.
Then i added 1 peppermint ,
1 turbosnail
2dwarf hermits
Feeding 3days apart

I got a small rock with startpolyps

And now my red BTA that i got, and i know my tank is to small but my 200l trigon is on its way.

The problem.
First hour it was opened and bubbly on top of the rock then it whent down between 2rocks but it still opens upp and bubbly, mouth closed. Think i got it to eat a small amont of artemia yesterday.
I spreyed it on the tentakles and it did close up and a few min later it opened again. 3 day now and it is still under the rocks.

Should i be worried or just leave it be?

The clown has come down from time to time to say hi to the nem but there is no room for it.
Thx guys.
Trying to upload a pic so u can se IF its ok or not.

It's *onday *orning! Coffee Time

Good *orning Everyone!

The coffee is ready,

It was a long rainy night last night and Dixie always keeps me up when it rains and thunder and lighting. She panics and I wasn't expecting it to be bad so I didn't give her anything before bed.

Time for *e to get ready for work. Have a Great Day!

What’s he doing?

Any ideas what my mimic Valentini Filefish is doing? Thankyou!

dimanche 25 février 2018

NEW VID & GIVEAWAY: Tropic Eden Sand

Today we are taking a look at Tropic Eden Substrate that is available at Premium Aquatics. 3 winners will be drawn and will receive their choice of grain size Tropic Eden bag of sand.

Grain Sizes Available:
Aragasnow - 0.5mm:
Tonga Special Pink - 0.8mm:
Miniflakes - 2.0mm:
Mesoflakes - 2.7mm:
Reefflakes - 3.0mm:
Reefflakes Grand Select - 5.5mm:

Visit Premium Aquatics:

For a chance to win your choice of grain size Tropic Eden bag of sand:
1. Watch video and hit Thumbs up
2. Subscribe if you haven't already to our channel
3. Post a comment on our YouTube video page

My 57 rimless upgrade build

I’ll let the pictures tell the story

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120 Setup and Livestock

Will part out after livestock sold

Mated Clowns Percula Male/Ocillaris Female
Flame Hawk
Lawnmower Benny
Large Candycane Colonies
Large Branching Hammers
Large Hammer non Branching
Florida Ricordia
Pink w Blue polyp Monte
Other Miss corals

2 AI Vega LED Lights
Tunze Osmolator
2-MP40 wQD
2 Part auto top off w pumps
Unopened Korallen Zucht 4 part
Skimmer - Octopus
Scicce Return Pump
2x2x4 120 Tank

Do it yourself

Most of my system is made by me.
My sump is a 30 gallon aquarium with only two sections.
My lighting sys did not work so I replaced the ballasts and the relays connectors and about half the wiring.
My stand 2x4 frame sheeted with 1/16th plywood.
My skimmer is a hodgepodge of parts from yard sales and stuff I had.
Timers are mostly leftover holiday parts.
Pumps are from ebay.
Rocks came from my friends back yard while digging out his pool.
sand is from the beach. I got a container of miracle mud from a lfs doing closeout .
It has been a real challenge but I'm getting there.
I would love to hear about any of your DIY projects.
I'm always looking far a way to improve the life of my tank inhabitants.

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Sunday at your sevice

Good mawnin', TRT!

Yesterday sure was slow around here. I hope everyone is OK.

Coffee is ready, and coffee cake is on the table. Scrambled eggs with cheese and Texas toast. Mix fresh fruit cup to add to the offerings.

Off to church, and I'll check back to see if everyone is awake. Otherwise, I'll get out the TRT Children to bang on their pots and pans.

Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!

samedi 24 février 2018

90 Gallon Reef Build


I finally got around to purchasing the tank and stand today. I went with a 90 gallon reef ready tank and a metal stand. I plan to build a wood frame to slide around the stand and a canopy as well. The tank was special order so waiting to get it later next week.

I am still trying to decide what size sump I want and other equipment like skimmer and led lighting and so on. Any suggestions be great!

But first thing first after selecting the wall I wanted the tank to go on I had to move some light switches to another wall. Pictures attached. Just waiting for the spackle to dry sand it down and paint.

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Yep, as the name says, a reef in a jug. With the recent activity with a 'pico' thread, and the mention of the way cool 'Nano Jam' thread popping up, I decided to do something I've been wanting too....start my own pico system. This is coinciding with me teaching my son biology at the moment and we spend a lot of time on Hack's-Reef doing research. So figured this would be as good as it gets for an opportunity to start one. I'm going to take this project to the um'th degree in simplicity.....As 'self sustaining as I can figure out. I've seen pictures of 'reefs in jars' before, but have difficulty in digging up the hoping this will drag the folks out in the open that still have some on going, and will join in here. All are welcome to jump in and follow along, or even, preferably even give one a try so notes can be compared. I'm starting at 'simple' and adjusting my thinking a smidge either direction as the need arises.
In the abstract I'm looking to keep.....(" a 1-gallon'ish size container, yet to be narrowed down, with softies I've come to be familiar with from our existing 210 gallon 'softies' reef. Planning on using ambient sun light from our fish room only. Room heating. Aeration/circulation yet to be decided upon, as well as an open or sealed top. There will be no fish, as to make this as easy as possible, but haven't ruled out snails, or crabs/shrimp yet to introduce a nutrient source. Which I may do simply by the addition of 'dirty water' from our main tank.")
I'll add more shortly as I begin gathering 'stuff', and just wanted to let folks know about a new boat at the dock if'n any one was interested. This could be fun to be had here, so feel free to join in. All the best,

4 min questionnaire about aquarium maintenance

Good day,
We are a group of four MBA students working on an academic project to find a commercial solution to save time and effort for the maintenance of reef aquariums. Specifically, the measurement of aquarium water parameters.
To assist us, we would appreciate if you could take the time to answer the following 4-minute survey.
Thank you and best regards



Just to test for the first time


Saturday wakeup all day

Good mawnin', TRT!

Coffee is ready. Hot chocolate, too. Let's have buttermilk waffles to start our weekend of stuff. VT maple syrup/fruit to top off you waffles.

George - Chris's tat looks great!

Jeff - Bummer on the less than exciting estate sale. Very glad to hear that you didn't have more flooding to your house.

Doug - bummer on your tummy being out of sorts. Bleh.

Perry - Oh nooo on your Volvo getting an unplanned inside bath.

Off to yoga in a minute, then taking donating stuff for a big rummage sale benefitting various non-profits.

Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!

vendredi 23 février 2018

Discoloured fish

I’ve just come home from a 7 day holiday where I left a member of the family with portions of food I set out beforehand and he came up and fed them everyday. I even set up a camera and my fish seemed fine. I got home and it was around 12:40 am and obviously the tank lights were off. (40 mins past midnight not midday) I put my torch on to see if everything was alright (I.e the temperature, to see if the heaters had done their jobs) and I noticed a Baggai Cardinalfish (Who normally had three dark black stripes down him) who’s black stripes had turned white and was sort of resting on the floor upright. The other cardinal was acting similarly but had more black colour in his stripes. I then noticed my azure damsel’s Blue half was very light and sort of white too and he was coming out because of my torch. The fish then started to colour back to their normal selves a bit more and I have since decided to leave them alone but I was really worried that they were ill? Is this just something fish do at night? Go quite pale? As I say, when the light came they started to turn more colourful again. Ammonia:0 nitrite:0 SG:1.025 temp:25 degrees C

Thanks for the help.

Haggai Cardinalfish gone white

I’ve been on holiday and left my tank with two heaters (which kept the temperature to 25degrees) and feeding from one of my family. I have come home to my cardinal fish both on the bottom, moving and one being very white? He’s starting to get his black stripes back from white to slightly closer to black over the last ten minutes but still on the bottom moving wierdly? Ammonia: 0 nitrite:0 ??

Rookie reef tank

Hello everybody...i am new to reef tanks and well any tank really. I am currently cycling a 10gal reef tank with sand and rock. Rocking an aqueon quiet flow 20 that's good for up to 30 gal. 100w heater that sits at 77 degrees. The plan is to get a blue damselfish, clownfish and hermit crab. Most water parameters are where they need to be but salinity is currently at 1.019 and slowly dropping. I have ended up putting the hydrometer on the side of the tank to try and get a good reading as best I can since all the fancy stuff is too expensive for me right now. Lights are just cheap white led hood the tank came with. Not sure how long I should really wait before putting the fish into the tank. My local retailer has helped tremendously in the setup but I'm always interested in getting other opinions on what I should do.

fly home Friday

Good morning everyone.

At the airport headed home. Paula at the place I go to at Logan will open the gate in two minutes, then a salmon bagel and black coffee ordered without having to say anything.

Been doing this a while.

Lots of rain at home, but we are out of any type of flood zone.

Enjoy your Friday everyone! :beer:

Just set up first Pico tank (pics)

I have had my 40 gallon tank running well for quite awhile now, even managed to survive a move?, anyways I decided to start this 5 gallon Pico reef as a side project to test my skills a little bit. I used water from my established tank, live sand, and dry rock to get everything started. Only has been running for a day. As of right now I have an aqueon quietflow 10 led pro filter, cascade mini tank heater (preset at 77F), aquatop circulating pump which circulates 256 gal/hr which is a little high for my taste so I have it angled towards a rock, and solar flare led 115 for lighting. I was thinking about trying to do a 2.5 gallon sump but I’m not sure if it’s necessary for such a small tank. Any advice is greatly appreciated! Especially for stocking such as corals, I’m on the fence about putting a fish in such a small tank but if I did I was thinking either one purple firefish (which I can move to the 40 if I think he is to big, or a small goby shrimp pair. Thanks?

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jeudi 22 février 2018

Turbo snail help

Good afternoon everyone. I have a new tank set up. Dec 30, 2017. All parameters checked weekly. Once established I added 1 turbo snail and 2 blue legged crabs. All was good. Had abloom of an orangy/ brown algae. Vacuumed, 30%. Parameters still good. Added 1 more turbo snail 2 weeks ago. Everything still good. Added a banded goby 3 days ago. The snails are closed and wont open. Not sure if they are dead. Picked them up and smelled them . They are pretty smelly so I set up a separate tank for them and put them in it. Still no movement. Any suggestions? Thanks

Tank specs

55 gallon. Using live sand, 20 t pounds live rock, marineland c-160 canister with matrix biofiltration and matrix carbon. Also have a marineland bio wheel 200. Set up date Dec 30, 2017. One wave maker and one powerjet.

New marine tank

Good afternoon everyone. I’m new to the marine aquarium. Still looking where to post tank size, etc. I recently set up a 55 gallon salt water tank. I would like to enter all info beforeasking any questions. Thanks

The IceCap 1K Gyre Pump Is Here!

The IceCap 1K Gyre Pump Is Here!

Fully controllable linear flow for 20-50+ gallon aquariums

Thursday reporting for duty

Good mawnin', TRT!

Coffee is going. Scrambled eggs with cheese, whole wheat toast and assorted church-made preserves..(my favorite is peppered strawberry).

Off to Civitan, and we continuing our work for our upcoming pancake day. This one benefits the people who go to the local kidney dialysis locations in our county.

Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!

mercredi 21 février 2018

How many stages to cycling a tank

Ok so I’m cycling my first tank and have found some different information about cycling and how many stages there are. The majority of websites and blogs say 3 stages that we all know and “love” but then I was reading in TRT archives and came across a thread

Now that’s an interesting read...

is there actually 6 stages of the cycle process and if so should we wait until there all over before adding tank mates? Other then maybe a few clean up crew members after the algae starts.

I just ordered the first volume of the series The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium sounded like a nice read

What’s the first tank dwellers??

Ok so my new tank is leveling out finally and planing on retesting tomorrow and if there 0 I’ll do my first water change. Not bad about 4 weeks set up so far. I did purchase a live rock with coraline algae to seed the tank after about a week and it appears to of spread rather fast, not purple but kind of a brown color across all of the base rock and the purple of the live rock is hardly noticeable any longer and the same brown color was under the coraline algae So that got me thinking what should be my first tank mates? Clean up crew members or a fish? I’m not sure. I wouldn’t think I would have anything to clean up yet that’s for sure so thinking a fish makes better sense but thus why I’m here.

Hanna Makes Testing Fun, Fast, & Easy!

Hanna Makes Testing Fun, Fast, & Easy!

Tired of matching colors to a color chart?

Get an accurate digital reading with Hanna's water testing tools!

snails - DOA?

Hi! I'm a newbie so forgive the ignorant questions! I just introduced my first group of fish and critters (from LiveAquaria) to my reeef tank yesterday. They joined 9 hermit crabs that I caught locally on Sunday. I drip-acclimated everything and the water parameters are perfect. 3 snails have not moved since I placed them in the tank. Should I take them out and look for signs of life? Which would be - ??
Also have a feather duster that appeared DOA but is in the tank. (another thread)

Thanks for any advice!

update on abandoned 12gl nano

Hello all
its been a while
life is nuts
anyway updates on the tank. finally got nitrates to register something that wasn't flaming red. its hanging out in the 50s range lately
Weekly water changes still happening. PH is hanging around 7.8

Have 2 emerald green crabs now- of which 1 is pregnant. I have no illusion about any of the fry surviving.
They have done a great job on 2 rocks but refuse to get on the rock that "belongs" to the clown fish.

The clown has now been renamed Marvin after John Malkovich's character in RED. In the last 3 weeks- we assume its a she due to size- has become nuts.

Before she wasn't happy about my hands in the tank- now she straight up attacks us. She has drawn blood from my husband's hands twice. She has tried to jump out of the tank to bite us when we open the lid to do something.
Today I was wiping down the glass after a water change and she attacked the glass hard enough that it made a thunk noise.
soo.... no new fish for the tank.

As you can see in the picture we have now developed a lovely thick wall of waving green hair algae and theres some red slime algae crawling on the edges of the wall.

I am trying to get some replacement parts for the tank and trying to figure out lighting.

Been trying to improve the PH and Calcium levels so I can get some LPS
Id like to get some pulsing xenia and green stars.

Honestly I want to get some new LR and rescape everything in there- get rid of the plastic decoration.

OF course I have some questions so here they are.

1- should I remove this weird black tape covering the glass of the back chambers?

2- should i just go ahead and scrape all that green hair algae off the back wall?

3- im thinking of adding about 1" of pink fiji live sand. how much open sand should I leave while making my landscaping plans?

4- should I add a skimmer to the back?

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Wacky Wednesday

Morning everyone.

Record high of 70 in Boston yesterday, and headed towards snow tomorrow.

Joining a buddy's trivia team tonight.

Enjoy your Wednesday. Coffee is on.

mardi 20 février 2018

2018 INDMAS Frag Swap - March 17th - Danville, IN

Quick Shipping Update (+ $5 off your next order!)

Quick Shipping Update (+ $5 off your next order!)

Here's what happening this week @ MD :wavey:

Protein Skimmer

Hi all-
I recently purchased a bio cube protein skimmer for my bio cube 32 tank. It did not come with any directions and I'm a little lost in how to set it up. Can anyone give me some direction? Thank you! :o

spectrapure Ro/di

Hi everyone well in my quest to get my tank set up and going I had to cut cost here and there and one of those was a cheaper ro/di system. $65ish off amazon. Well I believe in testing everything so got a tds meter and believe it or not was getting 0 out of it for the first 150 gals of filtered water at that point it slowly started rising. Well luckily amazon has an awesome return policy so now I’m back on the hunt for an ro/di unit. I know I’m going to go with a spectrapure and I’ve been told the refurbished are as good as new. But I’ve been offered a older unit for $50 but it 60 gpd I would prefer 90 gpd. Now just looking at the pictures both membranes look the same so I was wondering if there interchangeable? Or do I need to call spectrapure. I’m also wondering if I spend $50 on the unit $40 on a new membrane and probably new di media if I’ll end up spending more then just buying new. I found the spectrapure 90 new on one site for $155 with free shipping might go that route. It’s pretty sad that buying a used unit and new filters cost this close to the same. Any suggestions

A spring like Tuesday

Top of the morning to all our TRT Friends swinging by today, and....HAPPY TUESDAY! WOW.....70's for a high today! Figures, all my boating is done. :doh: Got an early start today so I can get some new tires on my car on my way into work this morning. There's Cream of Wheat to go with our coffee this morning on the table. Family made it home safe from the airport early this morning, and I see there's gift bags from Squirt on the table. Eyes not open enough yet for that, will have to wait till I get back home. Hope all are safe and well,

lundi 19 février 2018

New to Salt Water

But have freshwater for 20+ years. This is a whole new world to me haha. I just started cycling a 45 gal DT with a 10 gal sump. Wish me luck!

Hydra HD vs Kessil a360we

Hello! I was thinking of upgrading to a larger red sea tank in the future. I have a standard 75g now, and my current light is a maxspect 15000k 180w. I want to get either Hydra HD or Kessil a360we to go alongside it if I upgrade. In your experience, which light do you prefer and why? Or should I get both? I've only seen the hydra HD 26 in person, and the colors of the corals look amazing. But I know that people really like Kessils too. I read mixed opinions on other forums. I have lps and soft corals, and a couple of bubble tip anemones. Ill probably keep only montiporas and birdsnest in terms of sps. I also might get a squamosa clam. Thanks! [IMG class=inlineimg][/IMG]

NEW VID & GIVEAWAY: Dipping Corals with ME Coral Wash Off

We are taking a look at the ME Coral dip named Wash Off. Sharing a method of dipping corals and talk about why it's important to dip corals.

ME Coral Wash Off Coral Dip 4X 2 oz:
ME Coral Wash Off Dip 2X 8 oz:
ME Coral Wash Off Single Shot Dip makes 1 gal:
ME Coral Coral Gel 20 g Tube:

Visit Premium Aquatics:

For a chance to win Dipping Corals with ME Coral Wash Off:
1. Watch video and hit Thumbs up
2. Subscribe if you haven't already to our channel
3. Post a comment on our YouTube video page

Choose Any Item: 15% OFF

Choose Any Item: 15% OFF

ENDS @ MIDNIGHT: 15% off the most expensive item in your order!

PLUS: We are giving away 20 digital copies of Justice League!

How much sand? Home Depot sand ok

How much sand do I need for a 75 gallon tank? And can it be Home Depot sand Or dose it need to be pet store sand? I'm going to have a convict goby, I have a prawn goby and I have a sand sifting starfish.

Hitting it early Monday

Good *orning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY *ONDAY! Got to hit the creek early for a few days to ride the tide. Got Tho*as's English *uffins and an assort*ent of jellies to go with our coffee. Hope all are safe and sound,

dimanche 18 février 2018

What are devils hands corals supposed to look like when they have their polyps out?

I have been wondering this for some time and was wondering if this was as far get out? This is the furthest they have ever come out. Is it just as far as they get or are they supposed to stick out further?

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Presidents Day Sale - 10% OFF Storewide

10% OFF Storewide on all non-map priced items, over 2000 items on sale.
MAP Sale Below on Waterbox & Aquaforest
Ends Midnight at 2-19-18

10% OFF
ALL Waterbox Tanks & Stands
Sale Begins 12am Feb 18th and Ends Midnight Feb 19th EST.
NOTE: We stock all black models in house, white models dropship from factory

10% OFF
ALL Aquaforest Additives & Salt
Sale Begins 12am Feb 18th and Ends Midnight Feb 19th EST.

20% OFF
RedSea Additives & Test Kits
Stock up on your favorite RedSea additives and test kits.
Ends Midnight Feb 19th EST.

NEW Icecap Gyre 1K Flow Pump
The new 1K GYRE is here. Perfect little nano 20-50 gallon tank pump. Max flow rate up to 1000gph. Includes pump and controller for only $129.99.

NEW IceCap K1 Protein Skimmers
Compact & Built to Last Master crafted from robust PVC and high quality acrylic, all components are marine safe and refined in every aspect to provide the latest enhancements in foam fractionation and function.

New marine tank

Hi all im chloe i have a 54lt fluval Evo marine tank and have live rock one of the rocks seems to be growing green and yellow all over it any help on what that can be, iv had the tank set up for about a month now,

Green star polyp won’t open with new tankmates

For weeks i’ve Been getting my old, neglected 37g column tank back up to speed. Used to have a FOWLER, but now venturing into easy corals too. My first addition, once parameters checked out, was a GSP. It’s been doing great for two weeks. But yesterday, I added my fish: two clowns, a bi-color Blenny and an Anthias. Now the polyp won’t open. Is one of these tankmates a threat, or it it just getting used to the traffic?

Wake up Sunday?

Good morning everyone, and welcome to SUNDAY! Dunkin Donuts and coffee are on the counter when anyone decides to roll out of the rack. All the best, because I JUST KNOW SOMEONE IS GOING TO DOUBLE POST ME.

Vaction , help!

Ok, so my tank has been occupied since Dec. 24, everything is going well but i am concerned. I will be going a way for Friday night coming back Sunday night.
Now I know my fresh water I can add in the vacation feeders and all will be good when I get back. What do you do for a saltwater tank with fish and corals?? I am worried please help?

samedi 17 février 2018

Rustoleum Leakseal Safe?

So I am setting up a new tank and found that one of my 30 gallon Rubbermaid trash cans I plan on using to make my water leaked. I was curious so I sealed it with rustoleum leakseal. It’s like that flex seal stuff you see on infomercials. Well, now it’s dried and the can doesn’t leak and the VOC smell from the leakseal is gone but I’m still nervous about mixing water in it. Has anybody had any experiences using this stuff?

Yellow Tang Rescue

Greeting all,

I got this yellow tang lately from someone who is taking down his tank. It was beaten up in the previous tank by some big clown fish. Now, it has been in my 60g for a week without any bully. I can see the color turn more yellow from pale. It has been swimming around normally and eats fakes, sea weed & frozen shrimp just like its tank mate. Do you think the fin will grew back? How long do you think it will take?

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The 65g progress over the last 7 months

It seems like its taking forever but its really not to bad I guess...

I got this tank wet 7 months ago and its coming together finally :banana:

July 17'

Feb 18'

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What ATO do you use?

Hi all, looking into an auto top off. I know Tunze makes a great one for large tanks, but for $200, trying to find something a little more budget friendly if possible. What do other people use? Its going to fill my 50 gallon sump, Idk what size my resiervoir will be, maybe 20gallon, we'll see what fits. Can I use a nano ATO or no?

Happy Saturday

Morning everyone and Happy Saturday!

Got some sort of noisy backflow preventer or check valve in our primary sump pump that goes boom.

Also, changing the fuel pressure regulator in the Volvo. Using my Harbor Freight 20% off coupon for a new propane heater top.

Got six hours of expenses to do as well. I love hitting the road again hard, but taking a photo of each receipt, uploading it then entering the data takes a while.

Off to buy other food to add to Jack's Pro Plan Sensitive System he has been on his whole life. Surprised it is only two star. Hack, I didn't look up Old Roy but imagine it struggled to get one star.

If it makes anyone feel better, our bird feeders have either thistle or a mix of cracked corn and black oil sunflower seeds to doctor up the cheap bird food.

Better get to stepping.

vendredi 16 février 2018

DIY Refugium for 10gal Nano

So I’m currently cycling my first 10 gal nano reef tank and have been doing research on a bunch of things and ran across refugiums. I decided to give it a shot and make my own refugium and wanted to know what you all think, if there is anything I am missing/if it will even work, and maybe help out anyone in a similar boat that wants to save money and make one themselves.

Here is my materials list:
1 utopia 92gph hob filter
1 slimline 1.25 gallon water container
Some vinyl air hose (5/16” and 1/2”)
1” caribsea hawaiian black sand (I would have added a little more if I had any left)
1-2 lbs of dry rock rubble (bulk reef supply)
1 8” submersible led light (on order)
Some chaeto (getting after cycle completes)
Stiff plastic mesh to hold the chaeto (michaels)
GE silicone 1

I originally bought the utopia filter before I knew it was unnecessary (bc of live rock, sand, etc), however, the way the filter is made makes it very useful as a pump bc the motor is actually at the mouth of the intake pipe and not in the middle of the container like most hob filters. So I essentially made a larger hob filter using this hob motor and housing. I drilled a couple holes into the hob container and cut a slit out of the top of the slimline container to fit the hob container. I placed the hob container inside the slimline and caulked the seams. Then I caulked the 5/16” hose into the mouth of the water spout and on the other end I caulked the 5/16” hose into a piece of the 1/2” vinyl hose. Once it dried I then caulked the 1/2” hose into the original intake pipe from the hob. Once everything cured, I added the 1” layer of sand and the 1-2lbs of rubble on top of that. I made sure to add rubble in front of the water spout intake so the sand didn’t disrupt the flow. So basically the refugium draws the water in thru the slimline water spout at the bottom and overflows back out into the tank on the other end where the hob container sits.

My questions are:

-Is a 1.25 gallon refugium big enough for a 10 gal tank to even work?
-Will copapods be able to live in this setup if I decide to get hem later on?
-Should I add snails or other inverts to the refugium?
-Am I missing anything else?

I’ll post a couple picture of my diy rig too!

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Coral store that I knew nothing about....

So was googling around the inter web dreaming of the day my tank is ready to add something other then my poor shrimp or what’s left of him, my kids made up a game of “hide and seek” with the shrimp parts that’s been wondering around the tank, and came across a store less then 5 miles away from me that sells mainly coral... now that was all news to me as no one as said a word about them nor have I ever even heard of the place. They have a Facebook page but last post was August of last year so I’m hopeful there still in business. I’m gonna give them a call tomorrow and if I have time run by there.

The name of the place is epic aquaria
Found this little article also

Cycling help

Hey guys new to the hobby and need some direction. I know there are like 10,000 posts on cycling but I need some input. So i started a 15 gallon column tank used a full bag of Caribsea live sand and like 6 pieces of decent sized live rock ( don't know the lbs) set everything and waited 2 weeks testing everyday and saw no sign of ammonia whatsoever. Read on here that sometimes there might not be enough die off on the live rock sometimes to get any ammonia and figured this was the case as I live less than 10 minutes from my LFS. So I put a chunk of raw shrimp in and 2 days later saw a ammonia spike of 2.0 using API test. Next morning started to see diatoms forming on sand. That was 3 days ago. Now my ammonia is down to almost nothing, nitrite is at .5 and nitrite is at 20. And have a super thick layer of diatoms on almost everything except glass and can see little bubbles on the diatoms. Should I remove the shrimp, leave it, start phantom feeding until everything drops? Just wondering what the next action you would take. Also have not done any water changes and used ro/di water at the get go. Will post a pic of what the tank looks like. Thanks in advance guys, this site is amazing.

Need help connecting 75 gallon Aqueon Meagflow to Megaflow Model 3 sump

I could use some help please. My husband is attempting to connect my new Aqueon 75 gallon megaflow to model 3 Megaflow. I need some detailed instructions preferably with pictures. Thanks Kelly

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Presidents Day Sale: 15% off the item of your choice!

Presidents Day Sale: 15% off the item of your choice!

TODAY: Save 15% on the most expensive item in your order!

First water change

Can’t seem to find a definite answer to this question. Is it after the water parameters level out? My ammonia levels spiked a couple days ago, I haven’t had a chance to retest since so not sure what it is now

Vase aquarium

I am thinking about making a vase aquarium and was wondering how to do that. What do you need? And are they easy to keep? All information helps. I was thinking of making it with a stand/sump kind of like the picture. What is the best way to do this. I don't want it to be just glass, probably be encased with wood, but I would need a way to access it in case I need to do matinence any suggestions?

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